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词汇 thanks to
释义 thanks to 主要翻译 thanks to [sb/sth] prep (with the help of)在…的帮助下;多亏了Thanks to my good friend Ellen, I got to the airport on time.Thanks to the heavy curtains on my windows, I'm able to sleep even when the sun's shining.多亏了我的好朋友艾伦,我才能准时到达机场。 // 多亏了窗户前厚重的窗帘,即使外面阳光明媚,我也能安然入睡。 thanks to [sb] prep (because of, due to)由于;因为Thanks to my son hogging the bathroom this morning, I was late for work.由于今早浴室被儿子霸占,我上班迟到了。 复合形式: thanks be to God interj (religious expression of gratitude)感谢上帝Thanks be to God, when I lost control of my car there were no other vehicles nearby.




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