grew away from───远离
great room───很棒的房间
greatly improve───大大提高
grow away from───与…疏远起来;终止同…的亲密关系
greatly improved───大大提高了
grown away from───远离
grows away from───远离
date from───追溯到;始于;起源于
dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于
Over much of the globe, the living standard of, say, a farmer in 1750 would not differ greatly from that of his great-grandparent.───例如,在全世界大多数地区,一个农民在1750年的生活水平和他的曾祖辈没有太大区别。
I wish you had sincerity enough to tell me whether Catherine would suffer greatly from his loss: the fear that she would restrains me.───我希望你诚诚恳恳告诉我,若是失去了他,凯瑟琳会不会很难过:就是怕她会难过,这才使我忍住。
As is often the case with EU directives, the end result will probably differ greatly from this week's wish list.───其最终结果很可能会与本周所提出的目标相去甚远,这正是欧盟指令通常面对的情况。
One of the poorest countries in Asia, Nepal should benefit greatly from improving economic ties with its booming neighbours.───作为亚洲最贫穷的国家之一,尼泊尔应该从改善和生机勃勃的邻国的经济关系中大大地受益。
Volkswagen Polkowice is situated in a region which has suffered greatly from environmental neglect over the course of the last few decades.───大众普克维茨处于一个曾经在过去数十年遭受环境纰漏巨大痛苦的地区。
The internal ballistics of nozzleless SRM differs greatly from the general motors due to the speciality of its structure.───由于无喷管发动机结构的特殊性,导致其内弹道与传统的发动机产生了较大的差异。
His stomachache has disimproved greatly from too much drinking.
The patients benefit greatly from a change of scenery.
Medical treatment varies greatly from state to state.
The defect detracts greatly from the value of the vase.
A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.
He profited greatly from his year abroad.
Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.
People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.
Japanese differs greatly from French in pronunciation.