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词汇 iron deficiency
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iron deficiency发音




protein deficiency───蛋白质缺乏,蛋白质缺乏病

immune deficiency───免疫缺陷


ADA deficiency───ADA缺乏

vitamin deficiency───[内科]维生素缺乏;[内科]维生素缺乏症

cause deficiency───引起缺陷

improved efficiency───提高效率


Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.───贫血的症状包括虚弱、疲劳和缺铁。

The most common cause for a hypochromic microcytic anemia is iron deficiency.───小细胞低色素性贫血最主要的原因是铁缺乏.

And she says in places such as the Asian subcontinent - where iron deficiency is endemic - supplementing with iron delivers an even larger bang for the public health buck.───并且她指出在亚洲大陆部分地方,缺铁是种地方病,铁元素的补充无疑成为了公共卫生的一个更大的压力。

Objective : To explore the relation between Iron deficiency anemia and microelements children.───目的: 探讨小儿缺铁性贫血与全血微量元素关系.

Here is data from a CBC in a person with iron deficiency anemia.───缺铁性贫血的CBC(完全血细胞计数).

Ascaris lumbricoides and iron deficiency anemia.───蛔虫和缺铁性贫血.

associated with mucosal atrophy include iron deficiency, some vitamin deficiencies, and sideropenic dysphagia.───与粘膜萎缩相关的症状包括缺铁、某些维生素缺乏和缺铁性吞咽困难。

Thus, iron deficiency anemia is common.───因此缺铁性贫血就较为常见.

Children suffering from iron deficiency anemia have any symptoms of it?───孩子患了缺铁性贫血有什么症状 吗 ?

Iron deficiency is the only risk.───唯一的危险是缺铁.


Most people with low iron reserves do not know they have an iron deficiency.───大多数缺铁的人并不知道他们缺铁.

A history of bleeding may indicate iron deficiency.───出血史表明缺铁.

Compound Iron Fertilizers had significant effects on rectifying peanuts chlorosis caused by iron deficiency.───复混铁肥土施矫治石灰性土壤花生缺铁黄化效果显著.

Why are children so susceptible to iron deficiency anemia?───为什么孩子易患缺铁性贫血 呢 ?

Alopecia may also occur in syphilis, thyroid disease, and iron deficiency.───梅毒 、 甲状腺疾病和铁缺乏症也可引起脱发.

Menstrual blood loss can cause an iron deficiency, putting women at risk.───月经的周期性失血会导致铁缺乏, 让妇女贫血风险增加.

Thrombocytosis is often associated with chronic blood loss and iron deficiency because of increased platelet production in the marrow reacting to continued consumption and loss.───血小板增多往往伴有慢性失血和缺铁,因为骨髓加快生成血小板而导致了持续的消耗和损失。


Crohn's disease is often associated with iron deficiency anaemia.

Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.

Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency in their diet.

Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency anaemia is commonly caused by chronic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract.

Iron deficiency anaemia - how far to investigate?

Iron deficiency anemia, as evidenced by a high prevalence of low hemoglobin levels, was a widespread problem.

Anaemia, caused by iron deficiency, also makes hair sparser.

Severe iron deficiency can cause developmental delay and growth retardation.

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