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词汇 give birth to
释义 give birth to
give birth to发音

生(孩子),生育; 引起,产生; 娩出; 娩



give birth───生孩子;产仔

give it to───责备

give mouth to───把嘴给

give rise to───使发生,引起

give vent to───发泄;吐露

give wing to───给…翅膀

give wings to───给…翅膀

live birth───n.婴儿安全出生

live births───n.婴儿安全出生


She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world's greatest basketball player.───她应该对你感到满意, 因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员.

Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone.───等待“养母”产下克隆幼仔.

Women in rich countries are more likely to give birth to boys because they are stressful.───富裕国家的妇女生育男孩的几率更大,因为她们所承受的压力更大.

I wanted to teach and give birth to my own set of scientific children.───但是,我想为世界留下更多的东西,不只是科学论文.

Most sharks reproduce only every two and give birth to fewer than ten young.───大多数鲨鱼繁殖需要两到十年的时候.

How often does your dog have puppies? ( How often does your dog give birth to puppies? )───你的狗隔多久下一窝小狗?

To give birth to ( a calf ).───生下 ( 小牛崽 )

You can speak up and give birth to your idea too.───你也可以站起来,让你的想法出生。

Can barely make do something, please give birth to a title bar!───可以勉强凑合几句, 请先生出个题吧!

Give birth to your money.───让钱生钱。

The females migrate north every summer to give birth to their offspring.───每年夏季雌性藏羚羊迁徒产仔.

Most parents give birth to their own children.───大多数父母生育他们自己的孩子。

Did not give birth to the child can be chronic pelvic infection affected be pregnant?───没生孩子的了慢性盆腔炎会影响怀孕 吗 ?

Although females may give birth to two young, usually only one survives.───尽管雌性可以产生2个幼仔, 通常仅仅幸存一个.

Female aardvarks typically give birth to one newborn each year.───雌土豚一般一年只产一仔.

Return somebody now so care about those who give birth to schoolboy daughter?───现在还有人那么在乎生男生女的 吗 ?

They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young.───它们用肺呼吸, 而不是鳃, 属于胎生.

The actual result of your action give birth to confidence.───你行动的实际结果会产生出信心.

Women who suffer from calamity in conception are more likely to give birth to girls.───受精期经历了灾难的妇女生育女孩的比率更大.

I have been using the replenishing cream during pregnancy and give birth to a healthy boy.───自从怀孕后,即使用伊美机能修复霜,生下健康活泼的健美宝宝.

Mother koalas give birth to babies only every other year.───母无尾熊每两年才生产一次.

To give birth to ( whelps or a whelp ).───下 ( 崽), 产(仔 )

You are admitted to the hospital to give birth to your second child.───你给人送进医院生你的第二个孩子.

To give birth to ( a litter ).───产 ( 幼仔 )

Heavy traffic lives to townsman of quality carried high yield to give birth to negative effect.───交通拥挤对于城市居民生活质量的提高产生了负影响.

To give birth to ( a litter of pigs ).───(母猪)产 ( 一胎猪仔 )

The bitch give birth to the servant shape eccentric person!───母狗产下人形怪物!

Unplug brow can give birth to cancer?───拔眉毛会不会生癌 啊 ?

She says: " Our outstanding achievement is about to send give birth to essentialto improve. "───她说: “ 我们的业绩即将发生根本性的好转. ”

Mothers contaminated by radioactive materials may give birth to babies with mental deficiency.───受到放射性物质污染的母亲可能生下有智力缺陷的孩子.


Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.Erich Fromm

The females build nests, give birth to their blind and hairless young after a gestation of thirty days.

Virgin greenfly give birth to virgin young that are already pregnant with other virgins.

Positive thoughts give birth to our good values and beliefs, and increase our thinking power positively. Negative thoughts impact our values and beliefs negatively, and reduce our abilities to think clearly, rationally and optimistically.Dr T.P.Chia

Female badgers may give birth to as many as five offspring.

The smaller adults give birth to tiny babies again, and so the weakness is inherited.

Thousands turn to illegal abortion services, thousands more give birth to children they neither wanted nor can afford.

These females do not lay eggs; they give birth to young aphids, all of which are females.

Females give birth to as many as five offspring in late winter, after a gestation period of up to 10 months.

  • give a bill
  • give me a look
  • give a lecture
  • give back
  • gives us
  • given back
  • give protection from disease
  • gives rise to
  • give you
  • give at
  • give a show
  • give me a
  • give me
  • give them in
  • give present
  • give off energy
  • give him head
  • give force to
  • give out to
  • given out
  • give your seat




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