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词汇 labor
释义 laborUK:*/ˈleɪbər/US:/ˈleɪbɚ/ ,(lā′bər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Labour主要翻译 labor (US), labour (UK) n (hard work) (辛勤的)劳动,劳作Only dedicated labor will make this project successful.只有辛勤劳作才能让这个项目获得成功。 labor (US), labour (UK) n (childbirth)分娩;生产Megan's labor lasted only two hours before the baby was delivered.梅根花了两个小时才分娩出宝宝。 labor (US), labour (UK) n uncountable (workers) (总称)工人,劳工,劳动力The factory will need to hire more labor to fill these orders.工厂需要雇佣更多工人,才能完成这些订单。 labor (US), labour (UK) n (work)劳动;工作This project represents several days' labour.这个项目需要几天的工作量。 labor (US), labour (UK) vi (do hard work)努力;辛勤劳作Medieval peasants spent their whole lives laboring.中世纪农民一生都在辛苦劳作。 labor to do [sth] (US), labour to do [sth] (UK) v expr (work to achieve [sth])努力工作以实现;努力做到All the translators labor to make the dictionary as good as possible.所有翻译一同努力,让字典尽量最好。 复合形式:labor | Labour | labour be in labor (US), be in labour (UK) v expr (be in process of giving birth)在分娩中;临盆 child labor (US), child labour (UK) n (children: forced working)童工Child labor is still prevalent in some Third World countries. day labor (US), day labour (UK) n US (work: paid by the day)零工,杂工;按日计酬的工作Day labor is a growing part of the informal economy in the United States. direct labor (US), direct labour (UK) n (production work)直接劳动;直接人工 division of labor (US), division of labour (UK) n (delegation of tasks)分工Assembly lines are extreme examples of division of labor. emotional labor (US), emotional labour (UK) n (meeting social and family demands)情绪劳动;情绪劳务 emotional labor (US), emotional labour (UK) n (hiding feelings for professional reasons)情绪劳动;情绪工作 go into labor (US), go into labour (UK) v expr (start giving birth)分娩;阵痛 hard labor n (physical work done by prisoners) (囚犯)苦役,苦工 labor against [sth] (US), labour against [sth] (UK) vi + prep (work to prevent)努力防止We must continue to labor against this discrimination. labor camp (US), labour camp (UK) n (enforced work camp)苦劳营;劳动营The government sent Maisky to a labour camp in Siberia. labor contract (US), labour contract (UK) n (employment agreement)劳动合同The teachers are hoping to negotiate a more equitable labor contract this year. labor costs (US), labour costs (UK) npl (cost of paying workers)人工成本,劳动力成本The company tried to reduce labor costs by employing unskilled staff. labor force (US), labour force (UK) n (workforce: employable people)劳动力The size of the labor force increases when school closes for the summer. labor intensive, labor-intensive (US), labour intensive, labour-intensive (UK) adj (involving hard work)工作非常辛劳的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun labor intensive, labor-intensive (US), labour intensive, labour-intensive (UK) adj (involving much work)劳动密集型的 labor law (US), labour law (UK) n (law: to protect workers)劳动法 labor market (US), labour market (UK) n (available employees)劳务市场;劳动力市场 labor of love (US), labour of love (UK) n (work done for pleasure)热爱的工作;自愿的工作 labor pains (US), labour pains (UK) npl (childbirth: contractions)分娩的阵痛Rosemary suffered severe labour pains as she was giving birth. labor relations (US), labour relations (UK) npl (worker-employer relationship)劳资关系Labor relations are difficult if workers can be fired at any time for cause, or for no reason at all. labor strike (US), labour strike (UK) n (work stoppage)工人罢工;劳工罢工Production at the car factory was brought to a standstill by the labor strike. labor the point (US), labour the point (UK) v expr figurative (belabor)过分详尽地阐述;过分多说The lawyer labored the point excessively. labor under [sth] (US), labour under [sth] (UK) vi + prep used in expressions (mistakenly believe)被…所蒙蔽备注: Commonly followed by: the illusion, the misapprehension, a mistaken belief, etc.The company is labouring under the illusion that it can take shortcuts to get the results it wants. labor union (US), labour union (UK) n (trade union, syndicate)工会The labor unions were created to protect workers from unfair working conditions. laborsaving, labor-saving (US), labour-saving (UK) adj (designed to make a job easier)节省劳力的;省力气的;省工的 manual labor (US), manual labour (UK) n (work carried out by hand)体力劳动;人力劳动;人力操作Although machines are used to produce most goods, repairing them is still done mostly by manual labor. materials and labor (US), materials and labour (UK) npl (basic costs of a project)人力物力;人工和材料The materials and labor involved with the Golden Gate Bridge project were enormous. organized labor (US), organized labour, organised labour (UK) n (workers belonging to a union) (总称)加入工会的工人,工会会员Economists have long debated the impact of organized labour on workplace productivity. physical labor (US), physical labour (UK) n (strenuous manual work)体力劳动You shouldn't do physical labour when you're pregnant. skilled labor (US), skilled labour (UK) n (manual work that requires training)技术工 slave labor (US), slave labour (UK) n (slavery, enforced work) (总称)奴隶,苦力;奴隶劳动,苦役Many of the greatest monuments were built by slave labor. slave labor (US), slave labour (UK) n figurative (low-paid work)繁重而报酬微薄的工作For many, working in a fast food restaurant is slave labor.It may be slave labor, but at least it's a job. unskilled labor (US), unskilled labour (UK) n (work requiring no training)粗活;不需要专门技能的工作 unskilled labor (US), unskilled labour (UK) n (workforce doing untrained jobs)非熟练工;粗活工人 wage labor (US), wage labour (UK) n (paid work done for an employer)雇佣劳务,有偿劳动




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