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词汇 golden wattle
释义 golden wattle
golden wattle发音




golden wattles───金荆树;密花相思树;金合欢(澳大利亚的国花)

golden eagle───金雕

golden thistle───金蓟

golden age───黄金时代;鼎盛时期

golden aster───金菊

golden calf───金牛犊(源出《圣经·出埃及记》);金钱

golden circle───(冰岛)黄金旅游环线;黄金圈

golden eagles───金雕

golden mole───金鼹鼠


In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.───近年来,人们常用金合欢来表达缅怀和纪念之情。

The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.───金合欢是一种分布广泛的常青灌木,生长于疏林和丛林的底部以及灌木丛中。

Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.───澳大利亚的国花是金合欢花.

The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey9 of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.───金合欢是一种蔓生的常青灌木,生长于疏林和丛林的底部以及灌木丛中。


Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.

The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.

The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey9) of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.

Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle. It has been used in the design of Australian stamps and many awards in their honours system.

In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.

When in flower , the golden wattle displays the national colours, green and gold.

As one species of a large genus of flora growing across Australia, the golden wattle is a symbol of unity.

In 1988 the golden wattle (Acacia pycnantha) was made Australia's official floral emblem and, in 1992, 1 September was named National Wattle day.

  • golden chain
  • goldenrod red stem
  • goldenrod tincture
  • golden stars
  • golden years
  • golden key
  • golden dragon
  • golden touch
  • golden child
  • golden rod oil can
  • golden field
  • golden armour
  • golden sky
  • golden crops
  • golden chain mail
  • golden jubilee
  • goldenrod look alike
  • golden baobab




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