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词汇 worker
释义 workerUK:*/ˈwɜːrkər/US:/ˈwɝkɚ/ ,(wûr′kər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 worker n (employee)雇员;员工The company values its workers.这公司很看重雇员。 其他翻译 worker n (labourer)工人;劳动者;劳工The workers went on strike for more money. worker n (bee)工蜂In a beehive it is the workers that collect nectar. worker n (ant)工蚁Workers collect food for the ant colony. 复合形式: aid worker n (person who works for charity)援助人员Their government sends a lot of aid workers to foreign countries following natural disasters. blue-collar worker n (manual laborer)体力劳动者;蓝领工人Western Pennsylvania has many blue-collar workers such as steel workers and coal miners. care worker n ([sb] employed in social services)社会福利工作者A care worker visits Rita's home every morning to help her get washed and dressed. case worker n (arranger of social services) (不一定需要相关学位或执照,但也没有治疗权)无治疗权的社工The case worker interviewed the family to see what help they needed. casual worker n (temporary worker)临时工;散工 clerical worker n (administrative assistant, clerk)行政人员,职员 co-worker, coworker n (colleague)同事Sally and a co-worker were discussing a problem at the office water cooler. construction worker n (builder)建筑工人The construction workers on this site all wear hard hats for protection. contract worker n (non-regular employee)合同工 contract worker n ([sb] working for a third party)第三方雇佣人员 coworker, co-worker n (colleague)同事;同僚;共事者Karen and Betsy are not only coworkers, but also friends. dockworker, dock worker n (stevedore, shipping worker)码头工人Reginald wanted a better future than being a dockworker in the small coastal town. factory worker n (manufacturing labourer)工厂工人The factory workers at the plant went on strike for better wages. fast worker n ([sb] shrewd)聪明的人;学东西很快的人 fast worker n ([sb] who charms opposite sex)能快速与异性交往的人 fellow worker n ([sb] in same industry or company)同事 foreign worker n ([sb] employed abroad)出境务工人员;境外工作人员 full-time worker n ([sb] employed on a full-time basis)全职工作者;全日制工作者 guest worker n (person working in foreign country)外籍工人Mika went to Australia for three months as a guest worker. hard worker n ([sb] who works diligently)辛勤工作的人Julie is a hard worker who does everything that's asked of her.朱莉工作很努力,让她做什么她就做什么。 key worker, keyworker, essential worker n ([sb] providing vital goods or services)关键工作人员, 重要工作人员 laundry worker n ([sb] who washes clothes for a living)洗衣工The laundry workers have ruined all my best bed linen. leather worker n (tanner: [sb] who tans animal skins)皮革工;皮革处理工 metal worker, metalworker n ([sb] who forges or shapes metal)锻造金属的工人I hired a metalworker to restore the antique iron trellis in my garden. metalworker, metal worker n ([sb] who forges or shapes metal)金属品加工工人I hired a metalworker to restore the antique iron trellis in my garden. migrant worker n ([sb] who finds work in a foreign country)外籍务工人员Unscrupulous employers sometimes take advantage of migrant workers. migrant worker n US ([sb] who moves frequently to do seasonal work)外来务工人员Every summer thousands of migrant workers go north to find work harvesting crops. office worker n (employee in an office)办公室职员;公司员工;上班族Office workers in the city were particularly affected by the power cuts. outreach worker n (worker who serves community) (为社区服务)外展工作者 part-time worker n (employee: not full time)兼职员工Many mothers are part-time workers: they can't work full-time because of their children. railway worker n UK (railroad employee)铁路工人;铁路职工 rescue worker n ([sb] helping victims of a disaster, etc.)救援人员;营救人员 research worker n (investigative scientist)研究人员 road worker n (person employed to do roadworks)道路工人;修路工 sanitation worker n (person that disposes of garbage)环卫工人;清洁工 shift worker n (atypical work schedule)轮班工作者,倒班工作者 social worker n ([sb] who assists local community)社会工作者;社工Social workers visit families if there are suspicions that the children are at risk.如果有人怀疑这家人的孩子有危险,那么社工就会登门拜访。 voluntary worker n (unpaid employee)志愿工作者,义工 welfare worker n ([sb] who does social or community work)从事福利事业的工作者;福利工作者Some welfare workers visit elderly people who live by themselves. white-collar worker n (office employee, clerical worker)白领工人The Labor Party seeks to represent both white-collar and blue-collar workers. worker-owned, worker owned adj (business: owned by employees)雇员所有的备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.




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