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词汇 get
释义 getUK:*/ˈgɛt/US:/gɛt/ ,(get)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 get [sth] vtr informal (obtain) (非正式用语)搞到;弄到We need to get some beer somewhere.我们得找地方弄点啤酒。 get [sth] vtr informal (receive)收到,得到Did you get the message I sent you?你收到我发给你的信息了吗? get [sth] vtr informal (earn, win) (非正式用语)得到, 赢得I got an A in Spanish.我的西班牙课成绩是A。 get [sth] vtr informal (fetch)拿来,取来I'll get another plate for you.我重新去给你拿一个盘子。 get [sb] to do [sth] vtr informal (persuade)说服...做某事;劝导...做某事I got him to give me a pay rise.我说服了他给我加工资。 get [sth] vtr informal (illness: catch)染上;患上He got the flu and had to stay at home.他感冒了,不得不呆在家里。 get [sth] vtr informal (buy)买;购买I'm just going to get some more milk.我刚要去再买些牛奶。 get [sth] done vtr informal (arrange or cause to have) (非正式用语)使, 使得, 让I need to get my car fixed.我得把车修好。 get [sth] vtr informal (understand) (口语)了解;理解;明白Do you get what I'm saying?你明白我的意思吗? get vi informal (become)变得,变成Andy got better once he took the medicine.Nancy got annoyed when the car wouldn't start.安迪一吃下药就有所好转了。// 车发动不起来,让南希气恼。usage: meaning ‘become’Get is very often used to mean ‘become’. The sun shone and I got very hot.I was getting quite hungry.➜ See become get vi informal (arrive)到达;抵达When will we get there?我们什么时候到达那里? 其他翻译 get to do [sth] v expr informal (have the opportunity) (与不定式连用)能够, 有机会I get to go to Paris this summer.今年夏天我能去巴黎了。 get vi US, slang (go away) (俚语)走开!滚!Get! You dumb animal.滚开!你这头蠢驴。 get doing vi informal (start)开始Let's get painting, before it's too dark for us to see what we're doing.趁天还没黑,我们也能看清楚,不如我们去刷漆吧。 get [sth] vtr informal (prepare) (非正式用语)准备;备好I'll get dinner if you lay the table. get [sth] vtr informal (attract) (非正式用语)得到, 获得She always gets all the attention. get [sb] vtr informal (reach) (非正式用语)联系到, 联系上You can get me by telephone or e-mail. get [sth] vtr informal (hear) (非正式用语)听到, 明白Sorry, I didn't get that. What did you say? get [sth] vtr informal (receive as punishment)受到…的惩罚, 被判…的刑He got 10 years for armed robbery. get [sb] vtr informal (touch emotionally) (非正式用语)使感动, 使有感触That film gets me every time. get [sb] vtr informal (hit) (非正式用语)击中, 打中The bullet got him in the stomach. get [sb] vtr informal (have revenge on) (非正式用语)报复, 向…复仇I'll get you for that! get [sb] vtr informal (bother) (非正式用语)惹怒, 使生气What gets me about the film is why he never comes back. get [sb] vtr informal (capture) (非正式用语)抓到, 逮到The police got him in the end. get [sth] vtr informal (ruin, destroy) (非正式用语)毁掉, 使坏掉, 摧毁Rust got my car. have got to do [sth] vtr informal (must) (非正式用语)必须做某事备注: only in present perfectI have got to leave now. 动词短语 get about vi phrasal informal (travel frequently or widely) (非正式用语)到处旅游,四处周游Paris yesterday, Sydney next week; you really get about, don't you!昨天去了巴黎,下周要去悉尼。你还真是到处旅游,难道不是吗? get about vi phrasal informal (walk, move around) (非正式用语)四处走走,四下溜达Though 98 years old, my grandfather still gets about like he was half that age.尽管98岁高龄了,我的爷爷仿佛像自己一半年龄的人一样,仍然四下溜达。 get across, get [sth] across vtr phrasal sep informal (convey)传达;向…讲清楚;使人了解He tried to get his point across but it was so convoluted, no one could understand.他试图传达自己的观点,不过实在太过复杂,没人能够理解。 get ahead vi phrasal figurative (be successful)取得成功;领先In order to get ahead in business, you need to be assertive.想要在生意上取得成功,你需要坚定而自信。 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (overtake)超过He ran faster and got ahead of his sister just as they reached the car.他跑得更快,并在抵达车子的时候超过了姐姐。 get ahead vi phrasal figurative (gain advantage)取得优势;领先The company got ahead by adopting a new business model.通过采取一种新的商业模式,那家公司取得了优势。 get ahead of [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (be more successful)领先于;胜过;比…更为成功The firm developed a multimedia game system that allowed it to get ahead of its rivals.该公司开发了一种多媒体游戏系统使自己领先于竞争者。 get ahead vi phrasal US, figurative, informal (save money)攒钱;存钱Keeping a monthly budget is a good way to get ahead.维持月度预算是一个攒钱的好办法。 get along vi phrasal informal (be friends) (非正式用语)友好相处My friends and I get along very well.我和朋友们相处得都很好。 get along vi phrasal informal (cope)应付得来;可以应对After she went blind, it took her a long time to learn how to get along without vision.在失明后,她花了很长时间才学会如何适应看不见后的生活。 get along vi phrasal informal (progress)取得进步;取得进展In my profession, you aren't going to get along without the support and help of more experienced people.在我的这个行业,如果没有经验丰富的人员的支持和帮助,你就无法取得进步。 get along vi phrasal (leave)离开;离去I have to get along now; it's been nice chatting to you.我现在该走了。与你聊天很愉快。 get along with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be friends)与…相处愉快;合得来I get along very well with my mother-in-law.我和婆婆很合得来。 get along without [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (not need)缺少…而对付着;凑合着I can get along without luxuries in this economy. get around vi phrasal informal (travel)到处旅游, 四处游览I certainly get around in my job. This year, I've travelled to Korea, Australia and South Africa.我的工作需要四处奔波。今年,我去了韩国、澳大利亚和南非。 get around vi phrasal (move about)走动His arthritis makes it difficult for him to get around.关节炎使他行动不便。 get around [sth], also UK: get round [sth] vtr phrasal insep (circumvent)绕道而行;绕开;规避You can't get around the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.你不能假装没有问题来回避。 get around, also UK: get round, get about vi phrasal informal (circulate)散布,传播When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.她在烘焙饼干的消息传开后,所有孩子都出现在她门口。 get around to [sth], also UK: get round to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find time)抽出时间Bill eventually got round to the washing-up. get around to doing [sth], also UK: get round to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (find time)抽出时间做某事One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris. get at [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (intend to say, imply) (非正式用语)想说,意指I don't understand what you are getting at.我明白你想说什么。 get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (target for criticism) (俚语)数落,批评,讽刺,打击I hate him; he's always getting at me.我讨厌他,他总是数落我。 get at [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (influence illegally) (俚语)贿赂,买通All the evidence is against us; we'll have to see if we can get at the jury.所有证据都对我们不利,我们得看看能否贿赂陪审团。 get away vi phrasal (escape)逃走,逃离,逃脱I was almost mugged but I managed to get away.我差点被抢劫了,不过我成功逃脱了。 get away vi phrasal informal (go on holiday)外出度假;休假I have been working late all week and need to get away this weekend.整个星期我都工作到很晚,这周末我需要外出度假。 get away from [sb] vtr phrasal insep (escape: [sb])摆脱;离开How did you manage to get away from your captors?你是如何从抓你的人手中逃脱的? get away from [sth] vtr phrasal insep (place: leave)离开It's great to get away from London sometimes. get away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not be punished)逃脱…的惩罚;不受…处罚;逃避…责罚;逍遥法外The murderer got away with his hideous crime.犯下滔天罪行的谋杀犯却逍遥法外。 get back vi phrasal informal (return) (非正式用语)返回,回去I visited my Aunt in Greece last year and I can't wait to get back!去年我去看望了人在希腊的姑妈,现在等不及要再去了。 get [sth] back, get [sth] back from [sb] vtr phrasal sep (have [sth] returned)取回;还给,交还给I took my watch to be repaired and I'll get it back on Tuesday.我把手表送去维修了,我会在周二的时候取回来。 get [sth] back vtr phrasal sep (receive [sth] in return)取回;拿回When Sue does a favour for someone, she always expects to get something back.帮了别人的忙后,苏总是希望得到一些回报。;get back at [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (take revenge on)向…报复;找…算账To get back at him, she had an affair with his brother.为了报复他,她和他兄弟搞外遇。 get back at [sb] for [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (take revenge on)为某事向某人复仇;向某人报某事的仇get back to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (resume)恢复;继续;重新开始I'd love to talk more but I have to get back to my work now.我很想再聊会儿,不过我得继续工作了。get back to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (return)回到;返回It would be nice to get back to my hometown one day.要是有一天能回到我的家乡就好了。get behind [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (support: a cause, etc.)支持, 赞助If you promise not to change your mind, I'll get behind your efforts to clean up the park.如果你保证不改变主意,我会支持你清理公园的活动。get by vi phrasal (cope, manage)应付;对付过去Between taxes and the high cost of living I make barely enough to get by.既要缴税,又要承担高昂的生活费用,我挣的钱仅够勉强糊口。get by on vtr phrasal insep (survive on)靠…生活;靠…维持生计The older couple had learned to get by on their small retirement income.这对老夫妇已学会了靠他们微薄的退休收入来维持生活。get by in [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (language: speak at a basic level) (一门外语)可用...勉强应付My French is really hopeless so I was glad to discover that I could get by in simple English in Paris. I speak English and Spanish, and can get by in Italian as well.我的法语真的没希望了,但我很高兴地发现我在巴黎能用简单的英语勉强应对。我能说英语和西班牙语,意大利语也勉强够用。get down vi phrasal (from vehicle, horse)下来;下车;下马The truck driver got down from his cab to inspect the tires.卡车司机从驾驶室下来检查轮胎。get [sb] down vtr phrasal sep informal (depress)使…沮丧;使…消沉Try not to let your exam results get you down.试着不要让你的考试成绩令你变得消沉。get [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (write [sth] down)写下;记下When inspiration strikes, get the idea down before you forget it.灵感来的时候,在忘记前赶快记下来。get [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (swallow [sth])吞下;咽下A glass of water will help you to get those pills down.喝一杯水可以帮助你吞下那些药片。get down vi phrasal slang (have fun, esp. dance) (尤其是跳舞)玩, 娱乐At the wedding, it was hilarious to see my dad getting down on the dance floor.在婚礼上,看到我爸在舞池里跳舞,真是太搞笑了。get down vi phrasal informal (leave the meal table)离开餐桌;下桌Mum, can I get down now, please? I can't eat any more.妈妈,我能离开餐桌了吗?我吃不下了。get down to [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (start)开始;着手办理Let's get down to the important matter of choosing our new chairperson.让我们开始着手挑选新主席吧,这才是重要的事。;get hooked vi phrasal figurative, slang (become addicted)上瘾Don't try drugs; it's so easy to get hooked.get hooked on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (become addicted to [sth])对…上瘾He'd gotten hooked on the new video game.get in vi phrasal informal (arrive home)到家Sorry I missed you, but I got in late last night.抱歉错过了你,不过昨晚我很晚才到家。get in vi phrasal (enter a vehicle)进入;上(车等)I opened the door and got in.我打开车门上车。get in vi phrasal (be admitted to a school, etc.) (学校录取等)许可进入Out of 20,000 applicants to the university last year, only 3,000 got in.去年,20,000名申请者中只有3,000人被录取。get in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (obtain a share in)参加;加入She's always trying to get in on the action.get in with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (start to associate with)与…开始交往;与...开始熟悉He got in with a bad crowd and started skipping school.get into [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (become interested in) (俚语)开始喜欢,开始对…有兴趣I can't get into this book because the first chapter is so boring.因为这本书的第一章太过乏味,所以我实在没办法喜欢上它。get into [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (discuss in detail)详细讨论;全面探讨get into [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (cause to behave differently)让某人变得不同;支配某人get off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (alight: from train, etc.) (火车等)从…下来Here, it is common for passengers to thank the driver as they get off the bus.在这里,乘客下车时向司机道谢非常常见。usage: ‘get out’When you leave a car, you say that you get out of it or get out.We got out of the taxi at the station.I got out and examined the right rear wheel.You also say that you get out of a lift, plane, or small boat.get off vi phrasal (alight: from train, etc.)下车Take the subway and get off at Union Station.坐地铁,到联合车站下车。get off, also US: get it off vi phrasal vulgar, slang (have an orgasm)达到性高潮It takes me a long time to get off when we have sex in the missionary position.我们用传教士体位做爱时,我要花很长时间才能达到高潮。get off on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (take pleasure in)享受;以…为乐趣He really gets off on seeing other people suffer.他以看到别人受苦为乐。get off vi phrasal informal (be acquitted)被宣告无罪;被无罪释放He was tried for corruption, but he got off.他因腐败而受到审判,但却被无罪释放了。get off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (kiss) (异性)与...亲热I saw Tracy getting off with Kevin last night.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (lenient punishment)得到宽大处理He got off with just a warning.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (steal)偷走The boys were able to get off with an apple in each hand before the farmer chased them away.get on vi phrasal informal (be friends)和睦共处,友好相处;混熟Sarah and her new roommate got on as soon as they met.萨拉和她的新室友一见面就很合得来。;get on vi phrasal informal (with task: progress)取得进展;取得进步How are you getting on?你是如何做到的?get on vi phrasal informal (in life: advance)取得成功;出人头地To get on in life, you need to be willing to work hard.要想取得成功,你必须愿意努力工作。get on to [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (contact [sb])联系,联络Let me get on to my attorney and see what he says.get on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (progress to [sth])继续到;转至Let's get on to the next item on the agenda.get on with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (be friends)与…处得好;与…相处愉快,与…愉快相处If you can't get on with your boss, it might be better to quit.如果你不能与老板愉快相处,那最好就离职吧。get on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (do without delay)赶快做Don't watch TV. Just get on with your homework!不要看电视了。赶快去做你的家庭作业!get onto [sth], get on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (discuss)骑上(马等),登上(车等);与…联系,接触;学会,掌握;察觉,发现(秘密等)My boss always becomes defensive when we get onto the subject of a pay rise.get out [sth], get [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (take [sth] from somewhere)拿走The man got out his phone to call for a taxi.那人拿出手机叫出租车。get out vi phrasal (news: be divulged) (新闻)传出去,泄露Ellen was worried that the news would get out before she'd had a chance to tell her parents face to face.艾伦担心这则消息在她有机会当面告知父母前就会走漏。get out of [sth] vi phrasal + prep (extricate oneself from) (本义)从...逃走,从...逃离The children could not get out of the building because it was on fire.由于大楼着火,孩子们没有办法从楼内逃离。get out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (free yourself from an obligation) (非正式用语)避免承担…的责任; (责任、义务等)逃避,摆脱I need to get out of my meeting this afternoon because I have a doctor's appointment.The teenager tried to get out of his homework by pretending to be ill.我下午预约了要去看医生,所以得缺席会议了。// 那位青少年假装生病,想逃避做家庭作业。get out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exit a vehicle)下Audrey parked near the beach and got out of the car.奥黛丽把车停在沙滩附近,下了车。get over [sth] vtr phrasal insep (recover from)克服, 恢复I hope you get over your flu really quickly. By spring he had got over the virus which troubled him for much of the winter.我希望你的流感能很快好起来。到了春天,他已从冬天大部分时候困扰他的病毒中恢复过来。get over [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (cease loving: [sb])忘记某人, 不再喜欢某人It took me months to get over Jake after we broke up. He will get over her once he starts going out again.我们分手后,我花了几个月的时间才忘掉杰克。只要他再次开始约会,他就会忘记她。get over [sth] vtr phrasal insep (accept, believe: [sth] surprising) (出人意料的事)接受, 相信Paul is so gorgeous; I'm still trying to get over the fact that he asked me out.保罗太帅了。我仍在试着接受他要约我出去的事实。get past vi phrasal (move beyond an obstruction)通过;过去Rocks had fallen on the road and we could not get past.get past [sth] vtr phrasal insep (move beyond: an obstruction)从…边上过去;绕过The driver was unable to get past the roadblock.get past [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (recover from [sth] negative)纾解, 缓过来I couldn't get past my disappointment that the trip had been cancelled.get [sth] right vtr phrasal sep informal (be correct about)确保…正确,把…弄清楚Let me repeat it back to you to make it sure I got it right.get [sth] right vtr phrasal sep informal (do correctly)正确地去做…, 做对I practised the music over and over to be sure to get it right in the performance.为了确保在演出时能演奏好,我一遍又一遍地练习着这首曲子。get round [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (cajole)说服某人;哄骗某人改变想法You can't get round me with flattery - you're not getting a bike for Christmas, and that's final!你别想通过阿谀奉承来说服我,圣诞节不会给你自行车的,别说了到此为止!;get through [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (ordeal: survive)(想办法)通过(考验等);尽力渡过(难关)The global recession has been tough on everyone, but we will get through it.全球经济衰退对所有人来说都很艰难,但我们会度过难关。get through [sth] vtr phrasal insep (work, task: complete) (工作,任务)完成I have so much work to get through this week—I don't know how I'm going to do it all! I still have more studying to get through before the exam.这个星期我有这么多的工作要做,我都不知道该怎么做了!而且考前我还有很多功课需要完成。get through vi phrasal (reach [sb]: on phone)接通电话After several attempts to call Yolanda, I eventually managed to get through.我试了几次打给尤兰达,最后接通了。get through to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (reach: on phone)给某人打通电话;接通某人I'm trying to get through to the President but he's not answering his phone.我正试着给总统打电话,不过他不接。get through to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (make understand)使某人理解;使某人明白I need to get through to my son and make him see drugs are not the answer!我需要使儿子明白毒品不是解决办法!get together vi phrasal (people: gather)聚集;碰头;聚会备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounThe team leaders need to get together to discuss the problem.团队领导需要集中一下讨论这个问题。get together vi phrasal informal (people: socialize)聚一聚;聚会Let's get together sometime and catch up on each other's news.我们找时间聚聚,了解彼此近况。get together with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (socialize with [sb])跟…聚一聚;跟…聚会Every Friday after work, Joe gets together with his colleagues for a drink.每周五下班后,乔都会和他的同事一起喝一杯。get [sth] together vtr phrasal sep (items: collect)收集Ed got his belongings together ready to go home.艾德把他的东西收拾好准备回家。get under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (go underneath [sth])到…下面The dog dug a hole to get under the fence.get under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (reach underneath [sth])到了…下面It was raining and the damp got under the car bonnet.get under [sth] vtr phrasal insep (achieve lower score)达到…以下No matter how much I practice golf, I can't get under 85.get up vi phrasal (rise: in morning)起床I had to get up early today for a meeting at 7:00 AM.我今天得早起,上午7点有个会。get up vi phrasal (stand)站起来Don't just sit there and watch; get up and help me!别光坐在那儿看,快起来帮我!get [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (rouse, waken)叫醒;唤醒It's his mother who gets him up every morning and his father who puts him to bed.每天早上叫他起床的是他妈妈,哄他睡觉的是他爸爸。get [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (summon: courage, etc.) (勇气)鼓起; (力气)使出I couldn't quite get up the courage to ask him on a date.我没能鼓足勇气约他出去。get [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (make [sb] ejaculate)使某人射精get up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do: [sth] mischievous) (常指不好的事情)做,干Katie has locked her bedroom door; what's she getting up to in there?凯蒂锁了卧室的门。她在里面干什么呢?get with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (grasp, appreciate)理解;明白;了解 复合形式: get annoyed vi + adj (become irritated)恼怒;气恼;生气I get annoyed when Stephen cancels our date at the last minute.史蒂芬在临到头时取消了我们的约会,这让我很生气。 get anxious vi + adj (become worried)焦虑;感到焦虑It is normal to get anxious before an exam.考试前会焦虑很正常。 as … as all get out, as all get out expr US (extremely)极其;非常What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the desert. be out to get [sb] v expr informal (want revenge)找…的麻烦;报复某人She has been out to get me ever since she learned that I was dating her ex-boyfriend. get a big hand v expr (receive enthusiastic applause)收到热烈的掌声 get your fingers burned (US), get your fingers burnt (UK), burn your fingers v expr figurative (suffer off-putting consequences)自寻烦恼;引火烧身 catch [sb]'s drift, get [sb]'s drift v expr informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)懂某人的意思 come and get v expr informal (fetch)来拿;来取走If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (understand)了解;明白;懂得One must read a work of philosophy several times in order to come to grips with it. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (master)掌握;学会When I had finally come to grips with algebra, I began to learn calculus. come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (deal with, accept)处理;应付;接受It was difficult to come to grips with my parents' tragic deaths. easy to get along with adj informal (affable)好相处的;随和的Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along with. fall in line, fall into line, get into line, get in line v expr (people: line up)排队;排成一排 fall in line, fall into line, get in line v expr figurative (person: conform to rule, authority)遵守;遵循 fall in line with [sth/sb], fall into line with [sth/sb], get in line with [sth/sb] v expr figurative (person: conform to)与...保持一致;遵守;遵循 find your bearings, get your bearings v expr (orient yourself)确定自己的方位In the dark forest, the search party had trouble getting their bearings. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr (be beaten, damaged)遭到破坏;被揍Our garden shed took a battering in the hurricane. get a battering, receive a battering, take a battering, be given a battering v expr figurative (suffer)遭受批评The film got a battering from critics. get a break, catch a break v expr (have good luck)走运;幸运After losing my job and my marriage, I think it must be my turn to catch a break now. get a break, get your break v expr (receive a wanted opportunity)找到机会;获得机遇The actor finally got a break when he was cast in a popular TV show. get a fix v expr slang (take drug)注射毒品People addicted to street drugs will do just about anything to get a fix. get a fix on [sth] v expr slang (ascertain)搞清楚;查清楚I talked to several people to get a fix on what actually happened. get a foothold v expr (when climbing) (爬山时)找到稳当的落脚点After falling halfway down he was able to get a foothold and begin climbing again. get a foothold v expr figurative (establish yourself)站稳脚跟She got a foothold in the theatrical world when, as an understudy, the leading lady fell ill. get a glimpse of [sth/sb] v expr (catch sight of briefly)瞥见;瞅见The fans crowded around the door to get a glimpse of the athletes leaving the stadium. get a grip v expr figurative, slang (regain self-control)控制自己的情绪;自我控制It's time to stop panicking and get a grip. He's too nervous; he needs to get a grip.他有点太过紧张了,需要控制自己的情绪。是时候停止恐慌,自我控制了。 get a grip! interj figurative, slang (you are overreacting, control yourself)控制一下你自己!It's nothing to get so worked up about – get a grip!没什么可激动的,控制一下你自己! get a grip on [sth] v expr figurative, informal (start to understand)开始理解;了解I would love to get a grip on basic physics.我很乐意了解基础物理。 get a haircut v expr informal (have hair trimmed)理发;剪发It was his brother's wedding, so he decided to get a haircut for the occasion. get a handle on [sth], have a handle on v expr figurative, informal (understand)理解;了解I can't get a handle on this at all. Can you explain it again? get a hold of [sth] v expr informal (grasp)抓住, 把握, 掌控Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift. get a job v expr informal (find employment) (非正式用语)找到工作I need to get a job that pays well.我需要找到一份薪酬不错的工作。 get a kick out of [sth/sb] v expr slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)因…激动;刺激;痛快She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos. get a leg up v expr figurative, informal (gain an advantage)获得优势 Get a life! interj (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)找点别的事情做吧!;别那么无聊!;找点正经事情来做吧!When I told them I was translating the Bible into Vulcan they all said “Get a life!” Get a load of this/that/him/her! interj slang (look at that)看;瞧 get a loan vi (enter a contract to borrow money)得到贷款If we can't pay rent come August we may have to get a loan. get a look-in v expr UK, slang (have fair chance) (俚语)有不错的机会Starlings feed in flocks and can clear bird tables before other species get a look-in. get a move on v expr informal (hurry up)快点儿,赶快 get a response vi (receive a reply)得到回复;得到答复I sent several emails but never did get a response. get a response v expr (be acknowledged by words, gesture)获得肯定;获得首肯 get a rise out of [sb] v expr informal (provoke: [sb])有意惹…生气He's just making faces to get a rise out of you. get a rocket v expr UK, informal (be reprimanded)受到报复;受到惩罚 get a sense of [sth], get a sense for [sth] v expr (understand in a general way)大致了解;大致理解 get a shock v expr informal, figurative (be unpleasantly surprised)大吃一惊,吃了一惊I got a shock when I found your wife naked in my bed. get a shock v expr informal (feel jolted by electrical current)触电,受到电击I always get a shock when I touch a car. get a thrashing, take a thrashing v expr informal (be beaten physically)遭到报应;收到惩罚Petros regularly took a thrashing from his violent father. get a thrashing, take a thrashing, be given a thrashing v expr figurative, informal (be defeated: at sport, etc.)惨败The Democrats took a thrashing on Election Day. get a whiff of [sth] v expr informal (smell)闻到Did you get a whiff of that new perfume she is wearing? get a whiff of [sth] v expr figurative, slang (detect)察觉到;觉察到Did you get a whiff of the hostility in that meeting? get a word in v expr informal (have the chance to speak)插嘴,插话She was talking so much that I couldn't get a word in! get above [sth] vi + prep (surpass)超过Melinda worked hard to get above the minimum academic requirements for university. get above [sth] vi + prep (be over [sth])超过;越过We should get above 5,000 feet before we make camp. get acquainted vi + adj (people: get to know each other)互相熟悉;互相了解I left Paul and Lily to get acquainted. get acquainted with [sb] v expr (get to know a person)结识...My kids got acquainted with the neighbors' children on the day they moved in. get acquainted with [sth] v expr figurative (familiarize yourself with [sth])熟悉...You'd better get acquainted with new computers if you want to keep your job. get ahead of yourself v expr (think or act prematurely)操之过急 get ahold of [sb/sth] v expr US, informal (grab, grasp)抓住;握住 get ahold of [sb] v expr US, informal (make contact)联系I've called her house, her work, and her cell; I can't get ahold of her. get all your ducks in a row, have all your ducks in a row v expr figurative (be organized)有条理的;有精心安排的;井井有条的It's always good to work with colleagues who have all their ducks in a row. Get along! interj UK, informal (expressing disbelief)休想;真不敢相信You expect me to believe that? Get along!你以为我会相信吗?做梦! Get along with you! interj UK, informal (expressing disbelief)真不敢相信Brett really said that? Get along with you!布雷特真的这么说了?真不敢相信! get an earful v expr figurative, informal (be reprimanded)听了一堆责备的话Tony got an earful from the boss when he arrived late for work. get angry vi + adj (lose temper)发怒,发火;气愤,气起来I get angry when people are rude and obnoxious.我会在人们粗鲁且讨厌的时候发火。 get anywhere, go anywhere v expr (achieve success)有成就;取得成功 get around doing [sth], also UK: get round doing [sth] v expr (avoid doing)规避;逃避;避开The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject.The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.那个政客换了话题来回避回答这个问题。//这个商人钻法律的空子以规避税务。 Get away! interj UK, slang (disbelief) (俚语)别开玩笑了!你在开玩笑吧!You saw the Queen in Burnley market? Get away!你在伯恩利市场看到女王了?别开玩笑了! get away with it v expr informal (escape punishment)逍遥法外 get away with murder v expr figurative, informal (never be punished)可以不受惩罚地为所欲为Somehow Joe always seems to get away with murder.;get back in shape v expr informal (regain fitness)(通过锻炼)恢复体形;恢复身材I bought a gym membership to get back in shape. get back on track v expr figurative, informal (regain focus)回到正轨;重回正轨get beaten up, be beaten up v expr informal (be physically assaulted) (非正式用语)挨打,挨揍From his black eye and bloody nose, everyone knew he'd gotten beaten up in the fight.get behind with [sth], get behind on [sth] v expr informal (not do [sth] in time)落后;迟延Dan's car was repossessed when he got behind on the payments.We've got behind on these orders, so we'll have to work overtime to catch up on them.丹拖欠贷款后,他的车被收回。//这些订单已经迟延了,因此我们不得不加班来赶进度。get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be resentful, angry)怒发冲冠;气到变形;怒不可遏get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be agitated, upset) (俚语)怒不可遏;极度愤怒get better vi + adj (recover)恢复,康复;恢复健康I'm sorry you are sick and I hope you get better soon.我很难过你生病了,希望你早日康复。get better vi + adj (improve)改进;改善;提高,进步You will get better at chess if you practice. Canadian wine is getting better every year.如果你练习的话,你的国际象棋技术会提高。加拿大葡萄酒,质量逐年提高。get bigger vi + adj (grow taller)长高;长个儿When you get bigger, you'll be able to ride a two-wheeler.等你长高后,你就能骑自行车了。get bigger vi + adj (become larger)变大;增大get bogged down in/by [sth] v expr figurative, informal (stuck: in activity, etc.) (比喻)陷入I thought I would be able to leave early, but I got bogged down by paperwork.get bogged down v expr (stuck: in mud)陷入Once again, the car got bogged down in the mud.get bogged down in debt v expr informal (owe money)债务缠身;债台高筑Neil found himself getting bogged down in debt.get bored vi + adj informal (lose interest)变得无聊, 开始厌倦, 觉得腻烦At the beginning of school, he's usually fascinated, but he gets bored within a week.刚开学时,他常常很有兴趣,但不到一周他就感到无聊了。get bored with [sth] vi + adj informal (lose interest)厌倦;腻烦get bored of [sth] vi + adj informal (lose interest)觉得...无聊;厌倦get busy vi + adj slang (hurry to do [sth])开始工作, 开始干活You'd better get busy if you want to finish that report before 5 o'clock.如果你希望在五点前完成报告,你最好快点开始。get busy vi + adj US, slang, figurative (have sex)发生性行为, 上床get cancer v expr informal (contract a malignant tumour)得癌症,患癌症When Priscilla got cancer, she had to undergo 12 chemotherapy sessions.get carried away, be carried away v expr figurative (lack restraint)因太过激动而忘记克制She gets carried away at Christmas, and spends too much money on everything.get carried away with [sth], get carried away by [sth] v expr figurative (be overcome with excitement)兴奋不已;太过兴奋Mark got carried away with all the excitement and nearly fainted.Sophia got carried away by the emotion of the occasion and burst into tears.get carried away doing [sth], be carried away v expr figurative (forget other tasks)专心于...而忘记;专注于...而忘却Sorry I'm late - I got carried away watching the football.get carried away with [sth], be carried away with [sth] v expr figurative (be engrossed in [sth])痴迷于,沉迷于;过度沉浸于Steve got carried away with his computer game and forgot to call his girlfriend.get caught vi informal (be discovered doing [sth]) (非正式用语)被发现(做某事),被抓住He got caught smoking and was grounded for a week. She got caught sneaking back into the house last night.他抽烟被发现,然后被禁足一周。昨晚她偷摸溜回家被发现了。get changed vi informal (put on different clothes) (非正式用语)换衣服It's time to get changed for the party.get close vi (time: approach) (时间)接近,迫近,靠近Christmas is getting close again.get close vi (move very near)接近;靠近;靠拢He got so close I could see every blackhead on his face.get close to nature v expr (spend time outdoors)亲近自然,与自然亲密接触Mary loves plants and her job as a botanist allows her to get close to Nature.get closer vi (time: approach) (时间)更近,逼近As the day got closer I began to worry.get closer vi (move nearer)走近;离得更近;靠得更近As they got closer I could see that they weren't soldiers.get cold feet v expr figurative, informal (abandon [sth] due to anxiety)退缩;临阵退缩He was starting to get cold feet about the wedding.get confused vi + adj informal (become mentally disordered)搞糊涂Speak to him slowly - he gets confused very easily.慢慢跟他说,他很容易犯糊涂。get [sb] confused vtr + adj informal (confuse)分辨不清;搞混You've got me confused now; which film are you talking about?现在,你把我弄糊涂了。你在说哪部电影?get [sth/sb] confused with [sth/sb] v expr informal (mix up, fail to distinguish [sth/sb])把…与…搞混;对…与…分辨不清I always get Greta confused with Verna - they look so much alike.get confused with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be mistaken for [sb])被搞混;被混淆;被错当成I always get confused with my sister: she's also a brunette, and the same height as me.get cozy (US), get cosy (UK) vi + adj (make yourself comfortable)使舒适;感到舒适get cozy with [sb] (US), get cosy with [sb] (UK) v expr figurative, informal (ingratiate yourself with [sb])与...交好;迎合get cracking v expr informal (start now)开始着手;开始行动起来Let's get cracking in the garden! This good weather won't last forever.get cracking with [sth] v expr informal (start [sth] now)开始着手做某事Ollie got cracking with putting up the wallpaper.get cross vi informal (become angry)生气;发脾气;发火The mother got cross with her insolent teenage son and didn't allow him to go out with his friends.get dark vi + adj (lose light: after sunset)变暗;变黑It's getting dark; we should turn around and head home.get darker vi + adj (skin: become more brown, black) (皮肤)变黑的;暗沉的get darker vi + adj (sky, room: become less filled with light) (天空、房间)变暗的;昏暗的get darker vi + adj figurative (mood: become more negative) (情绪)阴郁的;低落的get darker vi + adj figurative (story,, plot: become sadder, grimmer) (故事、情节)令人沮丧的get darker vi + adj figurative (times, events: become more difficult) (事情)变得更加困难的get dirty vi (become soiled)搞脏Don't wear white shoes in the rain or they will get dirty.get dirty v expr slang (perform sexual acts)上床,做爱After the kids go to bed we can open a bottle of wine and get dirty!get [sth] done v expr informal (accomplish [sth])完成The layoff will give me some time to get something done around the house.get down on your knees v expr (kneel)下跪Before we went to bed we got down on our knees and prayed.睡前我们双膝跪地祈祷。get down on your knees v expr figurative (beg for [sth])苦苦哀求, 乞求If you want to borrow his precious car, you'll have to get down on your knees!如果你想借他那辆珍贵的汽车,你就得苦苦哀求!get down to brass tacks v expr figurative, informal (discuss essentials) (非正式用语)谈实质性问题,切入要提;切入正题Thank you all for coming to this emergency meeting; now, let's get down to brass tacks.get down to business, get down to work v expr (start now)进入正题;言归正传We need to get down to business if we hope to finish this today.get drenched vi (become soaked)被淋湿;被淋透If you stand under that waterfall you will get drenched.get dressed v expr (put clothes on)穿衣服;穿好衣服I was late this morning and had to get dressed in a hurry.今早我起晚了,所以不得不慌忙地穿好衣服。get drunk vi + adj informal (drink until intoxicated)喝醉;醉酒I'm going out to get drunk and drown my sorrows.get [sb] drunk vtr + adj informal (make intoxicated)把…灌醉You should get him drunk before you ask that question.get emotional v expr (react with strong feelings)情绪化,激动She gets very emotional when she talks about her father.get engaged vi + adj (promise to get married)订婚We've been dating for five years and are intending to get engaged soon.我们已经交往五年了,打算尽快订婚。get engaged to [sb] vi + adj (promise to marry)跟…订婚After living together for seven years, she finally got engaged to her boyfriend last night.在一起生活七年后,昨晚她终于和男朋友订婚了。get even vi + adj (revenge)报复;复仇After Sam tricked him, Derek was determined to get even.get even with [sb] vi + adj (revenge)向...报仇;跟...算账I'm going to get even with him when I see him.get even with [sb] for [sth] vi + adj (revenge)为某事向某人报仇;跟某人算某事的账Pilar made plans to get even with her sister for breaking her promise.get excited vi + adj colloquial (become very happy)激动;兴奋起来The dog gets excited when it's time for a walk.get excited vi + adj informal (become angry, upset)生气Stephen tends to get excited when things go wrong.get excited vi + adj (be sexually aroused)性兴奋的Jenny says her husband gets excited whenever she wears a short skirt.get excited about [sth] v expr colloquial (look forward)因…激动;热切盼望The children are getting excited about tomorrow's trip to the zoo.get excited about [sth] v expr informal (be enthused)因…激动;兴奋The research team got excited about their latest discovery.get exercized vi + adj (become upset)生气;沮丧;恼怒There's no need to get so exercised; I'm sure we can fix the problem!get exercized about [sth] v expr (become upset about)因为...而生气;因为...而恼怒;为了...而感到沮丧get fat vi + adj informal (put on weight) (非正式用语)发胖I get fat when I don't exercise regularly.get fatter vi (put on weight, gain weight)变胖;变重Since he stopped exercising, he just keeps getting fatter and fatter.get fit vi + adj informal (exercise to stay in shape)健身Dancing is a great way to get fit.跳舞是健身的好办法。get fresh v expr slang (be sexually forward or cheeky) (俚语)毛手毛脚,举止放肆无礼You can start dating now, but no getting fresh with the boys!get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (make friends)与某人成为朋友get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (behave in overfamiliar way)与某人过于亲热get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal, figurative (make sexual advances)追求某人;向某人求爱;撩拨某人get going v expr informal (leave now)启动措施;开始行动If we don't get going soon, we'll be late.如果我们不快点出发,就要迟到了。get going v expr informal (start)开始The campaign got going in 1983.这场运动开始于1983年。get going on [sth], get going with [sth] v expr informal (start [sth])开始The chef got going with peeling the vegetables.厨师开始去蔬菜皮。get high vi + adj figurative, slang (take drugs)(因为毒品等刺激)兴奋;飘飘然You can get high by sniffing glue, but it's quite likely to kill you.get high on [sth] v expr figurative, slang (take drugs) (指服用毒品后)飘飘然,兴奋Aaron got high on crack cocaine.get hired vi + adj informal (be offered a job)受聘My job interview went well so I got hired.get hitched vi + adj slang (get married)结婚;成家I never thought you'd get hitched. Who's the lucky lady?get hold of [sth] v expr informal (obtain [sth]) (非正式用语)搞到,弄到Can you tell me where I can get hold of a watch like yours? You need to get hold of a copy of his birth certificate.你能告诉我去哪儿可以弄到你戴的这种手表吗?你需要搞到一份他的出生证明。;get hold of [sb] v expr figurative (reach, contact [sb])联系上I've been trying to get hold of him all week, but he's always out.我整个星期都在试图联系他,不过他一直都外出不在。get hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp)抓到,捉住She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.她捉住他的手臂,将他拉向自己。get home vi (arrive at one's house)回家;到家I just got home from work. Call me when you get home.我才下班回家。到家的时候给我打个电话。get hurt vi + adj informal (be injured) (非正式用语)受伤,受到伤害It was a minor accident and no-one got hurt.get ill vi + adj informal (become unwell)生病There's a chance you'll get ill while you're abroad. She gets ill when she sees blood.你在国外时很可能会生病。她一见血就犯病。Get in! interj UK, slang (celebrating triumph)真走运!He shoots, he scores! Get in!get in a flap, get into a flap v expr figurative, informal, UK (panic, be agitated)恐慌起来;慌张起来;激动起来get in a sweat v expr figurative, informal (worry)忧虑,担心Zoe is a very calm person who seldom gets in a sweat.get in a sweat about v expr figurative, informal (worry)担心..., 焦虑...Mia got in a sweat about her assignment because she thought she wouldn't finish it on time.get in contact with [sb] v expr (get in touch with)开始与…接触;与…建立联系You can get in contact with us at the address above.get in line, get into line v expr (join a queue)排队等候We all got in line for the roller-coaster.get in line v expr figurative (wait your turn)排队等待;去排队You want to take your revenge on him? You'll have to get in line!get in shape v expr informal (exercise)练好身材I need to get in shape before the summer bathing suit season starts.get [sth] in shape v expr informal (get [sth] functioning well)使…运转良好The crew had to get the car in shape for the final day of the rally.get in the sea, get in the bin v expr UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)回到海里去get in the sea, get in the bin interj UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)回到海里去get in the way vi (be an obstacle)挡路;妨碍;阻碍I couldn't see much of the parade because a tall fat man got in the way.get in touch v expr informal (make contact)取得联系;联络Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.如有任何问题,请随时与我联系。get in touch with [sb] v expr informal (make contact)和…联系;和…取得联系I would like to get in touch with my old friends from college.我想和我大学的老朋友们取得联系。get in trouble, get into trouble v expr informal (be punished for doing [sth]) (非正式用语)因…受到惩罚I often got into trouble with my teachers. I got in trouble for stealing apples from his orchard.我经常受老师惩罚。我因为偷了他果园里的苹果而受到惩罚。get in [sb]'s hair, be in [sb]'s hair v expr figurative, informal (annoy, disturb)心烦意乱;烦恼get into [sth] vi + prep (enter: a vehicle)进(车里)Susan got into the taxi and asked the driver to take her home.苏珊坐进出租车,让司机送她回家。usage: ‘enter’In formal English, you can also say that you enter a building or room. Nervously he entered the classroom.get into conversation vi (start chatting or discussing)进行交谈Your father and I got into an interesting conversation this morning.get into debt v expr (incur monetary liabilities)负债;背上债务If you keep buying things you can't afford, you'll soon get into debt. If you spend more than you earn, you will inevitably get into debt.如果一直购买你无法负担的东西,你很快就会负债的。如果你花的比挣的多,你必然会负债。get into difficulty, get into difficulties v expr (be in difficult or dangerous situation)陷入险境;陷入困难境地The hillwalkers got into difficulties while trying to reach the highest peak.get into everything, also UK: be into everything v expr informal (small child: be curious)对什么都好奇I don't dare turn my back on the two-year-old for a minute; he's into everything!get into your stride v expr figurative (get to a steady pace)步入正轨;逐渐进入状态Wendy was a little slow at the work at first, but once she got into her stride she started making good progress.get into trouble, get in trouble v expr (be punished for wrongdoing)陷入困境;惹上麻烦Sarah gets into trouble at school every day because she won't stop talking in class.get into trouble v expr dated, informal (get pregnant outside marriage)让…未婚怀孕, 让…婚外怀孕A lot of teenage girls who get into trouble choose to give their babies up for adoption.get [sb] into trouble, get [sb] in trouble v expr (cause [sb] to be reprimanded)给...惹麻烦;让...陷入麻烦Chloe got me into trouble by passing me notes in class.克洛伊在课堂上给我递纸条,使我陷入了麻烦。get [sb] into trouble v expr dated, informal (get [sb] pregnant outside marriage) (指未婚时或婚外)让...怀孕When Arthur got Rita into trouble, their parents were furious.当亚瑟让丽塔怀孕后,他们的父母非常生气。get involved vi + adj informal (play a part)介入, 牵连其中, 插手, 卷入, 参与Jess emailed the charity to find out how she could get involved.杰西给慈善机构发了邮件,想知道如何参与。get involved in [sth] v expr (play a part)参与;参加You ought to get involved in more clubs on campus.你应该多参加一些学校社团。get involved vi + adj (start romance)交往Pauline only divorced a few weeks ago; she is not yet ready to get involved.波琳几周前刚离婚,她还没准备好再次交往。get involved with [sb] v expr (start romance)跟…交往When she got involved with Kevin, Hattie stopped seeing her friends.海蒂和凯文交往后就不再和朋友来往了。get involved with [sb] v expr (have dealings)跟…来往;跟…打交道The businessman made the mistake of getting involved with known criminals.该商人犯了错,竟然与已知罪犯有来往。get it vtr + pron slang (understand)明白;理解He told a joke but I didn't get it.他讲了个笑话但是我没能理解。get it in the neck v expr figurative, informal (be reprimanded, criticized)被斥责;被惩罚I got it in the neck from my dad for staying out till 3 A.M.get it on v expr vulgar, slang (have sex)性交get it over with v expr informal (do the unpleasant task now)赶快了事;先做完了事It's best to get it over with now, rather than leave it to the last minute.get it right v expr informal (do [sth] correctly) (非正式用语)正确地做某事;做对If you can't get it right, don't bother trying!get it up v expr vulgar, slang (have an erection) (俚语,粗俗,指男性生殖器)硬起来get killed v expr informal (die) (非正式用语)丧生,死亡,丧命You'll get killed if you keep driving that fast! If you drive while drunk you can get killed.get killed v expr informal (be killed by [sb], [sth]) (非正式用语)被...谋杀,被...杀害He got killed by a stray bullet.get krunk vi UK slang (become very drunk) (俚语)喝得烂醉get laid vi + adj slang (have sex) (俚语)与某人发生(性)关系,上床; (俚语,指发生性关系)滚床单I got laid last night for the first time in a year.我昨晚滚了今年第一次床单。get landed with [sth/sb] vtr informal (be burdened with) (非正式用语)背上…的重负I always get landed with the worst jobs.get left behind v expr (not keep up with others)落后, 掉在后面Fit and experienced hikers should stay at the back of the group to ensure no-one gets left behind.身体矫健和经验丰富的徒步旅行者应该留在队伍后面,确保没人掉队。get left behind v expr figurative (not adapt quickly enough)适应得慢I got left behind when the Digital Revolution started.数字革命开始后,我没有很快适应。get left behind v expr (be abandoned)被淘汰Hurry up and get on the bus or you'll get left behind!快点上车,不然你会被抛下的!get loose vi + adj informal (become free)放开;撒开(狗等)The next door neighbour's dog got loose again last night.get loose vi + adj US, dated, slang (relax)放松;轻松get lost vi + adj (be disorientated, go the wrong way)迷路;走丢I got lost trying to find your house; all the streets look the same around here.我在试图找到你家的时候迷路了,这附近所有的街道都看起来一个样。get lost vi + adj figurative, slang (go away)消失;滚蛋She told him to get lost.她叫他消失。Get lost! interj figurative, slang (go away!)滚蛋!滚开!You want to borrow more money from me when you haven´t repaid the last lot? Get lost!你还没有偿还之前那一大笔,就又想找我借更多的钱?滚蛋!get lucky v expr (have good luck)幸运;走运get lucky v expr (have sexual encounter)走桃花运;成功滚床单get lucky with [sb] v expr (have sexual encounter with)与...成功滚床单get mad vi + adj US, informal (become angry)气愤;光火My father will get mad if I'm not home by midnight.get married vi (become [sb]'s husband or wife)结婚;成家We're going to get married early in the new year.我们打算在新年早些时候结婚。get married to [sb] vi (become [sb]'s husband or wife)和…结婚Paul got married to his high school girlfriend.保罗与他高中女朋友结婚了。get moving v expr informal (act now)动起来;行动起来They woke up at 10 o'clock but didn't get moving until noon.get moving v expr informal (go now)快走We should get moving if we don't want to miss the flight.get muddled vi + adj informal (become confused)头脑混乱的,糊涂的;头昏脑胀的,昏昏然的Pete got muddled and accidentally gave me the wrong documents.get [sth] muddled vtr + adj informal (be confused about)把…搞混We arranged to meet, but he got the dates muddled and turned up a day early.get [sb] muddled vtr + adj informal (confuse)把…搞糊涂You got me muddled when you changed all the details of our meeting.get naked v expr informal (undress)脱掉衣服,脱光衣服The young boys got naked and jumped into the river where nobody could see them.get next to [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (get into [sb]'s favor)讨好;获得...的青睐get nowhere, go nowhere v expr figurative, informal (make no progress) (非正式用语)没有进展备注: Usually used in continuous tenses.We've been working on this for hours but we're getting nowhere.Get off my back! v expr figurative, informal (Stop nagging me)别唠叨我了;别烦我了get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (enjoy, be excited by)享受…;因为…而兴奋get off on [sth], get off on doing [sth] v expr slang (be sexually excited by)因为…而亢奋;因为…而激起性欲get off on the right foot v expr figurative (have a good start)开头顺利;一开始就很顺利get off on the wrong foot v expr figurative (have a bad start)出师不利;一开始就不顺利get off the ground v expr figurative (project: start well)顺利开始Without funding, the project will never get off the ground.没有资金,这个项目将无法顺利启动。get [sth] off the ground v expr figurative (start: a project) (指项目或任务等)启动,开始I have a great idea for a business, but I'll need money to get it off the ground.get off the point v expr informal, figurative (digress)脱离主题;偏题The lecturer was getting off the point and some of the students had stopped paying attention.get off [sb]'s back v expr figurative, informal (stop nagging [sb])别唠叨某人get [sth] off your chest v expr figurative (confess [sth])倾诉;一吐为快get off your high horse v expr figurative, informal (stop acting morally superior)别那么趾高气扬get old vi + adj informal (age, grow elderly) (非正式用语)变老,上了年纪You catch colds a lot easier when you get old.;get on [sth] vi + prep (bus, train: board) (汽车、火车)上The next person who gets on the bus will have to stand, because there are no seats left.下一个上车的人必须站着,因为没有座位了。usage: ‘get into’When you enter a car or other small vehicle, you say that you get into it or get in. I saw him get into a taxi.He unlocked the van, got in and drove away.You also say that you get into a lift, a small boat, or a small plane.get on it v expr slang (do [sth] without delay)及时开始做;马上就做get on top of [sb] v expr figurative (overwhelm)让...觉得无所适从;让...不知所措get on top of [sth] v expr figurative (gain control of a task, situation, etc.)控制;掌握;掌控get on track v expr figurative, informal (pursue correct path) (比喻,非正式用语)走上正轨My coach has a program to help me get on track for the Olympics.get on well v expr informal (be friends)相处融洽;很要好Rick and Steve get on well.里克和史蒂夫很要好。get on well with [sb] v expr informal (be friends)与…处得来;与…相处良好I get on well with my sister.get on with the job v expr informal (do [sth] without delay)马上开始干…get on your high horse v expr figurative, informal (act morally superior)态度傲慢;目空一切I know you think I'm wrong but there's no need to get on your high horse about it.get on [sb]'s nerves v expr informal (irritate)惹得…烦躁不安Her husband's constant grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.get on your soapbox v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休地发表看法;高谈阔论get on your soapbox about [sth] v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休发表关于...的看法;关于...发表高谈阔论get one over on [sb] v expr slang (fool, trick) (俚语)欺骗;愚弄get out vi + adv (escape)逃走;逃离We got out just as the building was about to burst into flames.我们逃出后,大楼就要起火了。get out interj (leave) (感叹语)出去!快走!Get out and leave me alone!出去,让我一个人呆着!Get out! interj slang (expressing disbelief)不可能!You're 60 today? Get out! You look ten years younger.你今天60岁了?不可能!你看起来要年轻十岁。get out from under v expr figurative, informal (get out of a difficult situation) (指困难和问题)脱离;摆脱;解决get out from under [sth] v expr figurative, informal (get out of: a difficult situation)脱离;摆脱;解决get out of bed v expr (rise in morning)起床I was sick today and did not want to get out of bed.get out of bed on the wrong side, get up on the wrong side of the bed v expr figurative, informal (be irritable)今天脾气不好;今日心情不佳get out of dodge v expr US, informal, figurative (leave a town, escape)逃离;逃跑get out of hand v expr informal (become uncontrolled)脱离控制;失控The party got out of hand, and a neighbour called the police.Get out of here! interj informal (command: go)出去!"Get out of here!" she cried, waving her broom at the startled cat.Get out of here! interj mainly US, slang, figurative (disbelief)不可思议!我不信!You bought that shirt for $10? Get out of here!get out of order v expr (be jumbled)顺序被打乱The professor's notes had got out of order and he was having trouble giving his lecture.get out of the way v expr informal (move aside) (障碍等)不挡道,被弄开The truck finally got out of the way and I was able to turn right.get [sth] out of the way v expr informal, figurative (task: complete)完成;将…解决掉Let's get the cleaning out of the way: then we can do something fun.get [sth/sb] out of your mind v expr (stop thinking about [sth])忘记某事;别再想某事I know it was a tough breakup, but you need to get it out of your mind.Get over! interj UK, regional, slang (I don't believe you)谁信啊;骗谁啊;我不相信You're telling me you're a millionaire? Get over!Get over it! interj slang (stop making a fuss! forget about it!)走出来吧!;忘掉吧!So he left you--get over it! There are plenty of better men out there anyway.他抛弃了你,又能怎么样?赶紧走出来吧!世界上好男人多得是。get [sth] over with v expr informal (unpleasant task: do now) (不愉快的事)尽快完成…,尽早了结…get paid vi informal (receive payment) (非正式用语)领到钱,得到报酬,得到酬劳Do you get paid weekly or monthly? I get paid every month in cash.你是领周薪还是月薪?我每个月领取现金。get pissed vi + adj UK, vulgar, slang (become drunk)喝醉,喝多了I drank far too much last night and got really pissed.get pissed vi + adj US, vulgar, slang (become angry)生气, 发怒If you don't stop nagging me I'm going to get really pissed.如果你再不停止唠叨,我真的要生气了。get plastered v expr slang, figurative (get very drunk) (俚语)喝得烂醉get pregnant vi + adj informal (woman: conceive a child) (非正式用语)怀孕Although she already had two kids, she wanted to get pregnant again.get ready vi + adj (prepare for [sth])做好准备It takes him an hour to get ready before we go out.我们出门前,他花了一小时做好准备。get ready for [sth] v expr (prepare yourself)为…做好准备The actors are getting ready for tonight's performance of the play.演员们正在为今晚的戏剧表演做好准备。get ready vi + adj (dress, etc. to go out) (早晨)准备完毕,准备好Hurry up and get ready! They'll be here in a minute.赶快准备好!他们很快就到了。get [sth] ready vtr + adj (prepare [sth])使…做好准备;准备…The hotel staff are still getting the room ready.酒店工作人员还在准备房间。get [sth] ready for [sb] vtr + adj (prepare [sth] for [sb])为…准备好The marketing manager is getting a report ready for the director of the company.市场经理正在为公司的懂事准备好报告。get ready to do [sth] v expr (prepare to do [sth])做好准备做I'm getting ready to run a marathon.我正在做好准备跑马拉松。get ready for bed v expr (put on nightwear)准备上床睡觉Vanessa told the children to get ready for bed.Get real interj slang (Be realistic)现实点吧get rich vi + adj informal (become wealthy)发财;致富It's hard to get rich.get rid of [sth] v expr informal (throw away)扔掉You need to get rid of those pants - you never wear them anymore.你需要扔掉那些裤子,反正你也不会再穿了。usage: ‘get rid of’Dispose is a fairly formal word. In conversation and in less formal writing, you usually say that someone gets rid of something.Now let's get rid of all this stuff.There was a lot of rubbish to be got rid of.get rid of [sth] v expr informal (dispense with)废除,免除The local museum got rid of its entrance charge; it's free to go in now.当地博物馆免除了入场费,现在免费开放。get rid of [sb] v expr informal (person: make leave)摆脱I'm trying to think of some way of getting rid of him.我正在想法子摆脱他。get right back up v expr informal, figurative (recover quickly)振作起来; (比喻义)站起来get ripped vi + adj slang (become intoxicated)喝醉get ripped vi + adj slang (bodybuilding: become muscular) (健美)变得肌肉发达get ripped off v expr slang (be swindled)被宰;受骗Jack got ripped off when he bought a designer watch which turned out to be a fake.get rough vi + adj (sea: become turbulent)波涛汹涌The sea was getting rough so we sailed back to the shore.get rough vi + adj informal (become difficult)变得艰难;变得艰辛Things got rough for Roger when his wife left him.get rough with [sb] v expr (behave violently)行为粗暴Jack was getting too rough with his brother and ended up hurting him.get round to [sth], get around to [sth] v expr (find time for)为…抽出时间I didn't get round to any of the tasks on my to-do list today.我今天无法抽出时间来做我待办事项清单上的任何事情。get round to doing [sth], get around to doing [sth] v expr (find time to do)抽时间做;抽空做This wall is so grubby; I must get round to repainting it.这面墙真脏。我必须抽时间将它重新粉刷一下。get set for [sth] v expr (prepare yourself)为...准备好;为...预备好This is the biggest, fastest roller-coaster in the world - so hold tight and get set for the ride of your life!get settled vi + adj informal (make yourself comfortable)安顿好,安顿下来get short shrift from [sb] v expr (be treated curtly by)受到某人的怠慢;受到某人的冷遇get shot of [sth], be shot of [sth] v expr UK, informal (get rid of)去除;摆脱get shot of [sb], be shot of [sb] v expr UK, informal (person: make leave)除掉;解决get sick v expr (fall ill, become unwell)生病;患病Yesterday I got so sick I couldn't go to work. I hope I don't get sick this winter.昨天我病得厉害,都不能去上班了。这个冬天,我希望不要生病。get smart with [sb] v expr informal (be insolent towards [sb])跟...耍聪明;跟...班门弄斧get soaked vi + adj (be drenched)被淋湿;被淋透I didn't think it was raining that hard, but I got soaked just going from my house to my car. We got caught in the rain and all got soaked.我没想到雨下得那么大,我只是从家走到车里就湿透了。我们淋了雨,全都湿透了。get soaked vi + adj figurative, US, slang (be overcharged)被敲了竹杠,被宰了There was only one room vacant in the whole town, so of course we got soaked.get some fresh air v expr (go outside for a break)去呼吸一下新鲜空气;散散心get somewhere vi + adv (make progress)取得进展When she landed her first big acting role, Maria felt like she was finally getting somewhere.get spliced v expr slang (get married)结婚They're planning to get spliced this summer.get stale, go stale vi + adj (food: lose freshness)变得不新鲜This bread is as hard as a brick - it's got stale! If you leave the wrapper open, the cake will go stale very quickly.get stale vi + adj figurative, informal (become overused)滥用get started vi + adj (task: begin)开始;着手We'd better get started before it gets dark.我们最好在天色变暗前开始。get started on [sth] v expr (task: begin)开始着手进行Vince needs to get started on his school project soon because the deadline is coming up next week.文斯需要尽快开做他的学校作业,因为下周的截止日期就快到了。get [sb] started vtr + adj (help to begin)帮助开始Mark wasn't sure how to write his essay, but it was easier after the teacher got him started.马克不知道如何起笔自己的论文,但是事情在老师帮助自己开始后简单了许多。get [sb] started with [sth], get [sb] started on [sth] vtr + adj (help to begin)帮助…开始(事业等)Working in her father's restaurant got Carla started on her career as a chef.在父亲的餐馆工作,帮助卡拉开始自己的厨师事业。get started on [sth] v expr (talk)开始喋喋不休地谈论;就…高谈阔论Once Dave gets started on politics, he never shuts up!一旦戴夫开始谈论政治,他总是喋喋不休!get [sb] started vtr + adj (prompt to talk)使…开始喋喋不休地谈论Don't get him started. He'll rant about it for an hour!别让他开始喋喋不休。他会为此滔滔不绝一小时!get [sb] started on [sth] vtr + adj (prompt to talk)让某人提起某事,让某人想起某事The news article got Tony started on the subject of house prices. Don't get me started on what happened in Parliament this week!该新闻报道使托尼开始就房价的话题发表看法。可别提这周国会的事儿了!get stressed out vi + adj (become anxious, tense)压力大的;焦虑的;get stuck vi + adj (unable to move)陷入;被…卡住The car got stuck in the mud and a local farmer had to pull it free with his tractor.那辆车陷入泥坑,一位当地的农民get stuck with [sth/sb] v expr informal (burden)陷入困境;无法脱身My sister went shopping with her friend and I got stuck with babysitting her two small children.我姐姐和朋友出去购物了,我因为照看她的两个小孩而无法脱身。get stuck vi + adj figurative (unable to proceed)陷入困境Neil was trying to solve a maths problem, but got stuck.尼尔正试着解一道数学题,不过陷入了困境。get stuck on [sth] vi + adj figurative (unable to proceed)被困在…上Olivia got stuck on the last crossword clue.奥利维亚被困在最后一个纵横字谜提示上。get stuck into [sth] v expr UK, informal (start doing [sth] enthusiastically)热衷于;钟情于Get stuffed! interj UK, slang (exclamation of anger)去你的!"That's not very good; can't you do any better than that?" - "Get stuffed!"get taken away v expr informal (be removed or withdrawn)逃离;带走get takeout, get takeout food (US), get a take-away, get a takeout, get a take-out (UK) v expr informal (order food to go)买外卖get the ax (US), get the axe (UK) v expr figurative, informal (be fired, lose your job)被开除;被炒鱿鱼Bob was worried he would be the next person in the office to get the axe.get the ax (US), get the axe (UK) v expr figurative, informal (TV show, etc.: be cancelled) (电视节目等)被取消get the ball rolling, start the ball rolling v expr figurative (initiate [sth])开始…get the better of [sb], get the best of [sb] v expr (defeat)战胜;打败Manchester United managed to get the better of Liverpool with an impressive 4-0 victory.get the boot v expr figurative, slang (be dismissed)解雇;被开除She was terrible at her job and it didn't surprise me when she got the boot.get the breaks v expr informal (have lucky opportunities)交好运get the check v expr US (restaurant: request the bill)结账If no one wants dessert, let's call the waitress and get the check.get the chop v expr informal (person: be dismissed from job)被开除;被炒鱿鱼get the chop v expr informal (establishment, scheme: be closed)被关闭;被取缔;被关停get the drop on [sb], have the drop on [sb] v expr US, informal (draw gun faster than)比...更快出手;比...更快掏枪get the drop on [sb], have the drop on [sb] v expr US, informal (have at a disadvantage)让...处于劣势;取得相对于...的优势get the feeling, get the feeling that v expr (with clause: sense)有...的感觉;觉得get the goods on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (get secret information)了解某人的秘事;获知某人的秘密get the hang of [sth], get the hang of doing [sth] v expr informal (learn to do)学会…;掌握…的窍门I took her ice-skating for the first time, and she got the hang of it right away.get the hang of [sth] v expr informal (understand)明白;理解At first the movie made no sense to me, but after a while I got the hang of it.get the heave-ho v expr figurative, slang (be rejected, dismissed)被免职;被解雇Because of the company's poor performance, several of the senior managers got the heave-ho.get the heebie-jeebies v expr informal (be unnerved, nervous)变得神经过敏;就会紧张兮兮I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about being alone in the house at night.get the hump v expr UK, slang (become annoyed, indignant)闷闷不乐;令人窝火get the idea v expr informal (understand)理解;明白The game is easy to play and children soon get the idea.get the impression, get the impression that v expr (with clause: sense)有印象;留下印象I'm getting the impression that the election didn't really change anything.get the jump on, get a jump on, have the jump on, have a jump on v expr US, informal (gain an initial advantage)抢占...的先机;捷足先登get the knack v expr informal (acquire special technique)找到窍门Playing barre chords is easy, once you get the knack.get the lay of the land v expr informal, figurative (become familiar with [sth])熟悉一下情况;了解一下状况get the message v expr (understand a hint)了解别人所说;明白所说的意思get the nod v expr informal, figurative ([sb]: have permission)获得首肯;获得许可When I got the nod from my boss, I started making plans for the launching of the new product.get the nod v expr informal, figurative (be permitted)被许可;被批准My new project has just got the nod from senior management.get the picture v expr figurative, informal (understand)理解;懂得You get the picture? His 'business trips' were actually visits to his mistress.get the point v expr (understand)理解;明白get the sack v expr UK, informal (be dismissed from job)被辞退,被解雇,被开除; (俚语)被炒鱿鱼Harry got the sack after he was found guilty of theft.get the shaft v expr US, slang (receive unfair treatment)亏待;受到不公平对待get the sulks v expr informal (fall into sullen mood)生闷气;心里不开心get the third degree from [sb] v expr informal (be interrogated)受到某人的审问;受到某人的审讯get the upper hand v expr figurative (gain advantage)具有优势;占据有利条件The game lasted for hours before one team got the upper hand.get the word out expr (spread news of [sth])放出话来;放出风来The animal rights group is getting the word out about spaying and neutering pets.get there v expr (arrive at a place) (某地)到达,到It's a ten-hour flight to the US; we'll be very tired when we get there.get there v expr figurative, informal (come to a certain state)实现目标The task seems insurmountable, but somehow we'll get there.get things done v expr informal (complete tasks)完成任务,把事情办妥Jocelyn is known around the office for getting things done.get things square v expr informal, figurative (put [sth] in order)厘清头绪;理顺头绪get through vi + adv (light: pass through curtain, screen) (光线)穿过get tired v expr (become fatigued)疲倦;倦怠get to [sth/sb] vi + prep (reach, arrive)到达;抵达John got to Cambridge at about five o'clock.约翰大概五点钟到达剑桥。get to doing [sth] vi + prep slang (start: doing)开始When he failed to call me yet again, I got to wondering if he was having an affair.他又没给我打电话,我开始怀疑他是否有外遇。get to [sb] vi + prep slang (bother)打扰;影响到His incessant whistling really gets to me.他不停地吹口哨真让我心烦。get to do [sth] v expr informal (have opportunity to do or be)可以;能Now it's the weekend, I finally get to relax!现在是周末了,我终于可以放松了!get to know [sb] v expr (become familiar with)认识;逐渐熟悉;逐渐了解;更多地了解I need to get to know you before we start a business together. I would like to get to know you better.我们一起共同创业之前,我需要更多地了解你。我想要多了解了解你。get to know one another v expr (become better acquainted)互相了解;彼此熟悉The two men got to know each other while they were both at college.get to the bottom of [sth] v expr figurative, informal (solve [sth])弄清,弄清楚Nobody will be allowed to go home until we get to the bottom of this and discover who gave the order to sell the shares.get to the point, come to the point v expr informal (speak directly)谈到正题;说到要害It took Natalie a long time to get to the point.Get to the point! interj informal (say what you mean)别绕圈子!有话直说!Get to the point! We haven't got all day, you know.get-together n informal (informal gathering)聚会The girls are having a get-together tonight at my house.今晚女孩们要在我家聚会。get underway vi + adj (start)开始The meeting got underway at 10 o'clock.get [sth] underway vtr + adj (start [sth])开始某事Let's get this show underway.get undressed v expr (take off your clothes)脱去衣服;脱衣服It was time to get undressed for bed.get [sb] up in [sth] v expr slang (dress [sb])给…穿My dad hates wearing a suit, but we got him up in one for the wedding.我爸讨厌穿西装,但为了参加婚礼,我们给他穿了一套。get yourself up v expr informal (dress for an effect)装扮, 打扮备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounJo got herself up for the party.乔打扮好去参加派对。get yourself up in [sth] v expr (dress in fancy clothes)穿She got herself up in a gold sequinned dress and heavy make-up.她穿了一件金色亮片连衣裙并且化了浓妆。getup (US), get-up (UK) n slang (clothing)服装;衣服;穿戴She looks awful in that get-up!她穿那套衣服看起来太丑了!get up on [sth] vi + prep (move onto [sth], as a stage)进入;开始An audience member got up on the stage and grabbed the singer's microphone.一名观众进入舞台,夺走了歌手的话筒。get up and go, get-up-and-go n slang (energy, motivation)干劲;进取心Alan has plenty of get up and go, and is always busy with some new project.get up early v expr (rise at early hour)起床早I have a conference this Saturday, so I will have to get up early for it.get up [sb]'s nose v expr UK, informal (annoy [sb])惹恼;使…生气get upset vi informal (become distressed) (非正式用语)感到不安,烦恼,难过,沮丧Sometimes people get upset for no reason. Please don't get upset over minor setbacks.有些时候人们会无缘无故地感到沮丧。请别因为小的挫折而感到难过。get used to doing [sth] v expr (develop habit)适应;习惯You will soon get used to working the night shift.你很快就会习惯上夜班的。get used to [sth] v expr (no longer be bothered by [sth])适应;习惯I eventually got used to the constant noise.我终于适应了持续不断的噪音。get warm vi + adj (feel warm again)暖和过来;暖和起来get well v expr (recover from illness or injury)康复;恢复健康I'm sorry to hear you're ill – let's hope you get well soon.得知你生病了,很是遗憾,祝你早日康复。get well soon interj (expressing wish for recovery)(祝你)早日康复;很快好起来I heard you came down with the flu. Get well soon!我听说你得了流感。祝你早日康复!get wet vi + adj (become damp or soaked)打湿;弄湿;淋湿Don't forget your umbrella or you'll get wet.get wet vi + adj slang (woman: be sexually excited) (俚语,女性)湿了;性兴奋get whacked vi + past p US, slang (be murdered by a hired killer)被雇凶杀害I heard that Danny's cousin got whacked.get what you deserve v expr (for good actions)得到相应回报;善有善报If you follow the rules and obey all guidelines, you will get what you deserve.get what you deserve v expr (for bad actions)恶有恶报;活该;得了报应If you deliberately break the rules and disregard authority, you will get what you deserve.get wind of [sth] vtr informal (hear rumours of) (非正式用语)得到...的风声, 风闻get wise to [sth] v expr (discover a scheme or secret)发现,察觉Get with it! interj slang (don't be so old-fashioned)别那么守旧了!;时髦点儿吧!Get with it, Mom - nobody says "jeepers" any more!妈妈,你太老土了。现在没人说“jeepers”了!get with it vi slang (hurry up)快点,快点走get with the program (US), get with the programme (UK) v expr informal (conform, fall into line)按计划行事;顺应潮流This is the way we do things here, so you need to either get with the programme or find a different job.get worse vi + adj (deteriorate)变坏;变糟The weather gradually got worse over the course of the day.一天下来,天气逐渐变糟。get worse vi + adj (illness: become more severe) (病情)恶化The patient's condition is getting worse.这位病人的情况正在恶化。get worse and worse v expr (continue to deteriorate)每况愈下;越来越糟If we keep using fossil fuels, global warming will get worse and worse.如果我们继续使用化石燃料,全球变暖现象将会越来越严重。get wound up v expr figurative, slang (become annoyed)变得恼怒的;被激怒的Jason gets very wound up whenever I mention the incident.get [sth] wrong vtr + adj (be mistaken about [sth])弄错;搞错If you actually read the instructions, you'll be less likely to get it wrong.get your act together v expr (behavior: make socially acceptable)合理安排;有条理地筹划get your back up v expr informal (be offended, annoyed)生气;恼怒get [sb]'s back up v expr informal (offend, annoy)惹...生气get [sb]'s dander up v expr figurative, informal (make [sb] angry)生气,怒火,怒气Cruelty to animals really gets my dander up.对动物的残忍行为非常让我生气。get your due v expr (get [sth] you are entitled to)获得应得的回报Fiona finally got her due when they raised her salary.get your due v expr slang (be punished)自作自受Simon got his due after the mafia finally found him.get your foot in the door, get a foot in the door v expr figurative (succeed at an initial step)成功的开始;迈出成功的第一步get [sb]'s goat v expr figurative (annoy [sb])惹人生气get your hands on [sth], lay your hands on [sth] v expr (manage to find, obtain [sth])得到;把...弄到手get your head around [sth], get your head round [sth] v expr informal (understand)搞不懂;搞不明白备注: Often used in the negativeI'm trying to get my head around the subjunctive, but I'm still not sure when to use it.get your head together v expr slang, figurative (gain mental focus or composure)冷静思考;镇静下来;沉静思考get your hopes up v expr informal (be optimistic)令人鼓起希望;令人乐观起来Don't get your hopes up: our chances of winning are slim.get your Irish up v expr US, informal, potentially offensive (get angry)火气上来;开始冒火get your jollies v expr slang (take pleasure)找到乐趣;找到快乐Jane gets her jollies from skydiving, but her brother prefers relaxing with a cup of coffee.get your mind out of the gutter expr (stop your sordid thinking)别想歪了;别乱想"If you pull it hard enough, it gets longer." "Oo-er!" "Get your mind out of the gutter!"get your money's worth v expr (get good value)投资等获得相当的收益; (比喻)付出得到回报When buying a computer, you need to do your research if you want to get your money's worth.get your own back v expr informal (retaliate, get revenge)报复get your own back on [sb] v expr informal (get revenge on)报复…get your own way, get your way v expr (have what you want)走自己的路;随心所欲Sue got her own way when her parents let her go to the party.get your panties in a bunch (US), get your knickers in a twist (UK) v expr informal (get upset)对...过分沮丧;因...而过分紧张get your rocks off v expr slang (have an orgasm) (俚语)发泄欲望;获得性高潮Tony wants to get his rocks off.get your rocks off v expr slang (get pleasure from [sth]) (俚语)从...获得满足;过把...的瘾get your s*** together v expr vulgar (live life seriously)处理好自己的事情;振作起来get your wires crossed, have your wires crossed, get your lines crossed, have your lines crossed v expr figurative, informal (misunderstand each other)误解get-out n informal (means or excuse to escape [sth]) (非正式用语)解脱方法,逃离的借口Whenever I go on a blind date, I arrange for a friend to phone me half an hour after the date starts, so I have a get-out if I need one.get-out clause n ([sth] that releases [sb] from an obligation)免责条款;免责声明The agreement includes a get-out clause if the customer finds the same product cheaper within 30 days of signing.get-rich-quick adj (business: quick profit)企图暴发致富的get-well card n (token for ill person)慰问卡getatable, get-at-able adj informal (place: easy to reach) (地点)容易到达的getatable, get-at-able adj informal (thing: easy to access) (东西)容易获取的Make sure that the fire extinguisher is get-at-able if it is needed.getatable, get-at-able adj informal (person: easy to reach)容易联系的,容易联络的getatable, get-at-able adj informal (vulnerable to attack)易受攻击的Computer hackers have proved that the system is get-at-able.go and do [sth] v expr colloquial (proceed to do)去做...Could you go and get some bread from the shop, please? If you see a crime being committed, you should go and tell a police officer.go and get [sth/sb] v expr informal (fetch)去卖;去获得;去弄到Dan asked his son to go and get some milk from the local supermarket.go get (US), go and get (UK) v expr informal (fetch)去拿;去取Would you please go get the bag I left behind in the car?go to get [sth/sb] v expr (fetch)去拿;去取回get into a lather, get yourself in a lather, get yourself into a lather v expr figurative, informal (become overexcited or agitated)非常激动, 紧张, 焦躁get your just deserts v expr (receive deserved punishment)报应, 罪有应得A cheating boyfriend got his just deserts when his three girlfriends joined together to confront him.get mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (become involved with)掺合进,牵涉进;与...有牵连Brad got mixed up with the wrong crowd in his teenage years and ended up dropping out of school with no qualifications.get [sth/sb] mixed up with [sth/sb] v expr (confuse two people or things)搞混;弄混My husband is hopeless at recognizing celebrities—he always manages to get Ed Sheeran mixed up with Prince Harry.not get along v expr (not be friends)处不来;相处不好My sister and I never really got along when we were growing up.get off to a good start v expr informal (begin well)顺利开始Our new employee has gotten off to a good start.get one up, get one-up v expr informal (obtain an advantage)胜过get one up on [sb], get one-up on [sb] v expr informal (obtain an advantage over [sb])获得比...更高的优势play hard to get v expr (act aloof toward potential mate)欲擒故纵; (口语)玩矜持David really wants Zoe to be his girlfriend, but she's always playing hard to get with him.pull your finger out, get your finger out v expr slang, figurative (stop delaying or procrastinating) (俚语)不再拖延"Ready, set, go!" (US), "Ready, steady, go!" (UK), "On your marks, get set, go!" interj (start of race)各就各位;预备;跑!Runners: Ready, set, go!get riled up v expr informal (become irritated, angry)被惹火;被激怒;生气Our dog Fido gets all riled up whenever a cat passes by. There's no need to get riled up - I was just kidding!每次有猫经过,我们的狗费多就会非常生气。不必这么生气,我只是开玩笑罢了!get scared vi + adj (become afraid)吓一跳;受到惊吓Flavio got scared whenever he saw a skunk.get sick and tired of [sth] v expr informal (start to be weary, exasperated)厌倦;厌烦I'm getting sick and tired of that child's whining!take a bashing, get a bashing, take a bashing, suffer a bashing v expr informal (be beaten physically)被痛打一顿;被痛殴take a bashing, get a bashing, suffer a bashing v expr figurative, informal (be defeated)惨败;遭到重大失败The team took a bashing in today's match, losing 6-0.take a bashing, get a bashing, receive a bashing, be given a bashing v expr figurative, informal (be attacked verbally, in writing) (书面或口头上)受到严厉批评;遭到抨击The movie took a bashing from the critics.这部电影遭到了批评家们的抨击。get tired of [sth/sb] v expr (start to be weary of)对...倦怠了;厌烦了...;做...累了The teacher was getting tired of having to tell her students to stop chatting.tog yourself up, get togged up v expr informal (dress up) (非正式用语)打扮自己get worked up v expr informal (be annoyed, excited)被激怒;被惹火The team was playing poorly and the home fans were getting worked up.get [sb] worked up, have [sb] worked up v expr informal (make overexcited, nervous) (非正式用语)让某人过分激动;让某人非常紧张The fast-approaching deadline had Veronica worked up.即将到来的截止日期让维罗妮卡非常紧张。




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