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词汇 stream
释义 streamUK:*/ˈstriːm/US:/strim/ ,(strēm)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 stream n (small river)小河;溪流A stream flows behind their house.一条小河从他们房子后面流过。 a stream of [sth] n figurative (wave, series) (比喻)一连串;一阵There was a stream of good news.一连串好消息传来。 a stream of [sth] n (flow, uninterrupted series)一串;一连串Never before had she heard such a stream of obscenities from her son's mouth.她以前从没有从儿子的口中听到过如此这般一连串的污言秽语。 stream n figurative (data: real-time audio or video) (计算机术语)文件流,数据流The audio stream from the web radio station was cut after 20 minutes.网络电台的数据流在20分钟后被切断了。 stream vi (flow)流;流出Water came streaming out of the faucet.水从水龙头里流了出来。 stream vi (float in wind)飞扬;飘扬;飘逸Boudicca's long hair streamed behind her as she rode her chariot into battle.布迪卡驾驶战车冲上战场,长发飞扬。 stream [sth] vtr (audio, video: deliver in real time) (计算机)加载I don't have cable, but I can stream football games on my computer.我没有有线电视,不过我能够用电脑加载观看足球比赛。 stream vi (online audio, video: broadcast live) (计算机术语)加载The video streamed from the website to my computer for 45 minutes.那个视频从网站加载到我的电脑上花了45分钟。 stream vi (audio, video: deliver in real time)直播;在线直播This vlogger streams from a webcam in his basement.这位主播在地下室里通过网络摄像头进行直播。 其他翻译 stream n (current flowing steadily) (稳定的)水流,气流I knew the faucet was leaking because it sent a stream down the street.我知道水龙头在漏水,因为它沿着街道流出了一条稳定的水流。 stream with [sth] vi + prep (send forth a flow)流出;流淌Her eyes streamed with tears of joy. stream [sb] vtr UK (pupils: divide by ability) (学生)按照不同的程度给...分班;分流They stream the kids for maths at his school.他的学校按照不同的程度给孩子们分班上数学课。 复合形式: the Gulf Stream n (Atlantic current)墨西哥湾流The Gulf Stream warms the west coast of Scotland. jet stream n (strong west to east wind current)高空急流; (飞机发动机)喷流Weather patterns over Northern Europe might be shifting because of a change in the jet stream. mountain stream n (brook in a hilly area)山间溪流;山间小溪 on stream, on-stream adj (operational, available)运营中的;可用的 on stream, on-stream adv (in regular operation)投入生产地,投产地 revenue stream n (method of income)收益流,收入来源 stream of air n (wind: flow, jet)气流I opened the window and a stream of air rushed into the room. stream of consciousness n (unpunctuated prose)意识流;意识流散文Virginia Woolf is renowned for using stream of consciousness in her novels. stream of insults n figurative (series of insults)一连串的侮辱性言论The drunk yelled a stream of insults. stream of people n figurative (continuous rush of people)人流A steady stream of people came out of the stadium. stream of tears n figurative (flowing tears)一串串泪珠;泪珠滚滚You could see the stream of tears on her face. work stream n (flow of tasks carried out)工作流程




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