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词汇 has
释义 hasUK:* full: /ˈhæz/, weak: /həz/, elided: /əz/US:/hæz; unstressed həz, əz/US:(haz; unstressed həz, əz)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: have主要翻译 has v aux (used to form question) (助动词)[表示疑问]Has she told you what time to expect her?她告诉了你她什么时候能到么? has v aux (used to form negative) (助动词)[表示否定]Your brother's nice enough, but he hasn't got your charm.你哥哥是挺好的,但他没有你的那种魅力。 has v pres (have: 3rd person singular)有;拥有She has a new car.她有一辆新车。 复合形式:has | have closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted n figurative, informal (acting too late)行动太慢;反应太慢Tony's debts are huge now; buying a few items second-hand seems like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. every cloud has a silver lining expr (there is always [sth] positive)天无绝人之路;凡事都有好的一面 Every dog has his day, Every dog has its day expr figurative (everyone will succeed)每个人都有出头之日;风水轮流转 has-been n informal (performer: no longer popular)过时的人;曾经盛极一时的人;曾时兴的人That singer is a has-been; he hasn't put out a good album in years.




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