

词汇 picture postcards
释义 picture postcards
picture postcards发音



picture postcard───美术明信片


picture cards───有图画的明信片;人头牌

picture card───有图画的明信片;人头牌

picture editors───图片编辑;画刊编辑;图片编辑员

picture palaces───电影院

picture planes───像平面;投影面


Do you sell picture postcards?───你们卖风景明信片吗?

pastes picture postcards around the goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they are going places.───鱼缸周围贴上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。

The UK arm of the VisitNorway DMO this week launched a promotion within Facebook to encourage users to upload photographs onto pre-set picture postcards.───VisitNorway的英国机构于本周在Facebook上发布了一个推广,以鼓励用户将照片上传到照片明信片的模板上。

Make unique picture postcards to send to your friends! Choose from a variety of styles - up to 9 images in a single picture message!───做独特的图片明信片送到您的朋友!从各种各样的样式-9个图像选择在一则唯一图片消息!

and picture postcards on beforehand, and with the help of a paste pot and brush, I have transformed the wall into one gigantic picture.───但是多亏了爸爸,他预先带来了我的影星集和图画明信片。凭着一罐浆糊和一把刷子,我把这面墙变成了一幅巨画。

Like a thunderclap, he envisioned himself creating his own giant mosaic made from hundreds of picture postcards.───轰然间,犹如一声霹雳,他仿佛看见自己正在创作一幅由成百上千张风景明信片组成的巨大的镶嵌画。

I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards.───马上给各位传看几张颜色漂亮、光滑碧蓝的明信片。

He pasted picture postcards around goldfish bowls to make the goldfish think they were going places .───他把明信卡图片贴满金鱼缸,让金鱼以为它们到处游玩。

We'll send them some picture postcards of Beijing in return for the New Year Card they sent us.───我们将寄给他们一些好看的北京图片明信片作为对他们寄来的贺年片的回礼。


Since then it has been many times re-invented and used for 3D picture postcards.

Anyone who can help with old picture postcards or other memorabilia can contact Chris on Darlington.

They could have been painted from picture postcards and probably were.

A few picture postcards casually sent could not be considered remembering in any serious sense.

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