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far from───adv.远离;远非;完全不

as for───关于,至于

aside from───除…以外

dates from───追溯到;始于;起源于

drags from───拖拽

draws from───从…中得到;从…提取

came from───来自;出生于

date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

drag from───从


She is to retire as from 1 October.───她将于10月1日退休。

Subs will be raised as from next year.───从明年开始将提高会费。

Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron.───两名死者都被认出是15中队的.

Oscar spoke solemnly, as from the depths of a cavern.───奥斯卡讲话很严肃, 声音好象从大岩洞里传出来似的.

To unseat or throw off, as from a horse.───使下(马);使掉下(马 )

To start or wince involuntarily, as from surprise or pain.───退缩由于惊奇或疼痛而惊起或退缩.

Our fax number is changing as from May 12.───我们的传真号码自5月12日起更改。

To shake or tremble, as from old age; totter.───因年老而颤抖; 蹒跚而行.

As from Sunday, May 1 st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.───从5月1日即星期日起, 本公司运输费将每磅提高10便士.

Had I refused out of fear as well as from resentment?───我拒绝他除了由于忿忿不满之外还由于我胆小怕事?

An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark , tanning.───一种用于制革的植物搀和剂, 如从橡树中抽出的物质一样.

The present agreement takes effect as from today.───本协定自即日起生效.

It was quite as much with a hunter's habit as from any feeling of alarm.───这不仅是出于警惕,也是猎人的本能反映.

Vapor jetted from the brood hose as from a little steam engine.───大鼻子里象小小的蒸气机似的冒出热气.

NEEA starts to accept online registration.───开始接受新托福考试网上报名。

To draw back or shy away, as from fear ; flinch.───畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩.

Our range from England over Germany is just as good as from Sweden.───我们从英国飞往德国各地的距离,恰恰相当于从瑞典飞往德国各地的距离.

If an interactive computer screen is to match a whiteboard in usefulness, it must be viewable from arm's length as well as from across a room.───如果一个交互式计算机屏幕要在实用性上与白板相匹配,它必须在手臂长度范围和横跨房间范围内是可视的。


Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron.

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