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词汇 getting up
释义 getting up
getting up发音


v.装订,精力,打扮( get-up的现在分词 )


letting up───vt.停止;放松;减少

setting up───设立;装置

getting out───离开,出去;泄露;出版;n.(GetOut)《逃出绝命镇》(电影名)

settling up───付清;了结;结账

beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

belting up───安静些;系上安全带

cutting up───采伐

eating up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

fitting up───组对,装配;初组装


It was nought seven fifteen , getting - up time for office workers.───这是零七点十五分, 白领 职员们该起床啦.

We've always been early birds, getting up at 5.30 or 6am.───我们一直都起得很早,早晨5点半或6点就起床了。

Look at what they are getting up to.───瞧他们要搞什么名堂。

There is a strong wind getting up.───刮起了大风.

He had an aversion to getting up early.───他十分讨厌早起。

Silver had terrible hard work getting up the knoll.───对于希尔弗来说,爬上那小山丘真不是件容易事.

Do you dislike getting up early?───你不喜欢早起 吗 ?

Getting up at four o'clock every morning is sheer purgatory.───每天早上四点起床简直是活受罪。

He likes getting up early.───他喜欢早起.

I don't miss getting up at six every morning!───我才不想每天早上六点钟起床哩!

People on shore greeted the new 10 , 000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up.───当新造的万吨巨轮驶近时, 岸上的人们挥臂欢迎.

you have difficulty getting up?───你起床有困难吗?

We were interested in pushing forward certain issues and getting up on our soapbox about them.───我们对推进某些问题十分关注,很想就这些问题发表我们的意见。

I can make nothing of getting up at five in the morning.───我对早上五点起身毫不在意.

He has a strong objection to getting up so early.───他十分反感这麽早起床.

I was just getting up steam to get to the summit of mountain.───我正鼓足干劲爬上山顶.

He's just getting up my nose so much at the moment.───他这会儿真让我生气。

It was hard going getting up at five every morning.───每天早上五点钟起床太难了。


Neither of us enjoy getting up early.

The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards.

She harried the authorities, writing letters and getting up petitions.

We've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings.

I've always had an aversion to getting up early.

I'm not used to getting up early.

Getting up this morning was quite an effort .

He has a strong objection to getting up early.

Getting up early is a very good habit.

  • getting involved in
  • getting the scoop
  • getting over
  • getting to
  • getting weaker
  • getting even
  • getting onto
  • getting fat
  • getting about
  • getting ready
  • getting sick
  • getting him
  • getting away with telling
  • getting in on the act
  • getting involved
  • getting all wet
  • getting back
  • getting ill
  • getting right
  • getting boring
  • getting together




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