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词汇 in waiting
释义 in waiting
in waiting发音




no waiting───不准停车等候

in training───准备就绪


in hiding───隐藏的;在隐藏中

in passing───顺便






In more exclusive circles, on the train or in waiting stations, he went slower.───如果是在人少的场合, 譬如在火车上或者候车室, 他追人的速度要放慢一些.

she means is that there's no point in waiting here.───她的意思是说在这儿等下去没什么意义。

At the same time, Christians in waiting for an opportunity outside Granada.───而与此同时, 基督徒在格拉纳达以外等待时机.

Is there no groom of the chamber in waiting?───没有侍从在等候吗?

If they sit in waiting room with a chest pain, that's not very efficient.───如果胸痛患者在候诊室中等待的话, 并不是非常有效率.

Dude: Every day you stand in waiting to order your food from the fast food joint.───都德: 你每天都在快餐店里排队等着点食物.

There's no point in waiting for him. He will never return.───等他已没什么意义了, 他不会回来了.

Insurgents break down mortar and flee in waiting vehicle.───叛军拆下迫击炮和驾车逃离.

Catholics believe in waiting till marriage, right?───天主教坚信初夜要等到结婚那天是不是?

It would seem that, behind that sweet cuddlesome exterior, there beats the heart of a drug fiend in waiting.───在那可爱的拥抱的外表下,似乎有一颗毒枭的心在等待着。

This is exactly why people don't talk to each other in waiting rooms, right?───就因为这个才没人在等候室聊天, 对 吗 ?

Mr Obama now has all the accoutrements of a president - in - waiting.───奥巴马已经为接任总统做好了准备.

I usually compare myself to ancient king, and the books on the shelf to lady - in - waiting .───关于这些,我常自比为古时的皇帝, 而把插在架上的书譬诸列屋而居的 宫女.

The Queen was attended by her ladies - in - waiting.───女王由宫廷女侍陪伴.

Is there any purpose in waiting?───等下去有用 吗 ?

Lady in - waiting says to antique dealer: Lord, tonight 3 more come my room.───侍女对古董商说: 老爷, 今夜三更来我室.

Usually it has to be an operator, and you have to be patient in waiting.───它通常需要人工转换, 你需要耐心等待.

It describes the sorrow and plaintive emotion of the ancient lady - in - waiting.───此曲表现了古代宫女哀怨悲愁的情绪及寂寥清冷的生命意境.


What she means is that there's no point in waiting here.

At the same time, Christians in waiting for an opportunity outside Granada.

What was a couple of hours spent in waiting when a bumper harvest was in sight?

By utilizing the mathematical model in waiting state, application state and alternative state, the probability and effective exponent of the system in different stages are attained.

Where can I watch Columbo: Lady in Waiting movie online free full stream?

Significantly, the only group that assists people in waiting areas is now struggling to survive.

The pith helmet with an attentive elephant in waiting.

The lawyers, we think, are in waiting to commandeer any dispute, worthy or not.

Sitting around in waiting rooms until one can stand in linebefore a bureaucrat's desk seems to any American a dead loss, and living in asocial order thus shortens every person's life.

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