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词汇 holy grail
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Holy Grail───圣杯;圣盘

holy grass───圣草

fly rail───折叶板撑

holy oil───圣油

holy grasses───圣草

whole grains───全谷类


food grain───粮食

foot rail───平底轨;止滑围栏;[矿业]直达采区巷道


The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.───OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯.

They also searched for the Holy Grail.───他们也找到了圣杯.

A bottle of claret is not the Holy Grail.───葡萄酒瓶可不是全能的圣杯.

Jeff: The "Holy Grail" is reuse.───Jeff:“圣杯”是重用。

Is perhaps a single omnidirectional source the Holy Grail of audio?───单个全向声源可能是音频圣盘 吗 ?

Most of us – I was one – thought we at last found the holy grail.───我们多数人(包括我)都以为,我们终于找到了圣杯.

So - called " personalised medicine " has long been the Holy Grail of drugs researchers.───所谓 “ 个人化药物 ” 早已成为药物研究人员的救命稻草.

The discovery is being hailed as the Holy Grail of astronomy.───这个发现被认为是为天文学圆了梦。

The knights were amazed. They all wanted to see the Holy Grail.───骑士们非常惊讶.他们都想要看看圣杯.

The Champions League remains the Holy Grail to be pursued another year.───冠军联赛让圣杯的竞逐延续到下一年. ”

There are many stories about the quest of the Holy Grail.───有许多关于寻找圣杯的故事.

He has found his Holy Grail.───他已经发现了自己的“法宝”.

Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics.───冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯.

Some people link Mary to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar.───一些人就把玛丽亚和圣杯与圣骑士连接在一起.

In forest economics, that is the Holy Grail.───在森林经济学中, 这是圣杯(努力而无法得到的东西).

Gilliam Directing The Holy Grail [ with Jones ] was my lucky break.───Gilliam: ( 与 Jones 一起)执导《圣杯》是我幸运的突破.

Some believe the Templars were the custodians fabled Holy Grail.───还有些人相信圣殿骑士是传说中的圣杯守护者.

In his dream, he saw that his sheepfold was destroyed, the shepherd disappeared, and his holy grail fell off the peg.───在梦中,他看见他的羊圈被破坏,牧羊人失踪了,他的圣杯从钉子上掉了下来。

  • holy water
  • holy mountain
  • holy spirit
  • holy ghost
  • holy place
  • holy grail
  • holy big
  • holy communion




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