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词汇 don't
释义 don'tUK:*/ˈdəʊnt/US:/doʊnt/ ,(dōnt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 don't contraction colloquial, abbreviation (do not) (口语)[do not 的缩略形式]Don't interrupt me when I'm talking, please.在我说话时请不要打断我。 don't! interj colloquial, abbreviation (do not do that) (感叹词)不要,别If you're thinking of telling Dad what I did, then don't!如果你打算告诉爸爸我做的事,请打消这个念头,不要那样做! 复合形式: damned if you do, damned if you do and damned if you don't adj figurative (in no-win situation)怎么做都是错 don't bother interj (do not go to the trouble of doing [sth])别麻烦了;不打扰了 don't forget interj informal (do not forget) (非正式用语)别忘了Don't forget to turn off the light when leaving the office. Don't give me that! interj informal (Stop making excuses)别再找借口了!'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'. Don't hold your breath interj informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)别期望太高;还得等一阵Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though! don't judge a book by the cover, don't judge a book by its cover interj proverb (appearances can be deceptive)别以貌取人She definitely looks trustworthy, but don't judge a book by its cover. Don't kid yourself. interj informal (do not be deluded) (非正式用语)别骗你自己了Don't kid yourself – he doesn't love you!别骗你自己了,他根本不爱你! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. expr figurative (Be grateful for [sth] free.)不要挑剔礼物。I was disappointed that the antique vase my aunt gave me had a chip in the rim, but my mother said, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." don't mention it interj (you're welcome)不客气;不用谢"Thanks so much for all your help." "Don't mention it! It was no trouble."“十分感谢你的帮助。”“不客气!不是什么事儿。” Don't mind if I do interj dated (yes please, with pleasure)好的 don't rock the boat interj figurative (do not cause trouble) (比喻)别找麻烦了The arrangements are already made, so don't rock the boat. don't run interj informal (do not run) (非正式用语)别跑In case of fire, walk, don't run, to the nearest exit. Don't teach Granny to suck eggs, Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs interj figurative (respect [sb]'s experience)不要班门弄斧,不自量力 don't worry interj informal (reassurance) (非正式用语)别担心Don't worry, I am here right behind you.别担心,我就在你后面。 Don't you dare! interj (warning against doing [sth])你敢! Don't you dare expr (warning: do not do [sth]) (警告)你敢Don't you dare speak to me like that, young man! don't you? expr (question tag)不是吗?Why am I asking you for directions? - well, you live here, don't you? I do not know expr (declaration of ignorance)我不知道There is no point asking me; I do not know. I do not know the answer to that complicated math problem! I don't care interj (It's not important to me.)我不在乎;我不管"You can't go out dressed like that; you'll get cold." "I don't care."“你不能穿那个出门,会感冒的。”“我不在乎。” I don't know interj informal (declaration of ignorance) (非正式用语)我不知道"Who's that woman talking to your brother?" "I don't know."“那个跟你哥哥聊天的女人是谁?”“我不知道。” I don't mind interj informal (I have no preference) (非正式用语)我无所谓,怎么都可以,随便"We can go to the cinema or ten-pin bowling. What do you want to do?" "I don't mind."“我们可以去看电影也可以去打保龄球。你想做什么?”“我无所谓。” I don't mind interj informal (I am not upset) (非正式用语)我不介意I don't mind if you sit beside me.我不介意你坐我旁边。 I don't think so interj (I believe not)我认为并非如此;我不同意When Tom asked me if Sally was coming to the party I replied "I don't think so". two wrongs don't make a right expr (don't deliberately do [sth] bad)以牙还牙于事无补;不能因为别人犯错就代表自己也可以犯错Just because Heather was cruel to you, doesn't mean you should be cruel to her—two wrongs don't make a right. You don't say! interj informal, figurative (expressing disbelief)不是真的吧! You see if I don't! interj informal (I'll show you I'm right)我会让你知道我是对的;你等着瞧




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