acetic anhydrides───n.[有化]乙酸酐
acid anhydride───[化学]酸酐
maleic anhydride───[有化]顺丁烯二酸酐
maleic anhydrides───[有化]顺丁烯二酸酐
acid anhydrides───酸酐
acyl anhydride───酰酐
boric anhydride───三氧化二硼,硼酐
carbonic anhydride───[无化]碳酸酐
acyl anhydrides───酰酐
Corn starch, modified by acid, can be acetylated to starch acetate by treatment with acetic anhydride.───以酸解醋酸淀粉为主要原料,添加增强剂、玉米淀粉和木薯淀粉等原料, 制成了一种新型粘合剂.
The refined lanolin is reacted with acetic anhydride to obtain acetylated lanolin.───精制羊毛脂和乙酰化羊毛脂均可做为皮革加脂剂的原料组份。
synthesized in Perkinreaction of acetic anhydride and salicylaldehydecatalyzed by anhydrous potassium carbonate.───碳酸钾代替无水醋酸钠催化合成了香豆素。
Sulfur method replaced by acetic anhydride method for chloroacetic production is the trends in domestic.───指出在国内用醋酐法代替硫磺法生产氯乙酸的必然趋势.
Amino 4 methoxyl acetylaniline was synthesized acetylization ofp - methoxylaniline with acetic acid and acetic anhydride, then nitration and reduction.───以对甲氧基苯胺为原料,用冰醋酸和醋酸酐作乙酰化剂,经乙酰化 、 浓硝酸硝化、铁粉还原合成了3-氨基-4-甲氧基乙酰苯胺.
Acetylsalicylic acid was synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride catalyzed by strong - acid cation exchange resin.───以水杨酸和乙酸酐为原料、强酸阳离子交换树脂为催化剂合成阿司匹林.
A analytic method by titration using acetic anhydride as age nt is related in this paper.───所作的工作建立了以乙酸酐为掩蔽剂,用盐酸标准溶液滴定二甲胺中三甲胺含量的分析方法.
The kinetics of esterification of linalool with acetic anhydride was studied.───研究了芳樟醇与乙酸酐酯化反应动力学.
Aspirin was synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride by sodium bisulfat as catalyst.───用一水硫酸氢钠为催化剂由水杨酸与乙酐酯化合成阿司匹林.
Sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride were used as a cyclizing agent to prepare Ofloxacin intermediate.───用硫酸乙酐混合物作环合剂,制备了氟嗪酸中间体.
N - phenyl maleimide was synthesized ring dehydration catalyst of nickel diacetylacetonate ( Ni ( ac ac ) 2 ) by acetic anhydride method.───以乙酰丙酮镍为闭环脱水催化剂,运用改进的醋酐法,合成了N - 苯基 马来酰亚胺.
New progress for phenylacetone synthesis from organic zinc reagent and acetic anhydride was studied.───实验研究了以氯化苄为原料合成药物中间体苯基丙酮的新工艺.
The effects as the dosage catalyzer and acetic anhydride had been studied in new process.───并探讨新工艺中,异构化催化剂的用量、酰化剂醋酐的配比对乙酰甲胺磷的收率的影响.
Sulfonated EPDM ionomers ( S - EPDM ) were prepared with concentrated sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride.───用浓硫酸和醋酸酐与三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM ) 反应制备了磺化三元乙丙橡胶离聚物 ( S-EPDM).
Metal deactivator N, N'-Di-acetyladipic dihydrazine was prepared by reacting diethyl adipate with hydrazine hydrate, and then was treated with acetic anhydride.───由已二酸二乙酯与水合肼反应合成己二酰二肼。 再用乙酸酐酰化己二酰二肼得到金属减活剂N。
- acetic anhydride