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词汇 mother
释义 motherUK:*/ˈmʌðər/US:/ˈmʌðɚ/ ,(muᵺ′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 mother, Mother n (female parent)妈妈;母亲备注: Takes a capital letter when used as a direct term of addressI love my mother with all my heart.Life changes when you become a mother.我全心全意地爱着妈妈。// 你成为母亲后,生活就发生了改变。 其他翻译 Mother interj (female parent: in direct address) (称呼语)母亲,妈妈Mother! Where did you go? May I have some more cake, Mother?妈妈!你去哪儿了?我还能再吃些蛋糕么,妈妈? the mother of [sth] n figurative (cause)原因, 缘由Some think that diplomacy is the mother of inaction. mother n figurative (maternal quality)母性;母爱It is the mother in her that leads to her kindness and patience. Mother n (Mother Superior)女修道院院长Mother Superior is always early for mass. mother n as adj (motherly, maternal)母亲的;妈妈的Mother love is the source of endless tolerance. mother n as adj (mother animal) (动物)母亲;妈妈The mother bear ferociously protected her cubs. mother [sb] vtr (be the mother of)做…的母亲;生养I think that Julie will mother lots of children. mother [sth] vtr (give birth to)生育The wolf mothered two cubs. mother [sb/sth] vtr (protect, nurture)保护;照管;照顾They mother their families, making sure that there is proper food and clothing. mother [sb] vtr (act like a mother to)像母亲一样对待;像妈妈一样照顾Stop mothering me. You are my girlfriend, not my mom. 复合形式: birth mother n (biological female parent)生母My adoptive mother helped me find my birth mother. den mother n US (female scout leader)童子军女训导Most of what the young scouts had been taught came from their den mother.女童子军的多数知识都来自其训导。 den mother n US, figurative (woman: social organizer) (比喻, 指女性)牵头人Jack is the den mother of the office staff, always arranging little social gatherings and the like.杰克是办公室员工的牵头人,总是举行些小型社交集会什么的。 foster mother n (mother by temporary adoption)养母My foster mother loved me as dearly as her own children. mother's boy, mama's boy (US), mamma's boy (US), momma's boy (US), mummy's boy (UK) n informal, pejorative (man overly attached to his mother)胆小怕事的男孩子Tim's mother has him tied to her apron strings; he's become a mama's boy. mother company n (business that owns a subsidiary)母公司 mother country n (country of birth, native land)祖国A patriot is willing to sacrifice for the mother country. Mother Earth, mother earth n (Planet Earth)地球母亲 mother figure n ([sb] maternal or nurturing)慈母般的人;母亲的化身 mother figure n (female guardian)母职人物 Mother Goose n UK (pantomime) (童话形象)鹅妈妈 mother goose, Mother Goose adj (nursery-rhyme, nursery-story)童谣的 Mother Goose n US (fictional nursery rhyme author) (假托的童谣作家名)鹅妈妈 mother hen n figurative (overprotective woman)爱操心的女人 mother lode n (vein of precious metal) (矿)主脉; (比喻)源泉,来源The miners struck the mother lode and dug out tons of gold ore. mother love n (affection felt by a mother for her child)母爱 Mother Nature n figurative (personification of natural world)大自然母亲;大自然The developers built everywhere, with no regard for Mother Nature. mother ship (nautical)母船;母舰 mother superior, Mother Superior n (abbess: head nun)女修道院院长 mother tongue, mother language n (native language)母语Juan's mother tongue is Spanish.胡安的母语是西班牙语。 mother-in-law n (spouse's mother) (女方对丈夫母亲的称呼)婆婆; (男方对妻子母亲的称呼)岳母,丈母娘Stephen always got on very well with his mother-in-law. mother-of-pearl adj (made of mother-of-pearl)珍珠母制的 mother-of-pearl adj figurative (nacreous, pearlescent)珠母般的,珠光四射的 mother-of-pearl n (pearlescent interior of mollusc shell) (某些软体动物壳最内层的结构)珍珠层,珠母层 mother-to-be n (pregnant woman)孕妇 Mother's Day, also UK: Mothering Sunday n (celebration for mothers)母亲节What date is Mother's Day this year? mother's milk n (woman's breast milk)母乳 mother's milk n figurative (nourishment)滋养的源泉 Necessity is the mother of invention n (need inspires solutions)需要是发明之母It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. queen mother, Queen Mother n (mother of a reigning monarch)太后;皇太后;王母The Queen Mother made her views on horse racing very clear: she loved it! single mother n (female parent without a partner)单身母亲She's been a single mother since her husband died last year. stepmother, step-mother n (parent's wife)继母Did your stepmother inherit all of your dad's estate?你父亲所有的财产是不是都被你的继母继承了? stepmother, step-mother n (wicked figure in fairy tales) (童话中的邪恶形象)恶毒继母In fairy tales the stepmother is often wicked and hates children.童话的继母大多非常恶毒,讨厌小孩。 surrogate mother n (woman who carries another's baby)代孕母亲 working mother n (mother who has job)职业妇女;职场母亲




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