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词汇 must
释义 mustUK:* strong: /ˈmʌst/, weak: /məst/US:/mʌst/ ,(must)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: musth主要翻译 must v aux (obligation: have to)必须You must get a new driving licence.你必须取得新驾驶执照。usage: ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘have got to’, and ‘need to’The expressions have to, have got to, and need to can sometimes be used with the same meaning as must.The negative form of must is must not or mustn't. The negative forms of have to and have got to are don't have to and haven't got to. The negative form of need to is need not, needn't or don't need to. However, these negative forms do not all have the same meaning. This is explained below under negative necessity. must v aux (be legally obliged to) (法律上)必须I must attend court on Monday or I will be arrested.我得在周一出庭,不然就会被捕。 must v aux (be expected to) (表示应该)必须You must always finish your work on time for this teacher.这位老师布置的作业,你必须按时完成。 must v aux (should: strong) (表示要求、命令)一定要,必须You must report these things to the police.你一定要将这些事向警方报告。 must v aux (feel obligation to) (表示义务)必须,不得不I must phone Julie later. I promised I would.我过会儿必须给朱丽打电话,我答应过的。 must v aux (have necessity) (表示迫切需要)必须I must have one of those purses! Where can I buy one?我也很需要一个那样的钱包!我上哪儿能买到? must v aux (estimate) (对什么事作出逻辑推测)谅必,一定,肯定I'm not sure how much, but I must drink over three glasses of water a day.我不能确定到底有多少,但我想我每天喝的水肯定超过三杯。 must v aux (supposition) (猜测)肯定Surely John must have finished that work by now?这会儿了,约翰肯定完成工作了吧? must v aux (is it necessary) (表示有必要)必须,非得,一定要Must you always sing that stupid song?你每次都非得唱那首蠢歌么? 其他翻译 must n ([sth] necessary)必不可少的,必要的,必需的Having a computer these days is a must.现在拥有电脑是必需的。 must n (unfermented pressed grapes)未发酵的葡萄汁The winemaker inspected the must for abnormalities.酿酒师检查了未发酵的葡萄汁有无异常。 复合形式:must | musth it must be [sth] v expr (has to be true)必然是;必定是The cat has just had kittens, so it must be female. it must be [sth] v expr (it is very probably)肯定是;很可能是If the newspaper says it's true, it must be. The dog is barking; it must be the mailman.如果报纸上说这是真的,那一定是真的。狗在叫。肯定是邮递员来了。 it must be v expr (it is fated)注定是No sane man seeks his own death; but if it must be, let it be swift and painless. it must be so v expr (has to be true)必然如此;必定如此It is difficult to believe, but based on the evidence it must be so. must-have n ([sth] essential to own)必需品This useful book is a must-have for all dog owners. must-have adj (essential or desirable)必须的;必备的This scarf is the must-have accessory for all fashion lovers. must-see adj informal ([sth] recommended to be seen) (非正式用语)必须看的,值得一看的,非看不可的Citizen Kane is one of the must-see movies of all time. needs must expr ([sth] is necessary though undesirable)必须;不得不




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