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词汇 investment bank
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investment banks───投资银行(investmentbank的复数)

investment banker───[金融]投资银行家

investment bond───投资债券

investment bankers───投资银行家(investmentbanker的复数形式)

investment banking───投资银行业务;投资银行学

investment bonds───投资债券

investment grant───投资补助金

investment fund───投资基金

investment plan───[计划]投资计划


An investment bank China Merchants Securities said: " The biggest impact is significantly reduced revenue. "───招商证券一位投行人士说: “ 最大的影响就是收入明显减少了. ”

phantom trading scheme at a Wall Street investment bank went unnoticed for three years.───华尔街投资银行的虚构的交易方案历经3年都未被察觉。

Early Monday, the U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers announced that it will file for bankruptcy.───美国金融投资系统星期一面临重大行业重组,这一行动预示将改变美国银行的面貌.

Hence, the Wall Street five great Investment bank pattern is broken thoroughly.───至此, 华尔街五大投资银行格局被彻底打破.

Condon is the chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING.───康登是荷兰国际集团投资银行新加坡办事处的首席经济学家和亚洲研究部主管。

And investment bank structures the security to sell to investors.───投资银行是向投资者出售证券的方式运行.

We are a boutique investment bank specializing in the private capital markets.───美国天使资本公司是投资银行,致力于投资私有的资本市场.

Early today, the U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers announced that it will file for bankruptcy.───今早, 美国投资银行雷曼兄弟公司宣布即将申请破产.

First for China as investment bank is given a Dubai licence.───中国一投资银行首获迪拜经营许可证.

What the death of the investment bank means for Wall Street.───投资银行模式消失对华尔街来说意味着什么.

The collapse last month of the Nations 5 th largest investment bank BellBear Stearns showed the risks.───上周五倒闭的美国第五大投资银行贝尔斯通体现了这些风险.

Could I get some information about the International Investment Bank?───我能得到一些有关国际投资银行的信息 吗 ?

And Goldman Sachs also develops into a leading magnate in investment bank sphere.───高盛公司也成为欧洲数一数二的投资银行巨头.

The merger business of investment bank is detailed in chapter two.───第二章详述了投资银行的企业并购业务.

Stability of earnings is something any financial services company with an investment bank is seeking.───任何拥有投资银行的金融服务公司都在寻求收益稳定性.

According to Fitch, the average investment bank holds as much capital as it does illiquid assets.───据Fitch数据, 投资银行平均持有资本是其非流动性资产的两倍多.

The investment bank embraced the maximisation of shareholder value when it went public in 1999.───在1999年开始,投资银行就开始实行股东价值最大化.

Given the cost of government bail outs, why chastise the only prudent investment bank?───考虑到救助成本, 为何政府要惩戒唯一一家审慎的投行 呢 ?

HSBC, an investment bank, expects shortages to last throughout 2009.───汇丰(HSBC), 一家投资银行, 预计硅短缺会持续贯穿2009年全年.

According to the investment bank statistics, such a company a total of 10.───据上述投行统计, 这样的公司一共有10家.

Citigroup will maintain its presence in Japan through its commercial - banking unit and some investment - bank operations.───花旗将通过其商业银行子公司和一些投资银行业务维持自己在日本市场的存在.

Next, It'summarize the four basic economic functions of investment bank.───接着概括出投资银行的四大基本经济功能即一、提供金融中介服务.

Investment bank, a senior broker said.───一位资深券商投行人士说.

Nahed Taher was chief executive officer of Gulf One Investment Bank.───赫德·塔赫曾是海湾第一投资银行首席执行官。

At last, gives suggestions on setup and further development the system of our investment bank.───最后, 针对我国国情,提出了当前建立和进一步发展我国投资银行体系的几点思路.

He Shihong said that Wall Street's independent Investment bank no longer exists.───何世红说,华尔街的独立投资银行已不再存在.

Second, the investment bank and commercial banks, the traditional model of how to combine between.───二是投行与传统商业银行的模式之间如何结合.

Mr Sands said client income at the investment bank was up 20 per cent.───冼博德表示,投资银行业务的客户收入增长了20%.

He joined Nomura Group, the largest investment bank and securities firm in Japan in 1979.───他于1979年加入野村集团——日本最大的投资银行和证券公司.


But Kleinwort Benson, an investment bank, has done a spot of detective work.

The voluntary investment bank holding company regime has ended.

Appropriately, investment bank capital requirements are much lower.

The investment bank is unlikely to be able to squeeze monopoly rent from a relationship.

By 20l0, forecasts Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, electronic shopping could account for 15-20% of retail sales.

According to Fitch, the average investment bank holds as much capital as it does illiquid assets.

Long Wall Street's largest investment bank before it recently became a bank holding company, Goldman answered a series of questions from Reuters about the bailout funds.

The first is deciding what kind of investment bank it ought to be.

The European Investment Bank will provide finance for a variety of regional initiatives.

  • investment banker
  • investment calculator
  • investment portfolio
  • investment advisors
  • investment project




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