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词汇 quiet
释义 quietUK:*/ˈkwaɪət/US:/ˈkwaɪɪt/ ,(kwī′it)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 quiet adj (not noisy) (不嘈杂的)安静的,清静的Libraries are quiet places.图书馆是安静的地方。usage: ‘quiet’Quiet is an adjective. Someone or something that is quiet makes only a small amount of noise.Bal said in a quiet voice, ‘I have resigned.’The airlines have invested a lot of money in new, quieter aircraft.If a place is quiet, there is very little noise there.It was very quiet there; you could just hear the wind moving in the trees. quiet adj (not loud)轻柔的Oscar has a quiet voice. I listened to the quiet murmur of the stream in the background.奥斯卡有着轻柔的声音。 quiet adj (calm, peaceful) (指环境)安静的,宁静的I looked for a quiet spot in the park.我在公园里寻找一个安静的去处。 quiet adj (person: gentle, reserved) (指人的性格)文静的,温和的,平和的Sam is a quiet man.山姆性格文静。 Quiet! interj (be quiet)静下来;静一静;安静Quiet! People are taking a test.静一静!有人正考试呢。 其他翻译 quiet adj (lacking customers) (生意)冷清的,清淡的Business had been quiet for months.几个月来,生意一直很冷清。 quiet adj (not eye-catching)素雅的;不抢眼的She wore a quiet dress to the funeral.她身着一件素雅的长裙出席葬礼。 quiet adj (hidden)隐秘的;僻静的They found a quiet glade in the forest, and stopped to rest there.他们在树林里找到一片隐秘的沼泽地,便停下稍作休息。 quiet adj (enjoyed in peace)悠闲的;可以静静享受的I like a quiet cup of coffee in the morning.我喜欢在早晨悠闲地来一杯咖啡。 quiet n (lack of noise) (无嘈杂声)安静,清净The quiet in the library was relaxing.图书馆内安静的氛围让人放松。 quiet n (calm, tranquillity)安静;平静;宁静I'm looking for some peace and quiet.我正在寻求一份平静。 quiet n (lack of disturbances) (无人活动)冷清,清静Mom enjoys the quiet of an empty house.妈妈很享受家里没人时的清净。 quiet vi (become quiet)变安静;静下来The crowd quieted when the concert began.音乐会开始后,人群便安静下来。 quiet [sb/sth] vtr (make quiet)使安静;使平静;安抚The father quieted his baby's crying. 动词短语 quiet down vi phrasal informal (stop talking so loudly) (说话)小声一点,放低音量Please quiet down! I can't hear myself think over your chatter. quiet down vi phrasal informal (become less active)安静下来The shops always quiet down after the New Year. 复合形式: be quiet vi (stop talking, not speak)不说话;安静Once they started drawing with their crayons, the children were very quiet.一旦开始用蜡笔画画,孩子们就会很安静。 be quiet interj (stop talking or making a noise)别说话了!安静点!;别弄出响动!安静点!Be quiet! I can't hear what the teacher is saying!别说话了!我听不见老师在讲什么了! keep quiet vi + adj (not make a noise)保持沉默Small animals keep quiet until their predators are gone.小动物会保持安静,直至它们的捕食者离开。 keep quiet vi + adj (person: say nothing)不说话,不吭气;保持沉默I really didn't feel like arguing the point with the boss so I just kept quiet. keep quiet vi + adj informal (not reveal a secret)保守秘密;保持沉默If I tell you my secret, can I trust you to keep quiet? keep [sth/sb] quiet vtr + adj (prevent from making noise)使…保持安静Please try to keep those children quiet - this is a church, not a playground!请让那些孩子们保持安静。这里是教堂,不是游乐场! peace and quiet n (calm, lack of interruptions)安宁;平和安静 quiet time n (period of silent reflection)安静时刻,宁静时光




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