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词汇 story
释义 storyUK:*/ˈstɔːri/US:/ˈstɔri/ ,(stôr′ē, stōr′ē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 story, plural: stories n (fictional tale)故事;小说That author writes wonderful stories.那位作者写的故事非常好看。usage: ‘story’A story is a description of imaginary people and events, written or told in order to entertain people. The plural of story is stories.Tell me a story.Her stories about the boy wizard have sold millions of copies.A description of a series of real events can also be called a story.We sold the story of the expedition to the Daily Express. In American English, a story is also one of the floors or levels in a building. The house was four stories high. story, plural: stories n (narrative account)故事Granny, tell us the story of how you met Grandpa.奶奶,给我们讲个故事,说说你和爷爷是怎么认识的。 story, plural: stories n (version of events)讲述;报导;报导Her story is different from mine.她的说法和我的不一样。 story n (plot)故事情节;情节This book has a great story.这本书的故事情节扣人心弦。 story, plural: stories n informal (lie) (非正式用语)谎言,谎话The mischievous children told their parents a story.淘气的孩子们向自己的父母撒了谎。 story, plural: stories (US), storey, plural: storeys (UK) n (floor, level of a building)楼层;层,楼This building has five stories.这栋楼有六层。 story, plural: stories (US), storey, plural: storeys (UK) n (layer, tier)层;分层Their wedding cake had five stories.他们的婚宴蛋糕有五层。 story, plural: stories n (journalism: article) (新闻术语)报道Jillian is hoping for a big story.吉利安希望能做个大报道。 -story (US), -storey (UK) n as adj as suffix (storied: with a given number of floors)…层的备注: Used in combination with a number.Locals objected to the proposed construction of a 20-storey building in the city centre.当地居民反对在市中心修建一栋20层建筑的提议。 其他翻译 -story (US), -storey (UK) n as adj as suffix (with a given number of tiers, layers)…层;…楼备注: Used in combination with a number.They had a five-story cake at their wedding.他们的婚礼有个5层的大蛋糕。 复合形式:story | storey adventure story n (fiction with exciting plot)冒险故事When I was a child I wanted to be a pirate like the ones I read about in adventure stories. as the story goes expr (as has been said)据说As the story goes, Hector was out of town when the bank was robbed. backstory, back story n (fiction: character's background)背景故事 bedtime story n (story read to a child before sleep)睡前故事The children begged their father to read them a bedtime story. cock-and-bull story, cock and bull story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)无稽之谈;荒唐的解释 coming-of-age story n (novel, film: child becomes adult) (小说、电影)成长故事 cover story n (magazine: story on front page) (杂志)封面故事 cover story n (fiction concealing true purpose)掩人耳目的说法 detective story n (story about crime investigation)侦探小说;罪案故事 fairy tale, fairy story n (fantasy story)童话;神话The movie is a modern adaptation of a classic fairy tale.这部电影是经典童话故事的现代改编版。 familiar story n (common situation)寻常情况;寻常现象It's a familiar story; she came to New York to be a star on Broadway and ended up on the streets. fish story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)夸张的故事;吹牛故事 funny story n (amusing anecdote, joke)幽默故事He told us a funny story about his holiday in Thailand. ghost story n (tale of the supernatural)鬼故事They sat around the fire and told ghost stories to each other. good story n (entertaining account, anecdote)趣闻;有意思的事情It wasn't much fun when it happened, but it makes a good story now. good story n (good piece of fiction)有趣的故事;好故事I read a good story by Carol Shields last week. hard-luck story n (account of [sb]'s misfortune)不幸的遭遇;倒霉的经历The man told us a hard-luck story, before asking us for money. horror story n (scary story, film, etc.)恐怖故事;恐怖电影 human interest story n (news item about people's lives)充满人情味的新闻报道It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer. life story n ([sb]'s past experiences and history)生平;生活经历 a likely story n informal, ironic (dubious account) (非正式用语,讽刺意味)似是而非的说法,说得像真的一样Are you telling me you never heard the phone? That's a likely story! love story n (story about a romantic relationship)爱情故事;言情故事 moral of the story n (ethical lesson in a fable or story)故事的寓意In the tale of the tortoise and the hare, the slow tortoise wins the race - the moral of the story is that steady persistence wins in the end. moral of the story n figurative (lesson to be learned from [sth])经验教训The engine blew up after a week so the moral of the story is not to buy a really cheap second-hand car. multi-story (US), multi-storey (UK) n as adj (building: with levels) (建筑)多层的 news story (news report)新闻故事;新闻报导 shaggy dog story n figurative, informal (long wordy anecdote)冗长无趣的笑话 short story n (written fiction shorter than a novella)短篇小说He wrote short stories about people living in rural areas.他撰写关于生活在农村地区人民的短篇小说。 short story writer, short-story writer n (author of short fiction)短篇小说作家Edgar Allan Poe was a famous 19th-century American short story writer. single-story (US), single-storey (UK) adj (building: having one level, floor) (建筑)单层的 sob story n informal (tale or account meant to evoke pity)(为引起同情而讲述的)让人感伤的故事Just get on with your job – I don't want to hear any more of your sob stories. story writer n (author of prose fiction)小说作家I want to be a story writer when I grow up. storyline, story line, story-line n (fiction: plot, story) (小说)故事大纲,故事梗概,主要布局I found the storyline of “War and Peace” really difficult to follow. success story n figurative (real-life example of [sb] succeeding)成名史 tall story n figurative, informal (far-fetched account)难以置信的故事;无稽之谈 tall tale, tall story n figurative, informal (far-fetched story)大话;吹牛I don't want to hear any of your tall tales about being abducted by aliens on your way to school. tell a story v expr (recite a narrative)讲个故事The children asked their grandfather to tell them a story. tell a story v expr figurative (reflect events)讲个故事Every picture tells a story. that's a different story interj informal (quite the contrary)那又是另一回事了Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story! the whole story n (the full truth)全部情况We'll never know the whole story about what she did that night. three-story apartment (US), three-storey apartment (UK) n (flat with three floors)三层的公寓 top story n (headline news item)头条新闻 true story n (account of a real-life experience)真实故事;真实事件 two-story (US), two-storey (UK) n as adj (building: having two floors)两层的 upper story, plural: upper stories (US), upper storey, plural: upper storeys (UK) n (building: higher floor) (建筑物)上层,较高层




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