

词汇 happy event
释义 happy event
happy event发音




happy events───喜事(指子女出生)

happy ending───美丽结局(歌曲名)

happy dust───快乐的尘埃

happy news───喜讯

hopper vent───倒开气窗

main event───主要事件;拳击比赛秩序册中最主要的一场

happy retirement───退休快乐

happy release───舒解

happy medium───折衷办法


Zhao Yang's laugh, we start a happy event.───赵洋心地笑了,我们开始了快乐的活动。

It is a great happy event.───这可是件大喜事.

I take pleasure in sending herewith a little wedding present in celebration of the happy event.───奉上一件小小的结婚礼物,恭贺新喜.

Eyebrow happy event runs lightly to the outside, put it to grass blade.───眉喜轻快地跑到外面, 把它放到草叶上.

Anyhow, in the memory of average person, derive from happy event, break from Bei.───总之, 在一般人的心目中, 得自喜, 失自悲.

This happy event--supposing it to be such--could only have occurred at an unpremeditated moment.───这件愉快的事情——就算它愉快——只能发生在毫无预谋的时刻。

me to congratulate you before the happy event.───我这先给您道喜了。

China's football team has finally gone global, which is really an unexpected happy event.───中国足球队终于走向世界了, 这可真是平地一声雷的大喜讯啊.

For plant of warm temperate zone, happy event is warm, cold - resistant sex is differed slightly.───为暖温带植物, 喜暖和, 耐寒 性略差.

I will remember this happy event as long as I live.───在我的有生之年,我将记住这幸福时刻.

High temperature of sexual happy event is much wetter, winter should avoid blast is blown piece.───性喜高温多湿, 冬季要避强风吹袭.

Have finally had belonging to self circle along happy event clan!───齐喜家族终于有了属于自己的圈子啦!

Of the network bright red is the change that lives to them happy event or care?───网络的大红对他们生活的改变是喜还是忧 呢 ?

What has shocked the rest of the world, however, is described as a happy event by the family.───事是其他的所有人都感到震惊,但是,这个家庭里的人却把它当做是一件很愉快的事情。

Tear not only and sentimental, grieved in connection with also being connected happy event happily.───泪水不仅与伤感 、 悲痛有关,也和喜乐有关.

  • happy easter
  • happy together
  • happy monks
  • happy weeding
  • happy events
  • happy start
  • happy everyday
  • happy hour
  • happy deer
  • happy trip
  • happy used
  • happy up
  • happy again
  • happy one day
  • happy hours
  • happy and free
  • happy zoo
  • happy new journey
  • happy kids
  • happy with me
  • happy baby




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