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词汇 Hidden among
释义 Hidden among
Hidden among发音



hidden meaning───隐含意义

hidden agenda───隐秘的议程;幕后的动机

hidden camera───隐藏摄像机

fallen among───偶然遇到

happen along───偶然出现;意外出现;偶然到来

hidden away───隐藏起来

hidden bomb───隐藏炸弹


Her house is hidden among the trees.───她家的房子隐藏在树林中。

The bobsled run is built out of wood not metal and hidden among trees.───滑雪橇是由木头而不是金属做的,且隐藏在树丛中。

He had hidden among the homeless ever since then.───那以后,他就藏在无家可归的人群中。

He said the mummy would be temporarily removed for a CT scan because there may be funerary amulets hidden among the wrappings.───他表示这具木乃伊将被暂时移走以便进行CT扫描,因为在包裹遗体用的布条中可能藏有葬礼时使用的护身符。

With a little imagination many other animals and heroes and beautiful women can be found hidden among the fainter stars.───稍有些想象力,可以发现许多“动物”“英雄”和“美女”藏在这些较暗弱的恒星之间。

Then he picked up a bag of pearls which he had hidden among the rushes, swung it over his shoulder, and disappeared.───然后,他捡起藏在芦苇丛中的一袋珍珠,扛在肩上,转身就不见了。

We found a little house hidden among the trees .───我们发现树丛中遮掩着一所小房子。

The transport businessman could not believe his eyes when he discovered the symbol of love hidden among the trees.───当看到隐藏在树林中象征着爱的心形标志时,这个商人不敢相信自己的眼睛。

However, believe it or not, its mysteries hidden among the Altay Mountains have far been unveiled yet.───但是,不能不相信,地处阿尔泰山脉中的青河县,在它的千山万壑中,蕴藏的神秘还远远不止这些。


We found a little house hidden among tress.

It's as if, hidden among all the jibber and twitch, obscured by the smoke and howling, there's a little charm of amnesia.

Hidden among its sunburst symbols was an obscure, sadistic pleasure.

However, believe it or not, its mysteries hidden among the Altay Mountains have far been unveiled yet.

It's hidden among trees and approached by a long, winding carriage drive, making life very difficult for Prince Charming types to creep into the garden.

That old temple is hidden among trees.

They must be hidden among the trees.

That old cottage is hidden among trees.

The house was hidden among the trees.

  • Hidden among




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