growth rings───n.[林]年轮(树木的生长轮)
growth cone───[植]生长锥;生长圆锥
growth fund───信托投资基金(专用于购买迅速发展的企业股票的)
growth areas───增长领域;经济发展区
growth cones───[植]生长锥;生长圆锥
growth funds───成长型基金
growth hormone───n.[生化]生长激素;植物生长素
Onthe basis of data obtained, we analyzed the variation of wood growth ring.───根据测得的数据,分析了木材生长轮材性变异规律。
To judge by the growth ring of the tree, it must have lived many years.───从年轮来看,这棵树肯定活了很多年了。
Growth ring, let me touch the youth.───成长的年轮让我触摸青春.
With the growth ring of time.───辗转到生命的尽头.
Fossil woods with distinct growth ring show that the climate has seasonal change obviously during that time.───化石木清晰的生长轮表明当时气候具明显的季节性。
- growth fueled
- growth pattern
- growth rings