

词汇 admire the view
释义 admire the view
admire the view发音



support the view───支持这一观点

block the view───挡住视线

enjoy the view───欣赏风景

alternative view───另一种观点

admiral of the fleet───海军元帅;海军五星级上将


admiralty law───海商法


admit theft───承认偷窃


We took time to stop and admire the view.───我们特意停下来欣赏风景。

Come and admire the view!───快来欣赏这风景!

seats were placed so that we could admire the view.───他们把座位摆得使我们可以观赏景色。

See if simple pleasure work for your . Fight in the snow with your kids, walk beside a stream or climb to a high place and admire the view.───看是否简单的乐趣对你有效。在雪地和孩子打雪仗,小溪旁散步或爬到高处欣赏美景。

See if simple pleasures work for you. Fight in the snow with your kids, walk beside a stream or climb to a high place and admire the view.───看看简单的快乐对你是否有用——和你的孩子们一起打雪仗、在小溪边散步、爬上高高的地方来敬仰大自然的神奇美景。

Whenever traveling by train, he likes to admire the view of the countryside through the train window.───只要乘火车旅行,他总喜欢透过车窗观赏乡村的风景。

The sunny terrace is a great place to admire the view across the Eternal City.───阳光明媚的露台是您欣赏这个永恒之城的完美地点。

Search for knowledge , read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.───探索知识,遨游书海,坐在门廊前欣赏眼前景色,把所有烦恼抛诸脑后。

Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front proch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.───探索知识,遨游书海,坐在门廊前欣赏眼前的景色,把所有的烦恼抛在脑后。


Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.

We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the view.

Let's just sit and admire the view.

We stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view.

Or you could simply admire the view of the desert.

We took time to stop and admire the view.

We stopped halfway to admire the view .

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  • admire the view
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  • admired meaning in spanish




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