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词汇 grape varieties
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grape variety───葡萄品种

grape harvests───葡萄收成

grape ivies───菱叶白粉藤

wrap parties───[电影]停机庆祝会

free safeties───自由卫

free variation───自由变异;[数]自由变分

free variations───自由变异;[数]自由变分


Many grape varieties have been around for centuries - is it time for some new ones?───很多葡萄品种已经用了几百年了——是时候换换新的了!

She is the most noble Germany of white grape varieties, has the very high natural acidity.───她是德国最为高贵的白葡萄品种,具有很高的自然酸度。

More than 60 designated wine regions produce in excess of 100 different grape varieties.───多于60个指定葡萄酒产区,100多种不同的葡萄品种。

ZhaoFengYi said, cabernet sauvignon is the world's most popular grape varieties, one of in the United States is no exception.───赵凤仪说,赤霞珠是世界最流行的葡萄品种之一,在美国也不例外。

A classic blend of the noble grape varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot from some of Western Australia's most exceptional vineyard sites.───一款典型来自西澳大利亚卓越葡萄园的经典赤霞珠和美乐的混合品种。

At the beginning, it made Bordeaux style wine using Bordeaux grape varieties.───起初,智利用波尔多的葡萄品种做波尔多类型的葡萄酒。

Many different grape varieties, Growing in Widely differing soils And microclimates, yield an Amazing range of different wines.───许多葡萄品种生长在不同的土质和小气候环境下,因此可以产出让人意想不到的各种不同类型的葡萄酒。

Due to differences in the larger area of soil, grape varieties and diverse tastes and qualities of wine and also a larger change.───由于区内土壤差别较大,且葡萄品种多样,葡萄酒的口味和特质也随之而出现较大的变化。

Mediterranean style climate with usually a warm, dry autumn which allows for the ripening of most grape varieties.───地中海气候通常都是温暖干燥的秋天,这促使大多数的葡萄品种都能及时成熟。


Americans tend to prefer table grape varieties descended from Vitis vinifera , as these European grapes have a nice tight skin.

At that time, grape varieties weren't exactly classified, but Chardonnay, for instance, could have been among them.

Italian white grape varieties typical of the Veneto region, such as Garganega, Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon Blanc and Trebbiano.

The grape varieties whose wine we like to drink - merlot, chardonnay, semillon, riesling and the rest - have mainly been developed from one species, Vitis vinifera.

Typical Australian wine, a cuvee from two grape varieties. Smooth and fruity.

In addition to the Terroir, grape varieties used also affect the styles of wines in Medoc .

Even efforts with their best grape varieties seemed to produce wines that could never shake off a legacy of bitterness.

Which of the following grape varieties is the odd one out? 4.

However, different grape varieties produce wines of widely different character.

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