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词汇 tight
释义 tightUK:*/ˈtaɪt/US:/taɪt/ ,(tīt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 tight adj (close-fitting)紧身的;紧贴的Jane looked good in her tight jeans.简穿着紧身牛仔裤很好看。 tight adj (secure)牢固的;紧的Make sure the knot is really tight.请务必打紧绳结。 tight adj (without slack)拉紧的;紧绷的The cord is so tight that it doesn't move when you pull it.绳子绷得很紧,拉也拉不动。 tight adj (allowing no leakage)不漏的;密封的The joint needs to be tight so the pipe doesn't leak.连接处需要被密封,这样管道才不会泄漏。 tight adj (muscle: tension) (肌肉)紧张的;收缩的My calf muscles are tight from running too long this morning.我今天早上跑步时间太长了,小腿肌肉很紧张。 tight adv (closely packed)紧地;紧紧地The trunk was packed tight for the trip.为了这次旅行,后备箱被关得紧紧的。 tight adj figurative (concise in style)紧凑的;精练的The short story had tight, precise sentences.这个故事的词句紧凑、精炼。 tights (UK), pantyhose (US) npl (women's pantyhose) (女性服装)紧身裤,连裤袜It was a bit chilly, so Linda put on a pair of tights under her skirt.天气有点冷,所以琳达在裙子下穿了一条紧身裤。 tights npl (skintight legwear)连裤袜The footman wore tights below his breeches.那个男仆在马裤下穿了连裤袜。 其他翻译 tight adj (band, musicians: well synchronized) (乐队)协调好的;配合好的Years of playing together have turned these musicians into a tight band.这些音乐家共同演奏多年,配合非常默契。 tight adj (music, sound: well synchronized) (音乐)和谐的;协调的This jazz quartet has a tight sound.爵士乐团演奏非常和谐。 tight adj figurative (situation: difficult) (指形势)凶险的, 难以应付的It was a tight situation with both of Dan's customers there at the same time. tight adj (high level) (控制等)级别高的,严格的The dictator had tight control over his military.独裁者对于他的军队有严格的管控。 tight adj figurative, slang (friends: close)关系密切的,亲密无间的We were really tight in high school. tight adj (conditions: difficult) (指状况、局势等)困难的,麻烦的The job market is tight right now. You will be lucky to find something.当前就业市场局势困难,如果你能找到工作的话实属幸运。 tight adj figurative, slang (stingy, miserly)吝啬的,抠门的The millionaire was so tight with his money that he didn't have a nice stereo.那个百万富翁很抠门,以至于他家连个像样的立体声音响都没有。 tight adj dated, slang (drunk)喝醉了的,醉醺醺的The businessmen went to the bar to get tight. tight adj (time: restricted) (时间)有限的,紧张的My client wants this job finished by Friday; it's going to be tight, but I think I can manage it.客户需要这份工作在周五前完成。时间很紧张,不过我认为我能搞定。 tight adj (money: limited)手头紧的;拮据的 复合形式: airtight, air-tight adj (completely sealed)密封的;密闭的;不透气的The samples should be stored in an airtight container. airtight, air-tight adj figurative (irrefutable)严密的,无懈可击的,毫无破绽的The attorney presented an airtight argument and won the trial.律师给出了无懈可击的论证,赢得了诉讼。 hand-tight adj (screws, nuts)用手拧紧的 hold [sth] tight vtr + adv (grasp firmly)紧紧抓住The woman held her bag tight as she hurried along the dark street. hold [sb] tight vtr + adv (hug)紧紧拥抱;紧紧抱住Tim held his girlfriend tight, before saying goodbye. hold tight vi + adv figurative (persist, wait)坚持住;再坚持一会儿I'll be back in one moment - hold tight.Hold tight, I will be there soon. hold tight vi + adv (brace yourself)准备好;做好准备"Hold tight," shouted the ride operator as the rollercoaster began to move. hold tight vi + adv figurative (prepare yourself)做好准备;准备好Hold tight, the next few months could prove to be a bumpy ride! in a tight spot expr informal (in difficult situation)处境困难;有难处Stan usually turns to Larry for help when he is in a tight spot. run a tight ship v expr figurative (enforce firm rules)执行严苛的规矩 shut [sth] tight vtr + adv (close tightly)紧紧关闭;紧紧关上 sit tight v expr (wait for [sth])静待事态的发展 skintight, skin-tight adj (very close-fitting)紧身的;贴身的The girls were all wearing skin-tight shirts and short skirts. Sleep tight interj (Sleep well)睡个好觉;好梦 tight budget n (limited spending allowance)紧缩的预算,手头很紧 tight end (football) (足球)近端锋;边锋 tight-fisted, tightfisted adj figurative, pejorative, informal (stingy, miserly) (非正式用语,比喻)吝啬的,一毛不拔的 a tight fit n (clothing: small)贴身;紧身This dress is still a tight fit, I'm afraid. a tight fit n (joint: no extra space)贴身;紧身The plumber managed to connect the pipes, but it was a tight fit. a tight fit n (space: cramped)拥挤;狭窄We can get our car into the garage, but it's a tight fit. tight-fitting, tight fitting adj (clothing: snug, fitting closely)紧身的;贴身的Melissa wears tight-fitting clothes hoping to attract attention. tight-fitting, tight fitting adj (snugly-joined)紧身的;贴身的A skilled carpenter makes joints so tight fitting that they're invisible. tight-knit adj (close relationship)紧密的;亲密的;紧密结合的The village is a tight-knit community. tight-lipped adj figurative (refusing to speak)守口如瓶的;保守秘密的The government is remaining tight-lipped about its plans.I tried to get John to tell me what he was doing, but he was tight-lipped, as usual. work to a tight deadline v expr (aim to finish task in short time)在很短的时间内完成工作




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