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词汇 bought out
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相似词语短语 ;ought out───出版,生产;使显示;说出

fought out───以斗争解决

sought out───找出;搜出;想获得

thought out───解决;仔细考虑;发现

bought off───v.收买;出钱以摆脱

bought up───尽量收购;全买

caught out───发觉…有错误

rough out───草拟;概略地画出

roughs out───草拟;概略地画出


Yan has since bought out his other partners.───严兆强后来买下了其他合作者手中的所有股份。

His brothers bought out his share of the family property.───他的兄弟们买下了属于他的那份家庭财产。

The pattern: Company gets bought out.───其中的规律:公司被收购。

Mr. Deripaska bought out his partners in Rusal, which had ample cash flow thanks to rising metals prices and low taxes.───德里帕斯卡买下了他在Rusal的合伙人手中的股份。由于金属价格不断上涨、税费较低,Rusal有着充裕的现金流。

It said yesterday it had bought out the controlling shareholders in the company that operates 62 outlets in Beijing and Tianjin.───该公司昨日表示,它已完成一项收购,收购对象是一家在北京和天津经营62家星巴克咖啡店的合作公司的控股股东。

And having already bought out Colnaghi's share of the drawings, he took nearly all the gallery's stock with him.───此时他已经买下科尔纳吉画廊画作的所有权,获得了几乎所有的藏品。

He bought ads on Budget Travel, and he bought out Lonely Planet's home page for a week.───他从BudgetTravel购买了广告位,并且包下了LonelyPlanet一周的页面广告。

it was the American arm of Lehman that was for sale, which Barclays bought out of bankruptcy for, in effect, nothing.───雷曼银行的美国分支待售,巴克莱想买下尚未破产的雷曼,却未能如愿。

A year after the iPhone appeared, Nokia bought out its partners in Symbian, which produces operating systems for smartphones.───iPhone上市一年后,诺基亚收购了为智能手机开发操作系统的合作伙伴Symbian。


He bought out an established pharmacist.

We face the immediate peril of being bought out by another company.

But maybe bought out, or doing business in a very different way.

The farmers say that fear of being bought out will discourage future investment in their land.

The shoe shop next door is bought out by a firm of metal welders.

Having bought out all his partners he now owns the whole company.

The company was bought out by two German businessmen.

Eventually they were all bought out.

It bought out the inner child in me, the one that wants to smash things up.

  • bought in full
  • boughten bread
  • boughten cap
  • bought out
  • bought note




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