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词汇 sea
释义 seaUK:*/ˈsiː/US:/si/ ,(sē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 sea n (smaller than ocean)海;大海The Mediterranean is a sea, not an ocean.地中海是海,不是洋。
 sea n (expanse of salt water)海洋The sea is home to thousands of different species of fish.海洋是成千上万种不同鱼类的家。
 sea n often plural (movement of the sea)海浪,波涛Heavy seas caused the boat to sink.海上波涛汹涌,导致小船沉没。 a sea of [sth] n figurative (large quantity)大量;海量The festival crowd was a sea of faces.节日期间,到处人头攒动。 sea n as adj (of the sea)海洋的;大海的The sea turtle comes to the beach to lay eggs.海龟爬上海岸产卵。 复合形式: the Adriatic Sea n (body of water east of Italy) (意大利东部水域)亚得里亚海 the Aegean Sea n (part of Mediterranean Sea) (地中海的一部分)爱琴海 air-sea rescue n (emergency service at sea)海空救援 at sea adv (on the open water)在大海上,在广阔的水面上The old sailor loves to recount his adventures at sea. at sea, all at sea adj figurative (disorientated)茫然的;不知所措的;迷茫的Clara was all at sea in the advanced calculus class. the Baltic Sea n (in Central Europe) (中欧北部水域)波罗的海 the Barents Sea n (part of Arctic Ocean)巴伦支海;巴伦兹海 between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place, between Scylla and Charybdis expr figurative (facing a dilemma)处于两难境地;左右为难 Black Sea n (sea between Europe and Asia)黑海 burial at sea n (sailor's funeral)水手的葬礼;海葬My grandfather had an honoured burial at sea. burial at sea n (disposal of ashes in ocean)海葬 by sea adv (via boat or ship)由海路I hate travelling by sea because I get seasick easily. the Caribbean Sea n (part of Atlantic Ocean)加勒比海I enjoyed a cruise in the Caribbean Sea, visiting Puerto Rico, Barbados and the American Virgin Islands. Caspian Sea n (large inland sea) (位于欧亚交界处)里海 chiton, sea cradle, coat-of-mail shell n (sea mollusk)石鳖 the Dead Sea n (body of salt water in Middle East)死海The Dead Sea is a huge salt lake between Israel and Jordan lying 422 meters below sea level. deep sea n (lowest ocean layer)深海Plants cannot grow in the deep sea because there is no sunlight. deep-sea n as adj (relating to deeper parts of the sea)深海的 deep-sea diver n ([sb] who scuba dives at great depths)深海潜水员Deep-sea divers are trying to repair the leaking oil-pipe. deep-sea diving n (scuba diving at great depths)深海潜水Deep-sea diving opens a whole new universe to scientists, engineers and archaeologists. deep-sea fishing n (fishing in deep ocean waters)深海捕鱼 the Galilee, the Sea of Galilee n (lake in Israel)加利利湖 get in the sea, get in the bin v expr UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)回到海里去 get in the sea, get in the bin interj UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)回到海里去 gurnard, sea robin n (zoology: fish)鲂鱼 hardtack, sea biscuit n (hard unsalted biscuit)(未加盐的)硬饼干;压缩饼干 high sea n often plural (open waters)外海 high sea n often plural (ocean beyond territorial waters)公海 lost at sea adj (missing in or on the ocean)在海上失踪的;沉入海中的The divers found, on the ocean floor, the ship that had been lost at sea for several weeks. Mediterranean Sea n (sea)地中海 mew, mew gull, seamew, sea mew n (bird)海鸥The beach was full of mews today. North Sea n (part of Atlantic Ocean) (大西洋东北部)北海 nudibranch, sea slug n (marine mollusc)海洋腹足软体动物,海蛞蝓 open sea n (nautical)外海;公海 ormer, sea ear n chiefly UK (abalone: Channel Island) (海峡群岛)鲍鱼 put out to sea v expr (leave land, embark)出航;起航;出海We put out to sea expecting an easy voyage, but the storm quickly forced us back to port. put to sea v expr (ship: leave land) (船只)出海The aircraft carrier put to sea with eighty aircraft aboard. put to sea v expr (crew, sailor: set sail)出海; (海员等)出航We'll put to sea again once the sails have been repaired. Red Sea n (channel to Indian Ocean)红海 rough sea n (stormy or choppy sea)风大浪急的海面Rough seas prevented his return from Capri to Naples. sea anemone n (tentacled sea creature) (海洋生物)海葵 sea bass n (marine fish) (一种海鱼)黑鲈,海鲈鱼My favourite type of fish is sea bass.我最喜欢的鱼类是海鲈鱼。 sea bream n (fish off European coasts)鲷鱼 sea bream n (porgy)鲷类;鲷鱼类 sea breeze n (gentle wind blowing in from the sea)海风There's a constant sea breeze in California which makes the heat tolerable. sea captain n (commander of a ship)船长My grandfather was a sea captain, the master of a merchant ship. sea change n figurative (major transformation)巨变;重大变化 sea change n (transformation caused by sea) (因为海洋的作用)变形 sea chest n (in ship's hull)通海吸水箱 sea chest n (container for sailor's things)水手的储物箱 sea cow n (manatee)海牛;海象In Costa Rica they take good care to preserve the sea cows. sea creature n (animal that lives in the ocean)海洋生物 sea cucumber (animal)海参 sea dog, seadog n figurative (veteran sailor)老水手Captain Ahab, whose face was scarred by lightning, was the ultimate sea dog. sea dog, sea-dog n (heraldry: beast)狗形神兽 sea dragon, sea-dragon n (fish) (鱼类)海飞龙;海龙 sea eagle (bird)海雕;海鹰 sea fan (coral)柳珊瑚;海扇 sea foam n (foam made by ocean)海洋泡沫;海水泡沫 sea freight n (transport of goods by ship)海运 sea glass n (glass fragment worn smooth by the tide)海玻璃备注: 海水海沙长时间打磨的废弃玻璃 sea green, sea-green adj (light blue-green in color)海绿色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. sea green n (light blue-green color)海绿色 sea ice n (frozen ocean water)海上浮冰 sea legs npl figurative, informal ([sb]'s balance on a ship)在船上保持平衡的能力,不晕船的能力 sea level n (sea's surface height)海平面One third of the Netherlands is at or below sea level.Global warming is causing sea levels to rise worldwide. sea-level n as adj (at sea's surface height)海平线的 sea life n (animals and plants of the ocean)海洋生物 sea lion n (large seal)海狮Sea lions eat huge quantities of fish.海狮食用大量的鱼。 sea mist n (thin fog coming in off the sea)海雾 sea monster n (folklore: big creature living in the sea) (民间传说)海怪 sea otter n (marine mammal)海獭Sea otters are amazingly agile swimmers, but rather clumsy on land. sea salt n (salt extracted from the sea)海盐I always cook with sea salt. sea scallop, giant scallop n (large edible marine mollusc)扇贝 sea scallop n (food) (食物)扇贝 sea shell n (outer casing of a marine mollusc)贝壳 sea snail n (marine gastropod)海蜗牛 sea snake n (animal: aquatic reptile)海蛇 sea squirt n (variety of marine creature)海鞘 sea stack (pillarlike mass of rock)海蚀柱;海岩柱 sea trout n (type of saltwater trout)海鳟 sea turtle n (aquatic tortoise that lives in the ocean)海龟 sea urchin n (spiky round sea creature)海胆He stepped on a sea urchin and the spines got stuck in his foot. sea view n (view over the ocean)海景 seabird, sea bird n (bird inhabiting marine areas)海鸟As the boys approached the beach, they could hear seabirds calling. seafish, sea fish n (animal: marine fish)海鱼 seafront, sea front, sea-front n mainly UK (land alongside the shore)海滨区;海岸区;面海地带The seafront was damaged by the strong storm. seafront, sea-front n as adj mainly UK (alongside the shore)海滨;海边There are many seafront hotels along this road. seagull, sea gull n (marine bird)海鸥Lisa stood on the shore, watching the seagulls swoop over the water. seahorse, sea horse n (small horse-like fish)海马Some seahorses are no bigger than your finger. seawall, sea wall, sea-wall n (groyne: wave barrier)(海岸)防波堤;护岸堤防;海堤 seawater, sea water n (salt water from the ocean)海水 shanty, shantey, chanty, chantey, sea shanty n (sailors' song)水手号子The sailors sang a shanty to improve morale. squill, sea squill n (botany: plant)海葱 starfish, sea star n (star-shaped sea creature)海星We saw different kinds of starfish on the beach.




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