stretches out───v.伸出;伸直四肢
stretched out───v.伸出;伸直四肢
sketches in───约略地补充
switches on───接通,开启
catches on───理解,明白;变得流行
latches on───占有;抓住;理解
pitches on───选中;决定
settles on───选定;授与;停在
You can do boat stretches on land and on water.───您可以在土地和水的小船延伸。
It 3 stretches on forever like an ocean of time.───那一瞬间绵延无限,象是时间的海洋。
Anyway, this residence stretches on an area of 1880 square meters which is terrifyingly huge.───无论如何,它的建筑,横跨1880年这是一个可怕的巨大平方米。
First of all , that one second isn't a second at all . It stretches on forever like an ocean of time.───首先那一瞬间根本就不是一秒一刻。那一瞬间绵延无限,象是时间的海洋。
The list of once-vaunted brand names that have had to recall or fix faulty products stretches on.───越来越多名噪一时的品牌加入到召回或修理缺陷产品的队伍中来。
In football, the team that holds the ball for long stretches on offense invariablywins the game. In dating, forget football Sunday.───在足球中,持球防守最久的那一方总是会赢,但在约会中,请忘记足球。
In football, the team that holds the ball for long stretches on offense invariably wins the game.───在足球中,为了很长一段时间的进攻,球队控球,总会赢得这个比赛。
They performed a variety of traditional stretches on a raised mat table with the assistance of an instructor.───他们在指导员的帮助下在软垫上接受传统的伸展练习。
Why has nothing worked to alleviate the standoff, which stretches on hour after hour?───僵持局面持续了一个小时又一个小时,为什么就没有行之有效的缓和措施呢?
The afternoon stretches on and on, defying the logic of watch time.
- stretches for
- stretches of
- stretches on