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词汇 ground zero
释义 ground zero
ground zero发音


n.开始; 起点; 爆心投影点


ground zeros───“爆心投影点”组织;着地点

ground zeroes───“爆心投影点”组织;着地点

ground alert───n.进入戒备状态之信号;戒备状态

ground beam───[建]地梁

ground beef───绞碎的牛肉

ground fir───高山石松

ground pea───豌豆

ground peas───豌豆粉

ground rent───n.地租;地面使用权


Some of the guys took the bus to what the media was calling '' Ground Zero ''.───一些人坐公车去了被媒体 称之为 零场地的 地方.

China is ground zero for one of modern history's greatest resource grabs.───中国是现代史上一场最大规模的资源争夺战的原爆点.

At this time, Ground Zero sales went world - wide.───在这一时期, GroundZero的销售走向了全球.

He laid a wreath at Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood.───他在世贸中心原址灾难现场敬献了花圈.

Again, I'm going to take you from Ground Zero.───再者,我将带你从零开始。

Within a half-mile from ground zero, death from radiation poisoning will occur within twelve hours.───在核爆点半英里内,辐射中毒引起的死亡会在十二小时内发生。

Searchers found his wedding ring lying amid all the destruction at Ground Zero.───然而,两天后,心爱的人却永远离开了她,留下的只有一枚戒指--救援人员后来在世贸废墟中找到了.

Ground Zero products have always distinguished themselves because of that extra investment.───GroundZero的产品长久以来一直表现出众,是在于他们的额外投资.

By 2003, TC Sound was producing the luxury class woofer chassis for Ground Zero.───到2003年, TCSound一直都在为GroundZero生产奢侈档次的低音机箱.

Other good news: JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs both plan to build new headquarters near Ground Zero.───还有更多的好消息: J. P. 摩根公司和高盛集团将打算在世贸中心废墟附近建造新的公司总部.

Some buldings leaned away from ground zero as though struck by a wind of stupendous proportions.───有些建筑物朝着和地面零点相反的方向倾斜,好像受到暴风袭击一样.

A sign hanging over the entrance read, “Ground Zero.”───入口处悬挂的标牌上写着“新起点”。

Consider, first, a location 22 miles downwind from ground zero.───首先考虑地面零点顺风方向22哩的位置.


He laid a wreath at Ground Zero where the World Trade Center once stood.

Ground Zero is Zero Point consciousness. The program ends in a New York Minute!

Today, the Ground Zero site remains a popular tourist destination and is included on tours through most New York tour companies, alongside the Statue of Liberty and other well-worn destinations.

Some buldings leaned away from ground zero as though struck by a wind of stupendous proportions.

Buildings within 25 km of ground zero would be flattened.

The National Association of Manufacturers urged the administration to focus especially on China, which it has called "ground zero" for piracy and counterfeiting.

Nearly every building within twenty-five kilometers of ground zero is flattened.

Mogadishu ground zero for the failed state of Somalia, a place where pirates and terrorists rule.

China is ground zero for one of modern history's greatest resource grabs.

  • ground one
  • groundless fear
  • ground truth
  • ground porANNLA
  • ground cat
  • ground with
  • ground crew
  • ground move
  • ground level
  • groundless meaning
  • ground force
  • ground meat
  • grounding sheets
  • ground beetle
  • ground speed
  • ground plate
  • ground coffee
  • grounding meditation
  • ground oneself
  • groundless def
  • groundless gfci




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