

词汇 i say sorry
释义 i say sorry
i say sorry发音



in a hurry───立即,匆忙

say softly───轻声说

genuinely sorry───真的很抱歉

cream sherry───奶油雪莉酒

terribly sorry───非常抱歉

tipper lorry───(英)自卸货车;翻斗卡车(等于tippertruck)


say sorry to myself, I had to torture myself for a man.───对自己说声对不起,曾为了一个男人折磨自己。

Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault ?───不是我的错为什么要我道歉?

Will it soften the blow if I say "sorry mate but I just let a bum sneeze go" ! !───如果我说「对不起,朋友!但我的屁股刚刚打了喷嚏」,这样的打击没那麽大吧!!

Put this in your mouth. We walk past them, you stumble a bit. I say, sorry, my friend's had a little too much.───把这个放进嘴巴里,然后我们走过去,你假装走的有点踉跄和摇晃。我就说,对不起,我朋友有点喝多了。

Weither should I say sorry to her or not?───我到底要不要跟她道歉呢?

But, nowadays, everything has changed when I say sorry to him, because it means he and I are the end.───但现在,一切都改变了。当我向他说对不起,因为这意味着他和我都结束了。

I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, I hurt people , but when I say sorry , I mean it !───我并不完美,我犯过错,我伤害过别人,但是当我道歉的时候我是真心的

I say sorry to you all with the highest sincerity.───我诚挚地向所有人道歉,毫无保留。


Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault?

I'm not perfect,I make mistakes,I hurt people,but when I say sorry,I mean it!

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