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词汇 interest group
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interest groups───利益集团;兴趣小组(interestgroup的复数形式)

interest rate───[金融]利率


public-interest group───公共利益团体

diverse group───不同的组

ginger group───激进派;核心小组

income group───收入阶层,工薪阶层

interest paid───[金融]付出利息;已付利息

interest rates───利息,[金融]利率


They form an interest group carry on destroying activities against China for their own unexplainable purposes.───他们出于各自不可告人的目的,结成利益集团,针对中国搞捣乱破坏活动.

So local governments and enterprises become an interest group.───地方政府与企业形成一个利益共同体.

The first is the temptation to spread the wealth around to every region and interest group.───第一种就是把财富撒到每一个地区和每一个利益集团的诱惑。

No interest group is permitted to enter the House of Representatives or the Senate and vote.───利益集团不被允许进入众议院或参议院,也不能投票.

Successful promotion of a scare requires that some interest group benefits.───成功宣扬某种恐慌的必要条件之一,是某个利益集团会从中得益.

Reform is the repartition of the interest, often get the block up of interest group.───改革是利益的再分配, 经常受到利益集团的阻碍.

Such as: English corner, interest group activities, in all kinds of competitions, etc.───如: 英语角活动 、 兴趣小组活动 、 校内各类竞赛活动等等.

Interest group is the main factor in politics.───利益集团是政治活动中的重要因素.

Adjust interest group contradiction has initiative adjustment to adjust with consciousness two kinds of means.───调节利益集团矛盾有自发调节和自觉调节两种方式.

This is expected, and duplicate entries are ignored after a special interest group has been assigned to a customer.───这是正常的,并且在将特殊兴趣组指定给客户后重复条目会被忽略。

The Semantic Web Education and Outreach ( SWEO) Interest Group came to the end of it's charter end of March.───语义网教育和拓展兴趣组织(Semantic Web Education and Outreach ,简称 SWEO)在3月底执照到期。

The W 3 C XML Special Interest Group had representatives from more than 100 companies and invited experts.───W3CXML专门利益集团拥有100多家公司的代表和特邀专家.

The harm of vested interest group is complex.───既得利益集团的危害是复杂的.


More recently, however, party and interest group practice has been seen as at odds with liberal-democratic theory.

Obviously, an organization benefits greatly when its interest group persuades the government to allow it to regulate itself.

Recruiting the practices through a special interest group and through self selection is likely to have biased results.

The bipartisan Concord Coalition, a Washington-based interest group on budget balancing issues[], has run newspaper ads against the Dole plan.

What defines an anomie interest group is a group political action that emerges with little or no planning and then quickly stops.

The advantaged will become an interest group, perhaps a social class or status group.

Every example of interest group action in this chapter has focused upon a group operating in a democratic political system.

A special interest group for researchers in post-compulsory education and lifelong learning recently had its first meeting.

Auditors should be responsible to a wider interest group than the shareholders.

  • interesting place
  • interest payments
  • interest payment
  • interest receivable
  • interesting thing
  • interested in
  • interesting reading
  • interest revenue
  • interests and hobbies
  • interesting things
  • interestingly synonym
  • interest charge




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