

词汇 spit out
释义 spit out
spit out发音

吐出…; 愤怒地说; 唾


spilt out───(使)溢出,(使)溅出;突然涌出;说出(真相、内情)

sit out───坐在户外;袖手旁观;耐着性子看完或听完

spin out───消磨;拖延时间

spelt out───拼写,拼读;理解;清楚地说明(spellout的过去式)

spied out───秘密监视

spies out───秘密监视

spill out───(使)溢出,(使)溅出;突然涌出;说出(真相、内情)

spin outs───消磨;拖延时间

spins out───消磨;拖延时间


You'd better to spit out the seeds in your palm, and then them on the plate.───你应该把子吐在手上, 然后再放到盘子里.

My teacher spit out a criticism at me for being late.───因为迟到,老师愤怒地批评我.

Please wash your mouth and spit out the water into the spittoon.───已经注射好了,请漱漱口,吐到痰盂中.

Any food leftover, you would have to spit out.───你不得不将任何食物吃剩的部分吐了出来。

Finally he decided to spit out what was really on his mind.───最后,他还是决定倾吐他真正想问的话.

The nurse told the child to spit out the stone.───保姆叫孩子把果核吐出来.

Don'' t spit out your gum on the ground. It may adhere to the sole of someone'' s shoe.───不要随地乱吐香口胶, 那会粘到别人鞋底上的.

I spit out the blood from my mouth.───我口中吐血.

I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage.───我仔细咀嚼,再吐出来,并且发出嘘声.

You have to spit out any food leftover.───你不得不将任何食物吃剩的部分吐出来。

Sick and not spit out, body weakness, not want to move, feeling the body was emptied.───想吐又吐不出来, 四肢无力, 不想动, 感觉身体被掏空了.

They are like little factories that spit out biofuel molecules without the need for starch or cellulose, " explains Gibbons.───吉本斯解释:“这就像一个不需要淀粉或者纤维素就能生产出生物燃料分子的小型工厂。”

Peter: Oh, no . You don't drink the wine, just taste and spit out.───彼得: 才不会咧. 又不是 真 的喝下去, 只是浅尝一口就吐掉了.

I been chewed up & spit out & booed off stage.───我被咀嚼,吐出, 嘘 下舞台.

Spit out that gum and pay attention.───把那块口香糖吐出来,注意听。

Barclays ( BCS ) shares fell in weight, or spit out a large part of the near future.───巴克莱 ( BCS ) 的股票重跌14.2%, 吐出了近期大额涨幅的一部分.

He will spit out the riches he swallowed; God will make his stomach vomit them up.───他吞了财宝,还要吐出. 神要从他腹中掏出来.

Quickly, the man spit out the drink and yelled, " This is not brandy! It's pee! "───但是随即就吐了出来,喊道: “ 这不是白兰地, 这是尿! ”

The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone.───褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来.

Don't spit about or spit out chewing gum. Don't drop litter.───不随地吐痰和口香糖, 不乱扔废弃物,不在禁烟场所吸烟.

Please don't spit out the pit on the floor.───请别把核吐在地板上.

Or spit out particles that could turn the planet into a hot dead clump?───又或者,它会不会发射出某种粒子把地球变成一个炎热的死亡星球?

He spit out the broken tooth.───他吐出断了的牙齿.

She could hardly spit out the hateful words.───她恼怒得几乎无法骂出那句充满恨意的话来.

He spit out the curse from between his teeth.───他从牙缝里恶狠狠地咒骂着.

Please spit out your gum before you came into the classroom.───进入教室前,请把你的口香糖吐掉.


She could hardly spit out the hateful words.

  • spittle beetle
  • spittoon cup
  • spiteful mutant
  • spittoon pad
  • spittle electric




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