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whole point───关键;重点

game point───局点;一局中的决胜分

home port───船籍港

home posting───本地投递

cover point───n.防守位

game points───局点;一局中的决胜分

honor point───荣誉积分


brings me to the simple, take-home point: if you want to make your two-year old the color-naming talk of the party, watch your tongue.───吧,把最简单的理论带回家吧:如果你想让你2岁的宝宝在派对上正确的说出颜色,注意自己的语序。

I think that the main take-home point is that evolution and medicine really do have things to say to each other, and some of these insights actually reduce suffering and save lives, ” said Stearns.───我认为主要值得考虑的方面是进化与医学需要拥有对话,而这些不同见解其实可以帮助我们减少痛苦也可以挽救我们的生命。” Stearns这样说道。

Take Home Point: Progesterone does not have any clear benefit in TBI at this time.───要点:孕激素目前未被证实对创伤性脑损伤有任何明确的益处。

"The take-home point for women is to have that initial conversation with their provider, " she said.───她说,“对于女性来说,最重要的是要与医生进行初步交谈。”

Which brings me to the simple, take-home point: if you want to make your two-year old the color-naming talk of the party, watch your tongue.───好吧,把最简单的理论带回家吧:如果你想让你2岁的宝宝在派对上正确的说出颜色,注意自己的语序。

Alternately, you can commission a spiritualist at your home point to revive you for a minor experience point penalty.───可以委托起始点的缚灵者复活,带有少量经验惩罚。

Take home point: It's not all about you - You may think it's a personal attack, but maybe your co-worker is just having a bad day.───好好想清楚:那不是针对你——或许你会认为那是人身攻击,但也许那只是因为你的同事那天刚好心情不好。

Shenk doesn't neglect the take-home point we're all waiting for, even titling a chapter "How to Be a Genius (or Merely Great). "───申克并没有忘记要给读者一个交待——我们所有人都在等待那个答案,究竟怎样才能变成天才?他甚至单列一章“怎样成为天才(或者成为大师就行了)”。


Alternately, you can commission a spiritualist at your home point to revive you for a minor experience point penalty.

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