词汇 | set |
释义 | setUK:*/ˈsɛt/US:/sɛt/ ,(set)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: sett主要翻译 set n (collection)套;套装;成套工具I have a complete set of Dickens, bound in blue leather.我有全套狄更斯的小说,是用蓝色皮革装订的。 set n (kit)一套;一副Don't worry, I will get my set of tools and fix it.别担心,我会拿上我那套工具修好它的。 set n abbreviation (television set)电视机;电视装置We are experiencing technical difficulties. Do not adjust your set.我们遇到了技术困难,请勿调试你的电视机。 set vi (sun: sink) (日、月等)落,沉What time does the sun set today?今天日落是什么时候? set vi (become firm)凝结;凝固;定型This jelly will set in four hours.这种肉冻要四个小时才能凝固。 set vi (harden)硬化;凝固The plaster needs twenty-four hours to set properly. Leave enough time to let the glue set.石膏需要24小时才能彻底凝固。预留足够的时间来让胶水凝固。 set [sth] vtr (place, put)搁;把…放在He set the glass on the edge of the table.他把玻璃杯放在桌子边儿上了。 set adj (unmoving) (表情等)僵硬的,不动的You could tell Olivia was determined from the set expression on her face.你可以从奥利维亚脸上僵硬的表情看出她决心已定。 set adj (agreed, fixed)事先约定好的;固定的Eleanor's set hours of work are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.埃莉诺的固定工作时间是周一至周五,每天早上的9点到下午的5点。 其他翻译 set adj (standard, conventional)公式化的,标准的;老一套的There is no set way to do it; you can choose your favorite method.没有什么标准的完成方式,你可以按自己的喜好选择方法。 set adj (assigned)指定的;规定的Students should ensure they buy copies of set texts before the beginning of term.学生应该确保在学期开始前购买了指定的教材。 set adj (hair: drying in a style) (发型)固定的,定型的Madeleine's nails were painted, her hair was set, so she was ready to go to the dance.玛德琳的指甲涂好了,发型也定型完毕,看来她已经准备好出发去跳舞了。 set on doing [sth] adj + prep (determined to do)坚定;坚决Marcus is set on getting into Oxford.马库斯坚决要去牛津念书。 set n (group)一组,一群I have made a new set of friends.我新交了一群朋友。 set n (clothing: fit) (衣服、服装)一套,套装What do you think of the set of this suit?这件套装你觉得怎么样? set n (matching outfit) (服装)(搭配的)一套Do you like this matching set that I bought?你喜欢我买的这一套搭配吗? set n (bearing)举止;神情He has an arrogant set to him and I don't like that.他举止傲慢,这点我很不喜欢。 set n (tennis) (网球)盘,局The tennis player won the third set to win the whole match.那名网球运动员拿下了第三局,赢得了整场比赛。 set n (TV, film: stage) (电影)拍摄现场; (戏剧)舞台,演出现场The actor needed to be on set all day, as they were filming.在电影拍摄过程中,演员需要整天都待在拍摄现场。 set n (horticulture: young plant) (园艺)苗,球茎I have bought fifty onion sets this year.今年,我已经买了50枚洋葱球茎了。 set n (music: performance) (音乐)乐组,组曲After finishing her set, the violinist bowed for the audience.乐组演奏完毕之后,小提琴手起身向观众鞠躬。 set n (algebra: grouping) (代数)集, 集合A is a subset of set B. set n (class, group)一群人;一个阶层;一个级别Rose is in the top set for French.罗斯是法语组最高级别中的一员。 set n (cards: failure to take tricks)暗三条 set [sb/sth] to [sth], set [sb/sth] on [sth] v expr (apply, start)让…开始…;让…着手…The boss set his employees to work on the project.老板让下属开始进行该项目。 set vi (hair: be fixed in place) (头发)定型,固定Your hair will set well if you use this hairspray.用这款定型喷雾可完美固定发型。 set vi (clothes: fit, hang) (衣服、服装)合身,适合That dress sets very nicely on you.那条裙子你穿十分合身。 set vi (fruit: grow, develop) (花)结出果实I had lots of flowers on my chilli plants this year, but the fruits didn't set.今年,我的辣椒开了很多花,不过没有结出果实。 set vi (hen: sit on eggs) (母鸡)坐蛋;孵蛋The hen is setting in the nest. set [sb] [sth] vtr (assign [sb] [sth])分配;指派The teacher set his pupils several tasks. set [sth] vtr (type)为…排版Can you set this report for me in a plain typeface? set [sth] vtr (music: lyrics)给...谱曲The poem was set to music. set [sth] vtr (adjust: watch) (时间)设, 设置I just changed the battery in the clock, so I have to set the time on it again. set [sth] vtr (mend: bone)使...定型;接骨The doctors in casualty set the broken bone. set [sth] vtr (provide: example) (榜样)树立This writer set the form for this genre of poetry. set [sth] vtr (table: lay) (桌子)摆放, 布置Kids, come set the table for dinner. We need plates and bowls. set [sth] vtr (put in order)整理;将...放置整齐She set the chess pieces in their place. set [sth] vtr (prepare: trap)设陷阱He set a trap for the mouse in the apartment. set [sth] vtr (fix: hairstyle)固定发型;做头发The stylist set the woman's hair beautifully. set [sth] vtr (fix: price, value)定价Let's set the price of the shirt at twenty dollars.这款衬衫我们定价在二十美元吧。 set [sth] vtr (schedule: date) (日期)确定;规定Let's set a June date for the wedding. set [sth] vtr (pace) (步速)确定The leader set the pace in the bike race. set [sth] vtr (mount: gem) (珠宝)镶嵌The jeweller set the stone in the ring. set [sth] vtr (theater: arrange scene) (背景)布置, 布景While the curtains were closed, they quickly set the next scene. set [sth] vtr (plant: produce fruit) (植物)结果实This tree sets fruit in the late summer. set [sth] vtr (determine: direction)使朝向Jeremy set a course for the West.杰里米设好航线,驶向西方。 set [sth] vtr (rig: sail) (航海)扬帆The crew set the sails and the ship left the harbour.船员们扬帆起航。 set [sth] vtr (fix, put in place)确定, 规定The boss sets the hours we work. The sales targets have been set for this month.老板规定我们的工作时间。这个月的销售额目标已经确定了。 set [sth] vtr (hen: make sit on eggs) (母鸡)让...坐蛋;让...孵蛋Hens may try to peck you when you set them. set [sth] vtr (adjust: device)设置;设定How do you set the screen background on this phone? set [sth] in [sth], set [sth] against [sth] vtr + prep often passive (locate, place: story) (故事、电影等)以…为…的背景Helena set her story against the backdrop of the Second World War.The novel is set in 19th-century Paris.海伦娜以第二次世界大战作为自己故事的背景。 // 这本小说以19世纪的巴黎为背景。 动词短语set | sett set about doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (start: doing)开始做Julius set about arranging his collection of butterflies.朱利叶斯开始整理自己的蝴蝶收藏。 set about [sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack: [sb])攻击,袭击;抨击The burglars set about their victim when they were disturbed.窃贼被干扰的时候,袭击了受害人。 set [sb] against [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause to oppose [sb] or [sth])使某人与…对立Please don't set him against me by spreading rumors that I talk about him behind his back. set [sth] against [sth] vtr phrasal sep (contrast with)把…和…进行比较This amount of money looks very small if you set it against what we spend each year on marketing. set [sth] against [sth], set [sth] off against [sth] vtr phrasal sep (offset: cost, damages) (成本或损失等)将...与...抵销,以...补 set [sth] apart vtr phrasal sep (distinguish, make different)区别;区分Stein's intelligence sets him apart from other soccer players.斯坦因的才智让从其他足球运动员中脱颖而出。 set [sth] apart, set apart [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (reserve, put aside)留出The family set one bedroom apart for use by guests.这家人留出一间卧室供客人使用。 set [sth] aside, set aside [sth] vtr phrasal sep (put to one side)放在一边;搁置I set aside my work to check on the baby. Set your pencils aside and read through the test first.我暂时放下手中的工作去看看宝宝。请暂时将你的铅笔放在一边,先通读试卷。 set [sth] aside, set aside [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (disregard temporarily) (比喻)放下Set your fears aside and jump into the water.放下你的恐惧,大胆地跳进水里去。 set by [sth] vtr phrasal sep (save, put aside for later)留出;搁起来以备将来之需Estelle set by some sandwiches in case she felt hungry later in the day. set [sth] down, set down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (place, put on a surface)放在;放置;放下She set down the book on a nearby table.她将书放在附近的一张桌子上。 set [sth] down, set down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (put in writing)写下;记下If you set your thoughts down on paper first, it helps you to think about things more clearly.如果你能先把自己的想法写下来,这样就能更有条理地进进行思考。 set [sth] forth, set forth [sth] vtr phrasal sep (present, describe)陈述;讲述In his autobiography, he sets forth the story of his life.在自传中,他讲述自己的人生故事。 set forth vi phrasal (start a journey)动身;出发The gallant knight set forth to slay the dragon.那名英勇的骑士动身去屠龙。 set in vi phrasal (become established)开始;来临Frustration among the fans set in just before half-time, when it became clear their team was unlikely to score.半场结束前,他们的球队显然无法得分,球迷们开始感到沮丧。 set off vi phrasal (begin a journey)动身;出发We'll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.我们必须很早出发,以便避开高峰时段的交通。 set off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin: a journey) (旅程)开始That morning, we set off on our trip to California.那天早上,我们开始了加州之旅。 set off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin a journey)动身去;出发去I usually set off for work at 8 a.m.我通常早上8点出发去上班。 set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (trigger, switch on)触发;启动He set off an alarm when he opened the back door.他打开后门时触发了警报。 set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (event: cause to happen)引发;触发The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand set off the First World War.弗朗茨·斐迪南大公遇刺引发了第一次世界大战。 set [sth] off, set off [sth] vtr phrasal sep (highlight by contrasting)衬托That colour looks good on you; it sets off your eyes.你用那个颜色很好看,它能衬托你的眼睛。 set [sb] off vtr phrasal insep informal (make [sb] angry)使…生气Don't mention politics to Richard; you'll set him off.不要对理查德提政治,你会惹怒他的。 set on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack)攻击;袭击When we refused to hand over our wallets, they set on us with a pair of baseball bats.我们拒绝交出钱包,他们就用一对棒球棒攻击我们。 set [sth/sb] on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (let loose)让…对…发起袭击;使…袭击;释放……,放出……,放开……The hunters set the dogs on the scent.猎人放出猎犬来追踪气味。 set [sth/sb] on [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (urge to attack)让…攻击…If you go into that garden, the owner will set his dog on you.如果你进到花园里,花园的主人就会让狗攻击你。 set out vi phrasal (start a journey)动身;出发They set out for London early the following day. We'll set out at five in the morning.他们隔天早晨就动身前往伦敦。我们早上5点钟就出发。 set [sth] out, set out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (lay out, arrange)安排;准备Isabelle set out the cutlery for dinner.伊莎贝尔准备了晚餐用的餐具。 set [sth] out, set out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (present)提出, 阐明Each member of the committee set out their ideas, then they all took a vote.该委员会的每个成员都陈述了自己的想法并进行了投票。 set [sth] out, set out [sth] vtr phrasal sep often passive (law: specify)明确规定The constitution sets out the council's decision-making procedures.本章程规定了委员会的决策流程。 set out for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (leave for, go to)动身前往, 去往, 出发去Columbus set out for Asia in 1492, but ended up in the Bahamas. set out on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (begin, esp. a journey)开始,着手;启程去,上路去Jason and the Argonauts set out on their quest for the Golden Fleece. set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (intend)想要做;打算要做I didn't set out to hurt you; I'm sorry if what I said was upsetting.我不想伤害你。如果我说的让你难过,我对此表示歉意。 set out to do [sth] vtr phrasal insep (undertake)着手做;动手做He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done.;set [sb] straight vtr phrasal sep figurative (correct, clarify [sth] for)澄清;纠正I used to think that NY was the capital of America until my friend Paul set me straight (and told me it was Washington) set to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (start: doing)开始做某事;开始干某事备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounLena did not have a dress for the prom, so she took out her sewing machine and set to making one.莉娜没有参加舞会的礼服,所以她拿出了缝纫机,准备做一件。set [sb] up, set up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (incriminate falsely)陷害He's really paranoid and always thinks people are trying to set him up.他真的很偏执,总觉得别人想陷害他。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (arrange)摆放;布置Helen set up the chairs in a semi-circle.海伦将椅子摆放成半圆形。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (organize)组织;安排Can we set up a meeting for 8 November?我们能在11月8日安排一次会议吗?set [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (two people: get together)安排…见面George and Lisa met when mutual friends set them up.乔治和丽萨的见面是两人的共同好友安排的。set [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (computing: configure) (计算机)设置The Tech Support engineer set up my new computer.那位技术支持工程师设置了我的新电脑。set upon [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack)攻击;袭击The gang set upon their victim without warning.The hounds set upon the fox.set upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (apply yourself to enthusiastically)热情地做, 急切地去;扑在Jose set upon his dinner as though he hadn't eaten in a week. 复合形式:set | sett all set adj (ready, prepared)做好充分准备的Are we all set? Then let's go! all set for [sth] adj (ready, prepared)为…准备好;准备就绪Are you all set for opening night? be set to do [sth] v expr (be ready to: do [sth])准备好做We were all set to leave, but Ann made us wait while she looked for her cell phone. box set n (series of CDs, DVDs, etc.)套装I just bought the box set of the StarTrek Voyager series on DVD for $200! box set n figurative (whole series available via streaming)全季电视剧;电视剧集 close-set adj (near each other)密集分布Justin has close-set eyebrows. closed set (mathematics)封闭集;闭集 data set n (computer: collection of records) (计算机)数据集 dead set on doing [sth] adj informal (resolute, determined)坚决的;坚定的;下定决心的Mark was dead set on becoming a naval pilot.马克下决心要成为海军飞行员。 dead set against [sth] adj + prep informal (resolutely opposed to)坚决反对...的Jerry was dead set against the Prime Minister's proposal. deep-set adj (eyes) (眼睛)深陷的;凹眼的Edward looked at Gillian with his deep-set eyes. dinette set n US (dining furniture)餐桌餐椅, 餐厅家具My dinette set is starting to look rather shabby.我的餐厅家具开始显得有点破落了。 drum set, drum kit n (kit consisting of several drums)架子鼓,鼓组It's always noisy at my house now; my brother got a drum set for his birthday. film set n (movie: stage, setting)电影场景;电影布景Hank was really excited as it was his first time on a film set. get set for [sth] v expr (prepare yourself)为...准备好;为...预备好This is the biggest, fastest roller-coaster in the world - so hold tight and get set for the ride of your life! heavyset, also UK: heavy-set adj (thickset, heavily built)魁梧的;粗壮的A heavy-set security guard was standing in front of the embassy.一位身材魁梧的保安站在大使馆前。 jet set, jetset n informal (wealthy leisure travelers) (常乘飞机旅行的)有钱人一族;富豪一族Marbella and Dubai are both popular resorts for the jet set. jet set, jetset, jet-set n as adj (relating to wealthy leisure travelers)富豪一族的;有钱人的 jet-set, jetset vi informal (travel luxuriously)乘喷气客机到处旅游The millionaire spends his time jet-setting around the world. mindset, mind-set n (attitude, mentality)心态;思维模式You need a positive mindset to overcome these obstacles.要克服这些困难,你需要有一个积极的心态。 nail set, nail punch, punch n (tool for driving nails)冲钉机;冲钉器You should use a nail set to make the nails flush with the floor. on set adv (TV, cinema: during filming)拍摄期间Even though they played best friends, the actors didn't really get along on set. put [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s mind at rest, set [sb]'s heart at rest v expr (reassure)使消除疑虑;使安心Let me just put your mind at rest: your condition is completely treatable. "Ready, set, go!" (US), "Ready, steady, go!" (UK), "On your marks, get set, go!" interj (start of race)各就各位;预备;跑!Runners: Ready, set, go! set a precedent v expr (create an example)创建先例 set a record v expr (do [sth] to greatest degree)创造记录Johnson set a record in the long jump this afternoon. set a trap for [sb] v expr (ensnare, trick)为某人设下陷阱;给某人下套We set a trap for him to see if we were right about him stealing from the till. set [sth] afloat vtr + adv (put onto water) (船等)让…漂浮在水面,将…推下水We set the rowing boat afloat. set [sth] alight vtr + adj (burn)点燃;点着;放火烧The rioters set a police car alight.暴徒们放火烧了一辆警车。 set an example v expr (be a model of behavior)做榜样;做例子 set [sb] back vtr + adv (hinder progress of)阻碍备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounIt really set me back when I lost my job.丢了工作,让我真的很受挫。 set [sb] back [sth] vtr + adv (cost: a certain sum)花费This repair work is likely to set me back more than £500.这项修理服务可能需要花费500多英镑。 set [sth] back vtr + adv (schedule for later)推迟The boss set the meeting back to give people more time to complete their reports.老板将会议推迟,让大家有更多时间完成报告。 set [sth] back [sth], set [sth] back by [sth] vtr + adv (delay by a given time)把…推迟We can set the appointment back a few days if you can't make it tomorrow.如果你明天来不了,我们可以将预约推迟几天。 set back adj + adv (positioned further back, recessed)处于不突出处的;在...后面的When you look at the garden you'll see that the birch tree's set back against the fence.参观花园时,你会看到那棵白桦树靠在篱笆上。 set [sth] before [sb] vtr + prep (place in front of)置于…之前备注: Often used in the passive.At about 3 months, a baby begins to focus its eyes on objects set before him.He set the plate of cookies before his mother. set book n (text on which [sb] is examined)考试指定内容;考试指定书The set book for the English Literature exam is Doris Lessing's 'The Grass is Singing'. set conditions v expr (establish terms)规定条件They are likely to set conditions for the authorization of this loan. set conditions npl (established terms)设定条件Rather than negotiate each sale individually, they have set conditions that they never vary from.There are set conditions that must be met before we can give you this loan. set designer n (theatre, cinema: creator of scenery)布景师The set designer's done some excellent work on this opera. set eyes on [sth/sb] v expr figurative (see [sth/sb])看见;见到 set fire to [sth] v expr (set alight)放火烧He set fire to his own house to collect the insurance money. set foot v expr (enter)访问,到访;去,到往;踏入Liam has never set foot in England. Peter is so rude. I'll never set foot in his house again! set [sth] forward vtr + adv (move clock time ahead) (时钟)拨快 set forward vi + adv formal (set out, begin journey)出发With their saddlebags full and joy in their hearts, they set forward on their quest. set free v expr (liberate from captivity)释放Can you remember what year Nelson Mandela was set free? set free v expr (emancipate)解放 set in motion v expr (prompt, cause to begin)开动;使…开始运转They have set in motion the official procedures for emigrating to Canada. set [sth] in order v expr (arrange properly)使井井有条My grandmother set all her affairs in order shortly before she died. set in stone, set in concrete adj figurative (decided definitively)一成不变的备注: Commonly used in the negativeThese are just guidelines; nothing is set in stone yet. set in your ways adj (inflexible)固执的;顽固的Chris is set in his ways; he doesn't like trying anything new. set light to v expr (burn)点火 set limits v expr (establish restrictions)设定限制条件It's important for parents to set limits so their children learn how to behave. set of three n (trio)三件套Instead of buying just one wine glass, I decided to get a set of three. set of two n (pair)二件套He bought a set of two candles in matching colors. set [sth] on fire v expr (set light to)点燃;放火烧To cover up the murder, the killer set his victim's house on fire. set [sth] on fire v expr figurative, slang (excite)使激动;使情绪高涨That catchy new song has set the whole country on fire. set phrase n (language: fixed expression)固定词组Harry's explanation was nothing but set phrases. set piece n (film, book: scene or extract) (戏剧、音乐、绘画等遵循著名的固定模式或风格的)精彩部分At the end of the film, there is a set piece involving a gun battle. set piece n ([sth] carried out according to plan)按照计划执行的事情;精心部署下的行动The soccer players were trying out set pieces during their training session. set point n (tennis: point that will win a set) (网球比赛的)盘点,局点Her last backhand went into the net, so she only had one set point remaining. set purpose n (specific intention)有目的;故意Every lesson you plan to teach should have a set purpose.We're meeting today with no set purpose; we'll see what comes up. set [sth] to rights v expr informal (fix [sth] that is broken)修复 set [sth] right v expr (straighten [sth] that is crooked)校正 set [sth] right v expr (make a situation fair, appropriate)矫正 set [sb] right v expr (correct [sb]'s mistaken idea)纠正 set sail v expr (boat, ship: start a journey)启航The windjammer set sail for a tour around the Caribbean.;set sail v expr (start a journey by ship or boat) (指乘船)启航,启程,扬帆起航 set seed vtr + n (plant: produce seeds) (花草)结籽The flower will set seed in late summer.这种花会在夏末结籽。set square n (technical drawing tool)三角尺;三角板set term n (fixed period)固定期限Board members are elected for a set term of two years.Home mortgage loans are payable over a set term, usually fifteen or thirty years.set terms npl (established conditions)设定好的条件;既定条件set terms vtr + n (establish conditions)设定条件We weren't in a position to set terms so had to go along with what they decided.set the date, set a date v expr (decide specific day)确定日期The conference will be next year, but the organizers haven't yet set a date.set the date for [sth], set a date for [sth], set the date of [sth] v expr (schedule a day for)为…定好日子;为…定下日期We have set the date for the next meeting: March 23rd.set the date v expr informal (fix wedding day)确定婚礼日期;定下好日子When are you and your girlfriend going to set the date?set the limit v expr (establish a restriction or boundary)限定;设定极限For the Secret Santa presents this year let's set the limit at $20 each.set the mood v expr (establish a certain tone or atmosphere)奠定感情基调,确定氛围set the pace v expr (running, etc.: determine speed)确定步伐;确定速度The lead runner set the pace for the 5K race.set the pace v expr figurative (set a precedent, example)带头;树立榜样I'm hoping this session will set the pace for our future meetings.set the record straight, put the record straight v expr (correct false account)澄清问题;纠正错误set the scene v expr (establish a certain setting)做好布置;做好准备;设置场景set the stage v expr figurative (make everything ready)设置背景;(为…)铺平道路Zack's conniving set the stage for Virginia's downfall.set the standard for, set the standard in v expr (do [sth] at an exemplary quality)为...设立标准;给...设下标杆set the table, also UK: lay the table v expr (lay place settings for a meal) (准备吃饭)摆桌子;摆餐具My mother asked me to set the table whilst she cooked our dinner.set the tone v expr figurative (establish pattern)奠定基调My disastrous first day at school set the tone for the rest of the semester.set the world on fire v expr figurative (do spectacular things)一鸣惊人;轰动全世界set-to n informal (brief, intense argument)短暂而激烈的争吵Esme had a set-to with a traffic warden who told her she was parked illegally.艾思梅和一名交通管理员发生了争执,那个人说她违章停车。set [sth] to music v expr (provide music for [sth], as a poem, etc.)给...配乐set to work v expr (start doing [sth])着手工作He set to work as soon as he was given the new task.set [sb] to work v expr (cause to start doing [sth])让(某人)着手工作The manager set the new employee to work filing invoices.set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr + adv (establish)建立;创立;设立They set the new store up on Maple Street.他们在枫树街开了一家新店。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr + adv (assemble)拼装;装配;组装I bought my son a swing set and had to set it up in the yard yesterday.我给儿子买了一套秋千,昨天不得不把它架在院子里。set [sb] up with [sb], set up [sb] with [sb] v expr (get [sb] together with [sb])把...介绍给, 给...和...说媒, 给...和...牵红线Ed's sister tried to set him up with one of her friends, but they didn't hit it off.艾德的姐妹尝试为他与自己的一位朋友说媒,但是他们之间合不来。set [sb] up with [sth] v expr mainly US, informal (pay for drinks)替...付…的钱That generous woman set us all up with drinks last night.昨晚,那位大方的女士请我们大家喝酒。set up camp v expr (establish campsite)扎营;搭帐篷set up shop v expr (open a business)开设店铺Linda's set up shop doing sewing repairs and dressmaking.set your heart on [sth], have your heart set on [sth] v expr (desire greatly, long for)渴望,热望She had set her heart on a trip to Japan.The little boy had his heart set on getting a puppy for Christmas.set your house in order v expr figurative (arrange affairs properly)把个人事务安排妥当You'll need to set your house in order before you embark on something so ambitious.set your sights on v expr figurative (aim or intend to do [sth])以…为目标;决心做到I've set my sights on a new flat panel TV for my birthday this year.set [sb]'s teeth on edge v expr figurative (cause discomfort)让...感到不舒服; (比喻不适)让...牙根发酸set-aside n (government: [sth] for a specific purpose) (政府)专用物,专用品,专用物资set-aside n (government: land for wildlife, etc.) (政府)野生保护地区set-aside n (government: reserved farmland) (政府)休耕农田set-aside n US (government: reserved funds, production) (政府)预留资金,预留产量set-aside n US (government: contract) (政府)预留承包合同备注: 预留一部分由少数群体企业承包的合同set-aside adj (relating to a set-aside)预留承包合同的set-top box n (television signal converter)机顶盒setup, also UK: set-up n (arrangement)安排;布置You've got a great setup here for working from home.你家中办公室的布置非常好。setup, also UK: set-up n (gathered equipment) (舞台)设备;器具We left our setup on stage for tomorrow night's concert.我们把设备留在了舞台上,方便明天晚上开音乐会。setup, also UK: set-up n informal (hoax, trap)圈套;陷阱They invited you there as a set-up to rob your house.他们把你邀请到那里,是要设下陷阱,抢劫你的住处。setup, also UK: set-up n (computing: installation) (计算机)设置Double-click on the icon to start the setup.双击图标,启动设置。setup, also UK: set-up n (art: arrangement of objects) (艺术)物品摆放;陈设I'm going to paint a simple still life set-up with a vase of flowers and a table cloth.我要画一幅简单的静物摆放画——一个插满花的花瓶和一块桌布。skill set n (practical competences required)一组技能;能力;...方面的技能stage set n (stage setting: scenery for a play)舞台布景tea set n (set of teapot and cups)一套茶具This tea set comes complete with a teapot and four cups.television set n (appliance that receives tv signals)电视;电视机I bought myself a new television set with a plasma screen yesterday.The truth shall set you free. expr Biblical (knowledge is power)知识就是力量。;知识让人解放。"The truth shall set you free"; have you ever thought about what that statement means?thickset, thick-set adj (stocky)粗壮的;敦实的Jake was thin in high school, but in his twenties he became thickset because he stopped exercising.tool set n (handheld instrument kit)工具套装The tool set includes a small wrench, a hammer, a saw, and three screwdrivers.TV set n informal, abbreviation (appliance: television set) (television set的缩略形式)电视I had our old TV set replaced.twinset, twin set, twin-set n (matching jumper and cardigan) (指开襟毛衣配连衣裙)毛衣两件套twinset, twin set, twin-set n (matching set of two)两件套wireless, wireless set n UK, dated (radio set)无线电;无线电收发机The whole family gathered round the wireless to listen to the news.Audrey is going to buy a new wireless. |
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