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词汇 true
释义 trueUK:*/ˈtruː/US:/tru/ ,(tro̅o̅)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 true adj (factually correct)真实的;确实的;如实的Yes, it is true that I went to the shop yesterday.是的,我昨天确实去商店了。usage: ‘true’A true story or statement is based on facts, and is not invented or imagined.The story about the murder is true.Unfortunately it was true about Sylvie. true adj (genuine, authentic) (非伪造的)真正的,真的Yes, this is a true Picasso.是的,这幅画是毕加索真品。 true (to [sb/sth]) adj (loyal) (对人或事)真诚的;忠诚的Yes, I trust him. He is a true friend.是的,我信任他,他是一位忠诚的朋友。 true (to [sth]) adj (not deviating)不偏移的;坚定不移的You must remain true to your ideals.你必须保持对自己的理念坚定不移。 true adj (conforms to expectations)与预期相符的;符合期望的She has proved to be a true nurse, and has a real vocation.事实证明,她是一位符合期望的护士,有真正的使命感。 true adj (level, straight)水平的;成一条直线的We need to make sure that this wall is true.我们需要确保这面墙水平。 true adj (in tune) (音乐)音准的,合调的Play that note again - it didn't sound true the first time.再弹一下那个音,第一次听起来它的音准不对。 true adj (of a compass bearing) (指南针)真北的From here, we need to go true north for ten kilometres.从这儿,我们需要朝真北前行十公里。 其他翻译 true adj (accurate, on target)精确的;精准的It was a true shot and hit its target.那是精准的一枪,击中了目标。 true adj (logically necessary)逻辑上正确的;符合实情的,确实If it costs a hundred dollars, it's true that we'll have to borrow the money.如果要花费100美元的话,那么确实我们必须去借钱才行。 true adv (admittedly)真的;的确True, I'm not an expert in finance. true adv (accurately)精准地;准确地The arrow hit true to its mark.那支箭准确地命中目的。 true adv US, UK literary (honestly)诚实地;如实地You can trust him. He always talks true. true [sth] vtr US (straighten, align)校准;修正We have to true the beams, or the barn will lean to one side. 动词短语 true [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make level, align)摆正;调整;校准The wall is five degrees out of line; we have to true it up. 复合形式: be true to yourself v expr (live by own values)对自己坦诚;忠于自己To be true to oneself you must act in accordance with who you are and what you believe. bug, true bug n (insect: hemiptera)半翅目昆虫Lisa is an entomologist; she studies bugs and beetles.丽萨是一名昆虫学家,她研究半翅目昆虫以及鞘翅目昆虫。 come true v expr (become reality, happen for real)成真;实现;变成现实When she was young she believed that all her dreams would someday come true.usage: ‘come true’If a dream, wish, or prediction comes true, it actually happens.Remember that some dreams come true.The worst of the predictions might come true.Be carefulDon't say that something ‘becomes true’. dream come true n figurative (desire becomes reality)梦想成真Getting promoted was a dream come true for her. find true love v expr (meet one's perfect partner)找到真爱The romantic teenager hopes to find true love. hold true, also UK: hold good vi + adj (continue to apply, remain true)适用The old saying "waste not, want not" still holds true today. prove true vi + adj (be borne out, be shown to be accurate)证明为真实;证明为准确If these allegations prove true, the governor will be in big trouble. ring true v expr informal, figurative (sound or seem genuine)听起来像是真的Her explanation rings true, however strange it may seem. show your true colors (US), show your true colours (UK) v expr figurative (reveal real nature)展露真我;展现本色 to thine own self be true expr literary (be yourself)做真实的自己"To thine own self be true" is a quote from a Shakespeare play. too good to be true expr (so good it does not seem possible)好到令人难以置信;好到不真实 tried and true adj (tested and trusted)经考验可信赖的;经验证有效的;证明是好的Drinking water upside down is a tried and true cure for hiccups. true believer n (devoutly religious person)忠实的信徒;虔诚的信徒There's no swaying my neighbor's faith: she's a true believer. true bill (law) (法律)查明属实,应予起诉 true blue, true-blue adj figurative (loyal, faithful) (对信仰等)忠诚的,忠实的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounA true-blue fan remains loyal even when his team loses. true blue, true-blue adj UK, figurative, informal (politics: Conservative)正统的, 保守的, 守旧的 true dat interj US, slang (that's very true)说的很对 true faith n (devotion, strong belief)真正的信仰Every religious zealot believes that theirs is the one true faith.Since I discovered the one true faith my life has been at peace. true love n (romantic infatuation)真正的爱情;真爱Anyone could see it was true love between the couple; they couldn't take their eyes off each other. true love n (fated romantic partner)真正的爱人;挚爱;至爱After eighteen years apart she was reunited with her true love. true meaning n (real significance)真正的含义;真正的意义;真谛All of the holiday advertising makes us forget the true meaning of Christmas. true north n (direction of North Pole) (地理上的北极,非磁极之北)正北方,真北方True north is not the same as magnetic north. true north adv (in the direction of North Pole)正北方;在真北方 true statement n (assertion of facts)事实陈述 true story n (account of a real-life experience)真实故事;真实事件 true to form adj (typical)与往常一样;一如既往Jennifer was true to form in being late for school. true to form adv (as usual)与往常一样;一如既往True to form, he won't tell me where he was last night. true to life, true-to-life adj (realistic)现实的;反映真实生活的备注: hyphens used when term is an adj before a nounCritics praised the film for its true-to-life depiction of drug addiction. true to the spirit adj (in keeping with [sth])反映本质的I think his interpretation of the song was true to the spirit of the original. true-born adj (since birth)正统的,真正的Ben was born in South Carolina; he's a true-born Southerner. true-born adj figurative (natural)天生的Malcolm is a true-born pianist; he can play any piece by ear. true-life adj (factual)确有其事的, 写实的




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