

词汇 picture down
释义 picture down
picture down发音



picture shows───画展;电影

picture book───图画书

picture desk───图像调节台

picture show───画展;电影

picture windows───大型单片玻璃落地窗

picture window───大型单片玻璃落地窗

picture books───图画书


He pulled the picture down from the wall.───他把画从墙上拿下。

Get a picture down.───取下一幅画。

But I never took the picture down.───但我一直没把照片从冰箱门上取下来。

She puts picture down, stares at it a moment longer.───她放下照片,目不转睛地再看了一会儿。

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light, I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight.───所以我独自开车回家,当我熄灭灯光,我将把他的相片翻转过来那么也许今晚会入眠的。

The drill-down clearly groups information of magnitudes ranging anywhere from the "big picture" down to an individual case.───这种方法清晰地将信息分组,其范围覆盖了从“大图”到个人情况的任何地方。

He took the picture down carefully.───他小心地把那张画取下来。

Sit for an hour 's bench, the crew personnel who came to be neither hot nor cold, threw down a sentence: " the picture down" .───坐了一个小时的冷板凳,剧组的人才姗姗来到,不冷不热地扔下一句话:“把照片放下吧”。

Tomorrow, we'll start breaking this picture down piece by piece, starting with the living expenses.───明天,我们将从生活开销开始,分开来详细介绍。

  • pictures of birds
  • picture postcards
  • picture that
  • picture show
  • picture down
  • picture of robin williams
  • picturesque campus
  • picture of sloth
  • picture doctor
  • picture play
  • picture based
  • picture talk
  • pictures of
  • picture element
  • picture gallery
  • picture of donkey




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