

词汇 going together
释义 going together
going together发音



gone together───相配;恋爱;互相协调

wring together───拧在一起

getting together───聚会;聚集;收集;积累

holding together───团结一致;使结合

living together───同居,生活在一起

string together───vt.使……连贯起来

wrings together───拧在一起

bind together───粘合

go together───相配;恋爱;互相协调


For this I suggested going together along with his brother and my translator.───因此我建议和他的兄弟以及我的翻译一起回去。

Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans - Lauren and Angela had asked the other boys and they were all going together - completely unaware of my inattention.───杰西卡喋喋不休地唠叨着她对舞会的计划——劳伦和安吉拉都邀请了别的男孩,他们都会一起去的——完全没有注意到我的心不在焉。

Not on your nice and warm feeling of truth and validity going together because some badly don't.───不是你对真理和有效性同时,温暖的感觉,因为有些人没有。

Always serving you absolutely with zeal, we look forward to coming and going together with you to create a new splendid century!───永远为您服务绝对的时候要有热情,要我们期待着来来往往与你携手共进、共创新的辉煌世纪!

I can report that we have what appears to be a beneficial medication to retard mental aging and aid acuity, the two things going together.───我可以报告说,我们已经有了某种看来可以推迟脑力老化,有助于保持机敏的有益药物,这两者是相辅相成的。

Explaining how he is going together out of its current mess will put Mr Albanese 's oratoricalpowers toa similarly stiff test.───而向人们解释力拓将如何摆脱当前的困境,也将把阿尔巴尼赛的辩才推向另一次差不多同等严格的测验!

Jack's splitting up with his girlfriend after three years of going together.───三年的交往之后杰克要和女友分手了。

Eg. Although repeatedly urged to go home, my pet dog insisted on going together with me.───尽管一再催促它回去,我的爱犬执意要与我同行。

Sounds like a real ball. I was thinking about it this weekend. Do you know how long we've been going together?───听起来不错嘛,这个周末我一直在想一件事。你知道咱们在一起多久了吗?


Jim and Mary had been going together for five years before they were married.

Are Kevin and Tracey going together?

Effluence and affluence have a way of going together.

  • going to the
  • going places
  • going against
  • going out of
  • going to the dogs
  • going to be
  • going sledding
  • going over to
  • going dutch
  • going back
  • going pursuit
  • going in to
  • going shopping
  • going with the flow doesn
  • going todo
  • going my home




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