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词汇 work
释义 workUK:*/ˈwɜːrk/US:/wɝk/ ,(wûrk)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 work vi (be employed)受雇于He works at the bank.他在银行工作。usage: used as a verbPeople who work have a job which they are paid to do. You need to save money for when you stop working.I work in a hotel.You can use as with work to say what a person's job is.Maria works as a nurse.Be carefulYou use the progressive -ing form of work to talk about a temporary job, but simple forms to talk about a permanent job. For example, if you say ‘I’m working in London', this suggests that the situation is temporary and you may soon move. If you say ‘I work in London’, this suggests that London is your permanent place of work.He was working as a truck driver because his business venture had failed. work vi (toil)劳作;工作;干活He worked into the night.他工作到晚上。
 work vi (function)运转;运行;开动起来Does the car work?这车能开动起来吗?
 work vi (be useful, effectual)有用;有效;奏效Did the medicine work?这药有效吗?
 work [sth] vtr (machine: operate) (机器等)操作, 开动, 使运作Do you know how to work this machine?您知道怎样操作这台机器吗? work n uncountable (occupation)职业;工作What is your work? I'm a dentist.你从事什么工作?我是一名牙医。 work n uncountable (employment)工作;差事;岗位The bank provides work for many people.银行为许多人提供了就业岗位。 work n uncountable (effort)努力;工夫His work on the car was worth the result.结果证明他在这辆车上花的工夫是值得的。 work n uncountable (toil)劳作;差事;活计An apple picker does exhausting work, from sunrise until dusk.摘苹果是件辛苦活,要从日出干到黄昏。 其他翻译 work [sth] vtr (knead, massage)揉vtr;按The baker gently works the dough until it forms crumbs.面点师揉捏面团,直到材料散成渣。 work [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (knead, massage [sth] into [sth])把…揉成…,把…按成…vtrWork the lard into the flour with a fork.用叉子将猪油拌进面粉中。 works npl (art, literature, music: achievements)作品;著述;著作The author's poems are his most overlooked works.这个作者的诗歌作品总是被大众所忽视。 works npl (factory)工厂Most of the menfolk were employed at the town's works.许多男人都在镇上工厂工作。usage: ‘works’A place where things are made or where an industrial process takes place can also be called a works. A works can consist of several buildings and may include outdoor equipment and machinery.There used to be an iron works here.After works you can use either a singular or plural form of a verb.The sewage works was closed down.Engineering works are planned for this district. the works expr informal (everything)全套配置;全套设备He dreamed of buying a shiny new car with the works.他梦想买一辆崭新的带全套设备的车。 the works expr informal (unpleasant treatment)折磨;苦头She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works.她忘记了他的生日,所以他让她尝尽了苦头。 work n uncountable (type of task)任务;活计;工作I don't like this work. Can I do something different?我不喜欢这个任务。可以让我干点别的吗? work n (office, place of work)办公室;上班的地方;工作地点This is his work. Yes, that building.这就是他上班的地方。是的,就是那栋楼。 work n (activity)(具体的)工作;活计He is doing some work or other in the shop.他正在店里工作。 work n (objects on which work is done)(艺术)作品;工作成果The art students took their work to the benches.艺术生将作品拿到长凳上。 work n (product of labor)工作成果,工作结晶,产品;作品,著作The work was obviously well done.这产品显然是用心做好的。
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 昨天我买了一套鲁迅全集。 work n (building)工程The tunnel is an impressive work of engineering.这个隧道是一件惊人的工程。 work n (physics: force times distance) (物理学中力对距离的累积)机械功,功In physics, work deals with transference of energy.物理学中,功与能量的转移有关系。 work n (product of artist) (艺术家的)作品Many think Beethoven's Ninth is his greatest work. I have the complete works of Dickens in my library.许多人认为贝多芬的《第九交响曲》是他最伟大的作品。我的藏书室里有狄更斯的作品全集。 work n as adj (of, concerning work)工作的;与工作有关的He got a work permit in July.他七月份获得了工作许可。 works npl (construction)工程;工事 work vi (with adverb or noun phrase)工作We'll have to work late to finish this project. Sheila's been working extra hours to pay off her debts.我们必须工作到很晚才能完成这个项目。为了还债,希拉一直在加班加点地工作。 work as [sth] vi + prep (make a living as)任…职;做…的工作Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress.眼下,我在一家鸡尾酒吧做服务员的工作,不过,我的梦想是成为一名演员。 work for [sb] vi + prep informal (be OK with [sb])…对某人来说可以,…对某人而言可行I could meet you at 2 pm on Wednesday; does that work for you?我能够在周三下午2点见你,这个时间对你来说可行吗? work [sth], work [sth] into [sth] vtr (contort)扭曲;把…成形She worked the wire into a loop. work [sth] vtr (accomplish)使…逐步变成; (某种变化)实现She worked a change in the texture of the dough. work [sth] vtr (fashion by work)制作;手工制作The carpenter works the pieces into a table. work [sb] vtr (keep at work)使…工作;使…干活;让…加班The boss worked them until late into the night. work [sth] vtr (land, be a farmer)在…耕种;在…耕作The farmer worked the land. work [sb] vtr (persuade)说服;劝服The minister worked the congregation into an exultant state. 动词短语 work around [sth], also UK: work round [sth] vtr phrasal insep (avoid, bypass)避免;避开;绕过They worked around the software bug by eliminating some features. work [sth] down, work down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (negotiate lower price)议…的价;对...讨论降价After negotiating for fifteen minutes, Sam worked the price down to $200. work [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (insert)把…穿插进去;掺入;加入I like the report, but could you somehow work in a mention of John's contribution?报告写得不错,但是你能多少把约翰的贡献也穿插进去提及一下么?work [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (insert with difficulty)把…穿插进去;插入,掺入Drill a hole in the base and then gradually work the rod in the hole.在底座上钻一个洞,然后逐渐将长杆插入洞中。work [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (find time)安排时间;腾出时间I'm pretty busy, but I think I can work in a movie tonight. I hope the doctor's office can work me in today.我希望今天那个医生能为我腾出时间。work [sth] off, work off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (get rid of by physical effort) (通过体力消耗)摆脱;除掉;处理掉Walking around the neighborhood should work off some of that meal.在街区附近走走,应该多少能消耗掉刚刚那顿饭摄入的热量。work [sth] off, work off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pay back through work) (通过工作)除去;消除work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (put effort into)致力于You really need to work on controlling your temper.I really need to work on my patience.你真的需要控制你的脾气。//我真的需要锻炼一下我的耐心。work on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (try to persuade)努力说服Mike doesn't want to come with us, but I'm working on him.My husband won't let my daughter use nail polish, but I'm working on him.迈克不想和我们一起去,但我在劝说他。//我丈夫不让我女儿用指甲油,我正在努力说服他。work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (car, appliance, etc.: fix) (车,器械等)修理Lucas spent the whole weekend working on his car, but the engine is still making a strange noise.卢卡斯整个周末都在修理他的汽车,但现在发动机仍会发出奇怪的声音。work on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (puzzle: try to solve) (难题)设法解决Alan Turing worked on the Enigma Code during the Second World War.在第二次世界大战期间,艾伦·图灵研究过恩尼格玛密码。work out vi phrasal (exercise)锻炼We're going to the gym to work out this afternoon.今天下午我们要去健身房锻炼。work [sth] out, work out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (solve)解答;解决I'm still trying to work out this last crossword clue.我还在努力找出最后一组填字游戏的线索。work [sth] out, work out [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (calculate)算出;计算出I finally worked out my income taxes, and now I have to send the government a check.我终于计算出了我的所得税,现在我需要给政府寄一张支票。work [sth] out, work out [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (resolve)解决They have a lot of problems to work out with their marriage.Things are very hostile between management and the union; it isn't clear how they will work out this dispute.他们有很多婚姻问题要解决。/ /管理层和工会间非常敌对,不清楚他们会如何解决这一争端。work [sb] out vtr phrasal sep informal (understand [sb])了解某人Marc is a moody character; I can't work him out.马克是一个喜怒无常的角色,我琢磨不透他。work out vi phrasal (go well)进展顺利;一切顺利work [sb] over vtr phrasal sep slang (beat up, assault)攻击, 殴打The thugs really worked him through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (manage, deal with)完成;处理;解决I worked through my budget, and decided to spend less. Just work through the first part of the problem for now.我完成了预算,决定减少开支。目前,才刚解决了问题的第一部分。work through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (resolve)解决好He spent years working through the death of his parents in an accident.他花了好几年才解决好父母在一场事故中身亡的事情。work [sb] up, work up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (annoy or excite)激起;激发The politician's speech worked the crowd up.The boss was worked up because I was five minutes late.那位政客的演说激起了群众的热情。//老板因为我迟到了五分钟而发怒。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (produce, generate)引起;产生I'm so unfit that I work up a sweat just walking down to the corner.我仅仅走到街角的时候就出汗了,这样很不健康。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (prepare)精心制作;详细制定Susan will try to work up a sketch by Friday.苏珊将在周五前制作一份草案。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (develop [sth])发展The artist worked up his drawing by adding greater [sb] up, work up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (medicine: do diagnostic procedures) (医学)诊断The doctor worked the patient up thoroughly in her attempts to find the source of the problem.医生对病人进行了全面彻底的诊断,力图找到问题的源头。work up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (gather courage)鼓起勇气I'm still working up to asking her out on a date. 复合形式: a piece of work, a real piece of work n US, figurative, informal (unusual character, individual)与众不同的人 a piece of work, a real piece of work n US, figurative, informal (unpleasant, difficult person)难搞定的人;难相处的人Tommy's a real piece of work; I heard he blamed his mistake on the boss. all in a day's work expr informal, figurative (routine activity)日常工作;分内之事There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me. all work n (working all the time, overwork)只工作不干别的;只工作(不休息) at work adv (at your workplace)在上班地点Bob never checks his personal email at work.鲍勃从不在上班地点检查自己的私人邮箱。 at work adj (in action)在起作用的;行动中的 at work on [sth] adj (working on)正在处理;正在从事The show is a great success, and its writers are already at work on the second season.这部剧大获成功,编剧已经开始着手准备第二季。 black work n (work paid in cash, not recorded)黑工 black work n (embroidery)白底黑线刺绣 blood work n (blood test)血液化验;验血A yearly physical examination typically includes blood work. body of work n (all of [sb]'s creations)全部作品The author's body of work spanned six decades. charity work n (work done for charitable cause)慈善工作She does charity work, mostly for the orphans' home. collected works npl (anthology)文集;文选 collected works npl (everything by an author) (某位作者的)全集This volume contains the entire collected works of Coleridge. construction work n (building)建筑工程The street will be blocked off for two months because of the construction work. custom work n ([sth] tailor-made, made to order)定做的活儿;定做的东西The motorcyclists admired all the custom work on the bikes parked outside the bar. custom work n (bespoke, personalized service)个性化的服务;定制的服务 have your work cut out for you v expr informal, figurative (have a hard task ahead)面临挑战,面对困难;面临艰巨的任务The house Joe and Maggie have bought needs a lot of renovation; they certainly have their work cut out for them. day's work n (work done in one day)一天完成的工作It will take one more day's work to finish the job. deskwork, desk work n (work done at a desk)案头工作;文书工作Tony doesn't like working in an office because there's too much deskwork. detective work n (police investigation) (警方的)侦查工作, 调查工作All their detective work finally paid off when the murderer was arrested.他们的侦查工作终于见了成效,捉住了杀人犯。 detective work n figurative (research) (比喻)调查研究I did a little detective work to find out why my mail hadn't been delivered in three days. dirty work n figurative (unpleasant tasks) (比喻)苦活儿,累活儿。He was sick and tired of doing all her dirty work for her. dirty work n figurative (immoral or illegal action) (比喻)不法行为,不道德的行为The mob boss hired goons to handle his dirty work. do the dirty work v expr figurative, slang (perform a disagreeable task) (口语)做苦活,做苦工She no longer had servants to do the dirty work for her. do work for charity v expr (volunteer)为慈善事业服务 donkey work informal, figurative (tedious work) (非正式用语)无聊的工作;苦力活;乏味的工作 field work n (research carried out on site)现场考察;实地勘察工作Smithers is in the Amazon doing field work on endangered species.Her fieldwork confirmed her academic theory about economic development. get down to business, get down to work v expr (start now)进入正题;言归正传We need to get down to business if we hope to finish this today. go to work v expr (travel to workplace) (本义)去工作场所,去上班I prefer to go to work early before the traffic gets heavy. go to work on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (do [sth] thoroughly)全心投入地做,非常细致地做The artist has really gone to work on this mural; it's huge and very detailed. graduate work n (employment for [sb] with a degree)毕业生工作 graduate work n US (graduate school studies)研究生项目;研究生课题 great work n (job: done well) (文学)巨著; (艺术)杰作,大手笔Her boss congratulated Chloe on her great work. great work n (art: masterpiece)杰作, 名著The Great Gatsby is one of the great works of American literature. group work (sociology) (社会学)小组活动,分组活动 hard at work adj (working hard)努力工作;勤奋用功Miguel was hard at work doing his history project. hard work n (great effort)辛勤工作We would like to commend you on your hard work for the company over the years.我们要赞扬你多年以来为公司辛勤工作。 hard work n informal ([sth]: requires effort) (非正式用语)繁重的工作,累人的工作Riding a bike uphill is hard work.骑自行车上山是件累人的工作。 in-work adj (occurring while [sb] is employed)在职的,在岗的 keep up the good work v expr (expressing approval)继续好好干My teacher told me to keep up the good work after I scored 100% in the exam. lab work n abbr (research done in a laboratory)化验 laboratory work n (scientific research done in a laboratory)实验室研究工作I'd like to find some laboratory work during the summer holidays. latticework, trelliswork n ([sth] with a crisscross design)栅格结构;网格;格子 lifework, life's work, life-work n (one's main endeavour)一生从事的工作;毕生的事业;毕生的心血 line of work n (profession, trade: field)职业;行业Police officers regularly have to deal with danger in their line of work. literary work n (high-quality fiction or poetry)文学作品 make short work of [sth] expr (do [sth] quickly)迅速完成,迅速做The project entailed a huge amount of translation, but Audrey made short work of it. make short work of [sth/sb] expr (deal with summarily)立即处理,立刻处理The professor made short work of her student's rather poor arguments. make-work n uncountable (task to keep [sb] from being idle)为闲散人员特意安排的低价值工作 Men at work n written (roadworks sign) (道路施工标志)前方施工 mosaic work n uncountable (creating art with small pieces)马赛克作品 mosaic work n countable (artwork made of small pieces)马赛克式艺术作品 nasty piece of work n UK, informal, figurative (malicious person)令人讨厌的人;令人厌恶的人That woman is a nasty piece of work. nice work interj informal (used to praise [sth] made or done)干得好Nice work! You did a better job than I would have and faster as well. nice work n informal, figurative ([sth] easy and lucrative) (口语)好差事She can study while she works at the box office and she gets into shows free -- nice work! off work adv (not at work) (因生病等)没有上班 out of work, out-of-work adj (jobless, unemployed)失业的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe closing of the tin mines left many men out of work.I've been out of work for four months now; hopefully I'll find a new job soon.锡矿的关闭令许多人失去了工作。//现在我已经失业四个月了,我希望能尽快找到一份新工作。 outstanding work n (task or job still to be done)未完成的工作I can't play golf on Friday; I still have a lot of outstanding work to do. part work, partwork n (magazine series)分期杂志;分辑丛刊The novel was originally published as a part work. piece of work n ([sth] made or done)一件作品The novel is a magnificent piece of work which is beautifully written. piecework, piece work, piece-work n (work paid by the unit)按件数付费的工作n;计件工 place of work n (workplace)工作地点,工作场所,工作单位 project work n (done for a specific task)专题作业,课题研究The students will be doing project work in their class this afternoon. put [sb] to work v expr (give a job, task to) (工作、任务)把…交给某人 put [sth] to work v expr (use)让…发挥作用,让…投入工作Good investors say you should put your money to work if you want to make even more money. reference work n (book consulted for information)参考书The Encyclopædia Britannica is a serious reference work.大英百科全书是一本很严肃认真的参考书。 return to work v expr (go back to one's job after a holiday)复工 return to work v expr (go back into employment)重返工作岗位My sister retired three years ago, but she has returned to work. rough work n (preliminary draft)粗略工作 rough work n (physical work)粗工;粗活 safe place to work n (not dangerous)安全工作环境 school work, schoolwork n (studies done at or for school)学校作业;家庭作业 scope of work n (nature and extent of a job or task)工作内容;工作范围The scope of work for a project should specify precisely what work will be done. set to work v expr (start doing [sth])着手工作He set to work as soon as he was given the new task. set [sb] to work v expr (cause to start doing [sth])让(某人)着手工作The manager set the new employee to work filing invoices. shiftwork, shift work n (work done in rotating periods)轮班工作 social work n (assistance to local community)社会工作;社会服务 statement of work n (document stating scope of a job or task)工作说明书 stroke of work n (bit of work)一点工作;一点儿活 tedious work n (laborious task)苦力活;体力工作 temporary work n (employment on short-term contract)临时雇佣Temporary work is particularly common amongst young people. timber work n (wooden structure)木制品Over all the house was well-built but there were one or two problems with the timber work. voluntary work n (unpaid employment for a cause)志愿工作 volunteer work n (unpaid employment for a cause)志愿工作 welfare work n (social services)福利事业 work against [sb/sth] v expr (be detrimental to)对…不利 work area n (environment in which a job is done)工作区,工作区域 work as a team v expr (co-operate)团队合作If we work as a team we'll finish much sooner. work at [sth] vtr (put great effort into)致力于;投身于We are currently working at finding ways to become more environmentally friendly. work backwards vi (do [sth] in reverse)反过来做某事 work camp n (enforced labour camp)囚犯劳动营;劳教所;劳改所Under Stalin's regime, political prisoners were sent to work camps. work cited n (bibliography: quoted text)引用文献My English teacher always wants a work cited page, and I never know how to do one. work conditions npl (employment terms)工作条件,工作环境 work day, working day n (working or office hours)工作日 work ethic n (belief in working hard)职业道德He has a very strong work ethic, sometimes to the detriment of his family life.他有很强的职业道德,有时因此会伤害到他的家庭生活。 work experience n (temporary job placement)(针对学生的)工作经验培训项目All students on the course undertake a period of work experience.所有这门课的学生都会进行一段时间的实际工作。 work experience n US (professional experience)工作经验To apply for the position, please provide a detailed description of your work experience.如需申请该职位,请提供你的工作经验的详细内容。 work for [sb/sth] vi + prep (be employed by)为…工作;为…效力I work for the government.我为政府工作。work for [sb] vi + prep (do tasks or jobs for [sb])为…工作;受雇于Tom works for Mrs Pritchard, doing gardening and repair jobs.汤姆为普里查德夫人工作,从事园艺和修理工作。work for [sb] vi + prep informal (be suitable, convenient for [sb])对…来说方便I could meet with you at my office next Tuesday; does that work for you?下周二我可以在我的办公室与你见面,你方便吗?work for hire, work made for hire n US ([sth] created for job)雇佣作品The piece is a work for hire, so the artist cannot collect from home vi (do one's job from one's own house)在家上班work group n (team formed for a cause or project)工作组work hard vi + adv (be diligent, apply yourself)努力,勤奋,专注When studying for exams it is important to work hard.应试学习时,勤奋努力十分重要。work hard vi + adv (be devoted to your job)投入地工作Mick works hard for very little pay.米克为了点微薄工资而努力工作。work history n (employment experience)工作经验work in [sth] vi + prep (trade, profession)从事;工作My husband works in accounting, and I work in technical services.我老公从事会计工作,而我从事技术服务工作。work in progress, work-in-progress n ([sth] not yet finished)(制作尚未完工的)半成品My novel's still a work in late v expr (work longer than usual in evening)晚上加班work like a charm v expr informal (be effective, work perfectly)有奇效;效果显著work like crazy v expr slang (work extremely hard) (俚语)疯了似地工作, 疯狂工作We've worked like crazy to beat that nearly-impossible deadline you like mad v expr slang (work extremely hard) (俚语)疯了似地工作, 疯狂工作They were working like mad, trying to finish the stocktake before the shop opened in the of art n (painting, sculpture, etc.) (绘画、雕塑等)艺术作品The museum is a place to contemplate works of art.博物馆是一个用来欣赏与思考艺术作品的地方。work of art n figurative ([sth] beautiful and impressive) (比喻)具有艺术性的事物,艺术品Aunt Betty's layer cake was a culinary work of art.贝蒂阿姨的千层蛋糕简直是烹饪界的艺术品。work of fiction n (novel, etc.: invented story)小说作品Her characters seemed so real, it was hard to believe the story was a work of on [sth] vi + prep (assignment, project: do) (项目等)做, 从事, 处理I'll do my History homework tomorrow; I'm working on my French composition at the moment.明天做历史作业,现在我正在写法语作文。work one's ass off v expr slang, figurative, vulgar (work extremely hard)拼命干活;拼命工作work order (order authorizing specific work)工作指令;工作要求work overtime vtr + adv (work extra hours)加班;超时工作I won't work overtime unless they pay me extra for the package n (group of related tasks)工作组;工作团体work package n (pay and benefits of a job)薪酬待遇work permit n (law: allows employment) (法律)工作许可;就业许可work placement n UK (temporary job, internship)实习工作I applied for a work placement during the plan n (timetable or schedule of tasks)工作计划work remotely vi + adv (do your job off-site)远程工作;远程办公work schedule n (timetable or plan of tasks)工作时间表,工作进度表work shift n (period of work)轮班My usual work shift is 8:30 to 5, but sometimes I work from noon to 8 shoes npl (sturdy footwear worn when working)工作鞋Nurses often wear white work space n (area used for work)工作区域Professor Hawkins had a very cluttered work space, with piles of papers and books stoppage (protest)罢工work stream n (flow of tasks carried out)工作流程work surface, also UK: worktop n (kitchen: surface for food preparation) (厨房)操作台;工作台The work surface in the kitchen is easy to surface, working surface n (generic: flat surface)工作台;作业台面The carpenter secured the block of wood to his work to a deadline v expr (finish ontime)赶在死线前完成工作;及时完成work to a tight deadline v expr (aim to finish task in short time)在很短的时间内完成工作work together vi + adv (co-operate)一起工作We'll finish the job more quickly if we work together vi + adv (be harmonious)相搭;相配I don't think these flavours really work tool n ([sth] used to do a job)工作用工具work toward [sth], work towards vi + prep (aim for, strive to reach: [sth])致力于,朝...努力Gary is working towards a up a sweat v expr (perspire from activity)出汗work up an appetite v expr (get hungry)勾起食欲work week, working week n (weekly working hours)工作周;一周的总工时The typical work week in the US is Monday through with [sb] vi + prep (be a colleague of)与 ... 共事I have worked with Debbie for eight years with [sth/sb] vi + prep (be an employee of)为...效力;任职于I work with the sales with [sb] vi + prep (cooperate with)与...合作;与...协作Please work with your neighbors to lower crime in the with [sth] vi + prep (materials: use)使用…来工作;以…为工具Stefan is a craftsman who works with iron and with [sth] vi + prep (use available tool, information)利用;使用You need to work with the materials you wonders v expr (have a transforming effect)创造奇迹;取得令人吃惊的成果My new bed has worked wonders with my sleeping world, world of work n (employment)工作世界;职场work your fingers to the bone v expr figurative (work very hard)拼命工作;死命工作work yourself into the ground v expr figurative (do too much)拼命工作He's working himself into the ground, doing three hours of overtime each yourself up v expr (become overwrought)过于激动work-shy, workshy adj informal (lazy) (非正式用语)不愿工作的,怕干活的,不喜欢工作的,懒惰的workaround, also UK: work around n (method: bypasses [sth]) (绕开问题的)替代办法,变通办法The software engineer developed a workaround to deal with the problem temporarily.workbox n (box holding tools for [sth], esp. sewing)工具箱workforce, work force n (all employees of a company) (公司的)全体员工,人力资源备注: Used with a singular or plural verbThe company gave the whole workforce a bonus at Christmas.圣诞节时公司给全体员工发了奖金。workforce, work force n (all workers in a region) (整个国家、地区的)劳动力,劳动人口备注: Used with a singular or plural verbThe country's workforce needs to increase in order to provide for an ageing population.要供养老龄人口,该国的劳动人口必须增加。working day, work day n (daytime hours occupied by work)工作的日子;工作日A standard work day is about eight hours long.working hours, work hours npl (time spent working)工作时间workload, work load n (amount of work)工作量My workload is particularly heavy this week.worksheet, work sheet n (paper for preliminary notes)草稿纸Susan did the calculations on a worksheet and copied the answers onto the answer sheet.worksheet, work sheet n (school: sheet of exercises) (学校)活页练习题;练习册,练习簿The teacher handed round worksheets for the students to fill in.worksheet, work sheet n (record of work in progress)工作表;工作登记表,工作记录表The foreman referred to the worksheet to see which jobs were still outstanding.worksheet, work sheet n (accountancy: preliminary document) (会计)底稿,工作底稿The accountant enters the figures on a worksheet before preparing the final statement.worksite n (site of any work)工地;工作现场worksite n (site of industrial process)生产场所;作业地点workstation, work station n (office cubicle or desk)办公小隔间;工作台Every workstation in the office has a computer and a telephone.workstation, work station n (computer: allows access to network) (计算机)工作者I remember when our company got its first workstation back in the late 1980's.worktop, work surface n UK (counter) (厨房)操作台The worktops in the kitchen are easy to clean.workup, work-up n (medicine: diagnostic procedures)病情的检查The doctor ordered a cardiovascular workup.workup, work-up n (printing: ink smear) (印刷术语)(起楔在印刷物表面造成的)污渍,印品上的污迹workup, work-up n (ship: making seaworthy) (船只等)适航过程The ship will remain in dock until the workup has been completed.workup, work-up n (navy: training period) (海军)训练期The soldiers are in the middle of one of their annual workups to keep them in shape.




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