road movies───公路电影
blood monies───血汗钱
buddy movies───伙伴电影
bold move───大胆的举动
home movies───家庭电影;自制影片
old monies───旧币
road movie───公路电影
bond holders───n.债券持有者(bondholder的复数);持券人
bond markets───债券市场(bondmarket的复数)
Zack: Have you seen the new James Bond movies yet?───扎克:你看过詹姆斯。邦德的新片吗?
In early James Bond movies, the evil genius was an eccentric figure, dressed extravagantly, or alternatively, in the grey uniform of the Maoist commissar.───在早期詹姆士·邦德电影中,邪恶的天才是一种古怪的形象,要么穿着华丽奢侈,要么穿着毛式政委那种灰色制服。
Zack: Well, are any of the James Bond movies that good?───扎克:哦,有那部詹姆。斯邦德的影片是很精彩的?
My favorites were always the Porsche and the Aston Martin series that played off the James Bond movies.───我的最爱则始终是保时捷和阿斯顿马丁系列扮演过007部电影。
Casino Royale was a great movie, a dark, quick-paced thriller rooted in a more real world than previous Bond movies;───《皇家赌场》非常精彩,与之前的邦德电影相比更基于现实,是一部黑暗、快节奏的惊悚片;
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