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词汇 come
释义 comeUK:*/ˈkʌm/US:/kʌm/ ,(kum)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 come vi (move toward) (向说话者移近)来Come here and read this.过来读读这个。usage: ‘come’You use come to talk about movement towards the place where you are, or towards a place where you have been or will be.Come and look.Eleanor had come to visit her.You must come and see me about it.The past tense of come is came. The -ed participle is come.The children came along the beach towards me.A ship had just come in from Turkey. come vi (arrive)到达;到来What time are they coming?他们什么时候到? come vi (approach in time)来临;到来Winter is coming.冬天要来了。 come vi (reach)达到;通到;至The bus line doesn't come this far.公交线路没有通到这么远的地方。 come vi (be available)被出售;被供应Shaving cream comes in a can.剃须膏装在罐子里出售。 come vi (reach a state, condition) (某种状态)变成,成为,达到How did you come to be a marine biologist? That shirt just won't come clean.你是怎么成为海洋生物学家的?那件衬衫无法恢复洁净。 其他翻译 come vi (appear)出现;产生;来到The rain came from nowhere.雨突然从天而降。 come vi (occur, happen)发生(在…身上)Good things come to those who wait.耐心等待,好事自来。 come vi (occur in relation to [sth])到来Friday comes at the end of the week.一周将尽时,周五就到了。 come vi (emanate)散发(自)A great heat was coming from the fireplace.一股热浪从壁炉散发出来。 come vi (to fare, manage)进行;进展How's that report coming?那个报告进展如何? come vi slang (cum: have an orgasm) (俚语)达到性高潮They came at the same time, crying out in joy. come vi (place: live currently) (指目前的居住地)来自I come from New York, although I grew up in Connecticut.我来自纽约,不过我是在康涅狄格州长大的。 come vi (place: previous location) (指之前的居住地)来自I came from Chicago yesterday.我昨天从芝加哥过来。 动词短语 come about vi phrasal (happen)发生,产生Dave's idea to start his own business came about after he lost his job.戴夫想要创业的念头是在他丢了工作后产生的。 come about vi phrasal (nautical: tack) (船)掉抢;抢风航行备注: 指船只遇逆风,调整船帆,利用风力前进The yacht came about.游艇抢风航行。 come across [sth] vtr phrasal insep (encounter [sth])偶然发现I came across an interesting article in the newspaper today.今天我在报纸上偶然读到了一篇有趣的文章。 come across [sb] vtr phrasal insep (encounter [sb] by chance)偶然遇见We came across Monica in the post office.我们在邮局偶遇了莫妮卡。 come across vi phrasal figurative (message: be clear)被理解;得到理解The President's message came across very clearly in his speech.在演讲中,总统要传达的信息得到了充分的理解。 come across vi phrasal (give impression)留下印象I'm not sure how my speech comes across.我不太确定自己的演讲有没有给听众留下印象。 come after [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (pursue, chase)追;追逐The police came after the robbers in a patrol car. come along, come on vi phrasal informal (progress)进展备注: Commonly used in continuous tenses.My history project is coming along nicely.我的历史项目进展得很顺利。 come along vi phrasal (appear, arrive)来临;出现Suddenly, two buses came along at the same time.突然,两辆公共汽车同时开过来。 come along vi phrasal figurative (enter [sb]'s life)出现;进入某人的人生I was 30 when Jason came along and changed my life forever.我30岁时杰森出生了,他永远地改变了我的生活。 come along vi phrasal (accompany, go with)跟随;跟着一起来Jack and I are going to the movies this afternoon; you can come along if you like.杰克和我今天下午要去看电影。如果你愿意的话,可以一起来。 come along with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (accompany)与…一起去Nancy came along with us to the park.南希跟我们一起去了公园。 come apart vi phrasal (fall to pieces)破碎;破裂;四分五裂The delicate necklace came apart in Gisela's hands. come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal informal (recover consciousness)苏醒The patient came around soon after his operation.手术过后没多久,病人就苏醒了。 come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal figurative (be persuaded)改变观点,改变看法;被说服My parents aren't keen on my new boyfriend, but they'll come round when they get to know him.我的父母不喜欢我的新男友,但当他们了解了他之后,他们就会改变看法的。 come around, also UK: come round to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (revise your opinion)改变观点;改而接受…的观点Steve eventually came round to my opinion.最终,史蒂夫改而接受我的观点了。 come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal (date, event: occur again)再次到来;再次发生Jill always feels sad when the anniversary of her husband's death comes around.每到丈夫的忌日,吉尔就会陷入悲痛之中。 come at [sb] vtr phrasal insep (approach threateningly)扑向;快速接近 come away vi phrasal (step back, leave)离开I had to come away or I would have ended up swearing at them.我必须离开了,不然最后我肯定会大骂他们一顿。 come back vi phrasal (return)回来;返回I came back from the office at about 6.30pm.下午6点半我从办公室回来。 come back vi phrasal (return to success)卷土重来In 2013, the pop singer came back with a best-selling album.2013年,这位流行歌手携畅销专辑卷土重来。 come back to [sb] vi phrasal + prep (return to memory)回想起;在记忆中重现The name of the film suddenly came back to me.我突然想起了那部电影的名字。 come back with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (retort)反驳;反击James wanted to come back with a witty retort, but couldn't think of one.詹姆斯本打算机智地反驳一下,但却想不出任何点子。 come back vi phrasal (competition: catch up)追上;赶上After an initially poor performance, the home team came back in the second half and won the match.一开场表现不佳后,主队在下半场回归,赢得了比赛。 come before [sth] vtr phrasal insep formal (appear in court)出(庭)The defendant came before the court for sentencing. come before [sb] vtr phrasal insep formal (appear before: magistrate, judge, etc.) (法官等)出庭面对Miller came before the judge two months after pleading guilty to assault. come between [sth] vtr phrasal insep (separate, obstruct)出现在…之间;隔开;分隔A brick wall came between the wooden building and the store. come between [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (cause estrangement)离间;伤害…之间的关系We are such good friends that nothing can come between us. come by vi phrasal informal (pay a visit)短暂拜访;串门He doesn't come by often.他不常来串门。 come by [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (find, obtain by chance)偶然找到;碰巧获得,偶然获得We came by these old coins in our garden when we were digging over the vegetable plot.当我们在菜地翻土的时候,偶然获得了这些旧硬币。 come down vi phrasal (descend)下来;下楼Go upstairs and tell your sister to come down for dinner.上楼去叫你姐妹下来吃饭。 come down vi phrasal (structure: collapse)坍塌;倒塌After the wrecking ball hit the side of the building it came down quickly.落锤击中大楼的一侧,大楼很快就塌了。 come down vi phrasal slang, figurative (cease to be high on drugs) (俚语)药力下降That weed was so good that it took me 3 hours to finally come down.那大麻太棒了,我最终花了3个小时才冷静下来。 come down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (punish) (比喻,非正式用语)斥责,呵斥;惩罚,处罚The teacher came down on him for his repeated absence. come down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (collapse)落到, 降落到, 坍塌到The bedroom ceiling came down on us during the hurricane.在龙卷风期间,我们的卧室屋顶塌了下来。 come down to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be essentially)归根结底是…What this strike comes down to is a failure to communicate with your staff. come down with [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (fall ill) (比喻,非正式用语)染上…病,患…病I've just come down with a cold.我刚患上感冒。 come forward vi phrasal (go to police)站出来(指证等)The investigators pleaded for anyone with information about the crime to come forward.调查人员呼吁任何了解犯罪信息的人站出来。 come forward vi phrasal figurative (volunteer)自告奋勇, 主动请缨When they requested volunteers, I came forward since I had nothing better to do.他们提出需要志愿者的时候,我自告奋勇,反正也没有什么事可做。 come forward vi phrasal (move to front)向前站, 站出来The preacher said; "Come forward now if you feel the spirit."传道者说:“如果你感觉到神灵的召唤,现在就走过来。” come in vi phrasal (enter, go indoors)进来,进Please come in; the door is open.请进,门是开着的。 come in vi phrasal (be available)可以得到;可以获得The shipment of parts did not come in, so we will not be able to fill that order.零件还未到货,所以我们无法完成那个订单。 come in vi phrasal (finish race: in nth place) (赛跑等)获得…名I don't care if I win the race, I just don't want to come in last.我不在乎能不能赢得比赛,只是不想获得最后一名。come in vi phrasal figurative (become involved)参与进来;起到某种作用We need expert advice, and that's where you come in.我们需要专家的建议,那也就是问什么要你参与进来。come in vi phrasal (respond to radio communication) (对讲机)开始通话;呼叫come into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (money: acquire, inherit)获得(钱财等),继承He came into a large inheritance when he was quite young.他年轻时就继承了一大笔遗产。come off vi phrasal slang (be a success)成功I thought your class presentation came off really well.我觉得你的课堂陈述真的很成功。come off [sth] vtr phrasal insep US ([sth]: finish period of) (演出等)停止上演The country is coming off a year of huge economic growth.该国家刚刚结束了经济高速增长的一年。come off [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (stop using: drugs)停止(服毒、酗酒等)Dave came off heroin two years ago and he has been clean ever since.戴夫两年前戒掉了海洛因,从那时起他就一直没再碰过。come on vi phrasal slang (flirt) (俚语)调情备注: Commonly used in the continuousHenry isn't just being friendly; he is definitely coming on.亨利并不只是表达友善,他肯定是在调情。come on to [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (flirt with [sb])勾引;跟…调情备注: Commonly used in the continuousAre you coming on to me?你是在勾引我吗?come on vi phrasal informal (illness, weather condition: start) (疾病,天气状况)开始备注: Commonly used in the continuousMegan's sniffing a lot today; she must have a cold coming on.I can feel a storm coming on.梅根今天一直流鼻涕,她一定是感冒了。//我能感觉到暴风雨要来了。come on vi phrasal informal (make progress)进步;有进展Aliyah's tennis has really come on since Marcus started coaching her.自从马库斯开始训练阿莉娅后,她的网球水平有了很大的进步。come on vi phrasal UK, informal (get menstrual period)进入月经期I get spots on my face when I'm about to come on.我要来月经时,脸上就开始长斑。come on strong vi phrasal + adv (be forceful)表现得太强硬I don't like it when salespeople come on strong.come out vi phrasal (emerge)出现Come out of the shadows and stand here in the light where I can see you.从阴影里走出来,站到这里的光亮处,这样我能看见你。come out vi phrasal (go outside)出来,到外面Did you ask your mom if you can come out and play?你问过你妈妈你能出来玩吗?come out vi phrasal informal, figurative (announce you are gay)对周遭人与社会表明自己的同性恋身分; (比喻)出柜After college, Luke decided to come out to his parents.大学毕业后,卢克决定告诉父母自己是同性恋。come out vi phrasal informal (book: be published) (电影)上映; (书籍)出版,上市His new novel comes out this autumn.他的新小说今年秋天即将出版。come out vi phrasal (movie: be released) (电影)上映,发行In France, new films come out on a Wednesday.在法国,新电影将在周三上映。come out vi phrasal informal (facts, news: be made public)结果公布;事实显露If news of the affair comes out he will be ruined.如果这件事的消息传出去,他就完蛋了。come out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep (emerge)从…出来,出现Bears generally come out of hibernation in the Spring.熊通常在春天时从冬眠中醒来。come out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep (costs: be subtracted) (开支等)从…中出,从…中扣除The cost of that broken lamp is going to come out of your pay check.那盏坏掉台灯的费用将会从你的工资中扣除。come out of [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (result)有…结果Let's hope that something good can come out of this.希望这件事能够有个好的结果。come out with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (say, utter) (非正式用语)说出,讲出I couldn't believe she came out with that remark.come out with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (introduce: new product) (产品)引入;把…投入市场销售The company has come out with a new miracle drug.come over vi phrasal figurative (message: be clear)被理解;得到理解The Prime Minister's message came over very well in his speech.在演讲里,首相要传达的信息得到了充分的理解。come over vi phrasal informal (pay a visit)来串门;顺便来访,来访If you come over this evening we'll watch a movie together.如果你今晚来访,我们就可以一起看部电影。come over [sb] vtr phrasal insep (emotion: affect) (情绪)支配,影响I don't know what's come over me, but I can't stop crying. A strange feeling of joy came over me.我也不知道我到底怎么了,但就是哭得停不下来。一股奇怪的愉悦感支配了我。come over vi phrasal figurative (change sides)改变立场Smith resigned from the government and came over to the opposition.史密斯从政府辞职,然后改变了立场,加入了对方党派。come through vi phrasal figurative, informal (feeling: be perceptible)情感外露Though he tried to remain calm when the robber drew his gun, his fear came through in his trembling hand.抢劫犯拔出枪时,他竭力保持镇静,但他颤抖的手暴露了他的恐惧之情。come through vi phrasal (news, results: be received) (消息、结果)收到;得知come through [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (survive, endure)脱险;安然度过;熬过The road to recovery is a difficult one, but you're strong enough to come through it.恢复的路很艰难,但你非常坚强,熬过来了。come through vi phrasal figurative, informal (succeed)成功;获得成功The hero faced many challenges on his quest, but he came through in the end.这位英雄在探险过程中面临着许多挑战,但最终他都安然度过。come through vi phrasal figurative, informal (do what is necessary)按要求去做;做必要的事Whenever I need help, my parents always come through.我父母总会在我有需要的时候帮助我。come through for [sb] vi phrasal figurative, informal (do what is necessary) (在困境中)支持某人I wasn't worried because I knew you would come through for me.come to vi phrasal informal (regain consciousness) (非正式用语)苏醒,恢复意识,醒过来When he came to, he was in hospital.他醒来时发现自己身处医院。;come up vi phrasal figurative (topic: be raised, mentioned) (观点等)被提出The senator knew that questions about his campaign would come up.这位参议员早就知道人们会提出有关他竞选活动的问题。come up vi phrasal figurative (problem: occur, appear) (问题)出现,发生I'm afraid a problem has come up, so I won't be at the meeting this afternoon.可能出了问题了,所以我将无法参加今天下午的会议。come up vi phrasal (rise)上升,升起,升高We sat on the beach and watched the sun come up over the water.我们坐在沙滩上,看着太阳从水面上升起。come up vi phrasal (rise in the hierarchy)地位升高He started in the mail room but he came up through the ranks to become the CEO of the company.他从邮件收发室做起,一步步晋升为这家公司的首席执行官。come up vi phrasal (approach [sb])走近;走过来She came up and introduced herself to me.她走过来向我作了自我介绍。come up to [sb] vi phrasal + prep (approach [sb])接近某人He came up to me in the street and tried to bum a dollar.他从街上向我走来,想讨要一块钱。come up against [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (encounter: opposition, obstacle)遭到…的反对The work is behind schedule because we came up against some unexpected problems.我们遇到了一些意想不到的问题,因此工作延期了。come up against [sb] vi phrasal + prep (compete with [sb])遇到;面对Davies will come up against last year's champion in the semi-final of the competition.戴维斯将在大赛的半决赛中对阵去年的冠军。come up short vi phrasal + adj informal (disappoint)无计可施的come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (reach as high as)变得跟…一样高,到…的高度Don't worry if you can't swim; the water will only come up to your knees.即便不会游泳也不用担心,那里的水只会到你的膝盖那么高。come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (meet: standards, expectations) (标准、要求等)达到;达成No matter what he did, he wasn't able to come up to his father's expectations.无论做什么,他都无法达到父亲的预期。come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (devise, invent) (非正式用语)设计出,发明出;想出I'll have to come up with a plan.我得想出一个计划。come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (deliver, produce)送抵,交付Will you be able to come up with the cash by the end of the month?你能在月底交付那笔现金吗?come upon [sth], come on vtr phrasal insep (find by chance, encounter)偶然遇见;偶然发现The kids were thrilled to come upon a small gingerbread house in the woods.孩子们在树林里偶然发现一座姜饼屋,兴奋不已。 复合形式: almost come to blows v expr (argue) (指激烈争吵)差点打起来,几乎动起手来 as good as they come expr (the best available)最好的 come a cropper v expr informal (suffer defeat, misfortune)栽跟头, 落马, 遭遇失败 come a cropper v expr informal (fall badly)跌倒, 摔倒If you don't get down off that wall you're going to come a cropper. come aboard vi + adv (enter a ship or vehicle)登船;上船 come aboard vi + prep (enter: a ship, vehicle)登船;上船 come across as [sth] v expr (give certain impression)留下…的印象I don't know Emily very well, but she comes across as an intelligent girl.我不太了解艾米丽,但是她给我留下了聪明女孩的印象。 come after [sth/sb] vi + prep (follow in sequence) (顺序)出现在…之后The letter Q comes after P in the English alphabet. come again? interj slang (what did you say?)能再说一遍吗?Come again? I didn't hear what you said. come alive vi + adj figurative (fiction: seem real) (电影等里的虚构人物或场景)活过来,像真的一样,显得很逼真The characters in the film really come alive thanks to the director. come alive vi + adj figurative (become lively)热闹起来;活跃起来;活跃起来Despite a quiet first half, the match came alive after the break. Come along! interj (hurry) (表示催促)赶快,加把劲Come along! We don't want to be late!快点!我们不想迟到! come and get v expr informal (fetch)来拿;来取走If you want it come and get it, but you better hurry 'cause it's goin' fast. come and go v expr (walk to and fro)来来去去;来来往往During recess the students are allowed to come and go as they please. come and go v expr (be intermittent)不断变化;暂时停留The wireless reception is unreliable here, my connection keeps coming and going. come and go v expr (be fleeting)转瞬即逝;飞驰而过As the Great Depression taught us, financial security can come and go. come apart at the seams v expr (come unstitched) (缝合线)裂开The sofa cushion is coming apart at the seams so the stuffing is sticking out. come apart at the seams v expr figurative (go wrong)失败The proposed merger appears to be coming apart at the seams. come apart at the seams v expr figurative (lose control of emotions)情绪失控,崩溃She started getting frazzled when she lost her job; now her husband has left her, and she's really coming apart at the seams. come around, also UK: come round vi + adv (visit [sb])短暂访问;顺便拜访If you come round later, we can do our homework together.如果你晚点来我家,我们可以一起做作业。 come as a shock v expr (news: be unexpected)让人意外;出人意料到来Since you are always late to work, it should not come as a shock that you would get fired. come as a surprise v expr (be unexpected)没想到;出人意外The letter offering me a job came as a total surprise. Come as you are v expr (no dress code)随便穿就好;穿平时的衣服What should I wear to the party? Just come as you are. come at a price v expr figurative (have a downside or disadvantage)需要付出代价;有代价Rock stars discover that fame and fortune come at a price. come away from [sth] v expr (leave)从…离开Lucy came away from the interview feeling confident that she had got the job. come away from [sth] v expr (move further)离…远点Come away from that cliff edge; it may crumble. come away from [sth] v expr (become detached)从…上脱落The cupboard door had come away from one of its hinges. come back to do [sth] v expr (return in order to do [sth])回来Ava left home at 18, but came back ten years later to care for her mother.艾娃18岁离家,但在十年后她回来照顾她的母亲。 come back from the dead v expr figurative (succeed again) (比喻)重振旗鼓,重新来过In last place going into the final lap, the runner came back from the dead to win the race. come back from the dead v expr figurative (recover) (比喻)鬼门关走一遭;从重症恢复过来;捡回一条命After the triple bypass, he came back from the dead and now he is living an active life.经过三次旁路移植,他终于捡回一条命,现在过着非常活跃的生活。 come back to bite you v expr figurative, informal (cause problems later)作茧自缚;自食其果 come back to haunt you v expr figurative, informal (cause regret later)追悔莫及;后悔莫及 come before [sth] vi + prep (precede)出现在…之前The number 2 comes before 3, and 4 comes before 5. come before [sth] vi + prep figurative (be more important than)优先于;比…更重要The welfare of my family comes before anything else. come clean vi + adj informal (confess) (非正式用语)交代, 全盘托出 come clean about [sth] vi + adj informal (confess to [sth])坦白;坦诚说出You might feel better if you go to your boss and just come clean about what you did. come closer vi (approach, get nearer)靠得更拢;再靠紧一点If you come closer to the nest, you will be able to hear the birds better. come down [sth] vi + prep (descend)从…下来;下An avalanche prevented them from coming down the mountain.雪崩致使他们无法下山。 come down hard on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (punish)惩罚 come down in price v expr informal (become less expensive)价格下跌That computer will come down in price when a faster model becomes available. come down on the side of [sb], come down on [sb]'s side v expr (choose to support)支持;站在...一边 come down on the side of [sth] v expr (decide in favor of)赞成;赞同 come down the pike v expr US, figurative (appear, emerge)出现;发生 come down to earth v expr figurative (be realistic)回到现实中来He came down to earth with a real bump when he was forced to get his first job. come face to face with v expr literal, figurative (be confronted by, meet [sb], [sth])与…当面对质,与…面对面I knew that at some point, I would have to come face to face with my ex. come first vi + adv (finish first in race)第一个到达终点Mark came first in the race. come first vi + adv (be first in sequence)先来Which came first, the chicken or the egg? come first vi + adv figurative (be top priority)放在第一位Caring for her children comes first; her job is second priority. come from [sth] vi + prep (be born or raised in)来自;出生于She comes from India.He comes from a very poor part of the country.她出生于印度。 // 他来自这个国家极其贫困的地区。 come from [sth] vi + prep (have as its source)来自Three-quarters of our daily water supply comes from lakes, rivers, and streams.我们日常用水的四分之三来自于湖泊、河流以及小溪。 come from behind v expr (sports: win from a lagging position) (体育)迎头赶上;后来居上He overtook the leader in the last lap to come from behind to win. come-from-behind adj (involving a big catchup in points)后来居上的;逆转比分的 come full circle v expr figurative (return to original situation)兜了一圈回到原地Today I'm starting work back at the firm where I had my first job; I feel like my career's come full circle.今天,我又回自己开始工作时的第一家公司任职了;我感觉自己的职涯兜了一圈,又回到了原地。 come hell or high water adv (whatever the difficulties)无论遇见什么困难;不论上刀山下火海Come hell or high water, I am going to finish this marathon. Come here interj (beckoning)过来Come here and look at the painting. Come here often?, Do you come here often? expr informal (chat-up line)你常来这里吗?;常来吗? come home v expr (return to your home)回家Come straight home after school today, young man! Finn's parents were anxious when he failed to come home after going to the pub with his friends. come home to roost v expr figurative (become a problem)得到报应;恶有恶报The company's financial problems came home to roost and it nearly went bankrupt. come in contact with [sth], come into contact with [sth] v expr (be exposed to: [sth] harmful)接触;暴露于I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu.come in contact with [sb], come into contact with [sb] v expr (meet: [sb])遇见;和...接触come in for [sth] v expr informal (suffer: criticism, etc.) (批评、指责等)遭到,受到come in from the cold v expr figurative (no longer be in exile)摆脱孤立;不再受冷落come in handy v expr informal (prove useful)派上用场I always keep paper clips in my wallet; you never know when they'll come in handy.我总是在钱包里放几个回形针,你也说不准哪天它们就派上用场了。come in peace v expr (have no hostile intent)为和平而来,毫无敌意When they invade they will undoubtedly say "We come in peace."come into [sth] vi + prep (enter)进入When the famous actress came into the room, everyone turned to look at her.那位著名的女演员走进房间,每个人都转过头望向她。come into being v expr (be born)出生The Internet didn't just come into being spontaneously. It is the result of decades of research and development.come into being v expr (be created)产生;形成;出现come into existence v expr (be born)出生come into existence v expr (come about, be created)产生;形成;出现The universe came into existence with a big bang.come into focus v expr (image, view: be sharper) (图像、视野)变清晰come into focus v expr figurative (become clear)变得明了,变得一目了然When he started asking me for money, his true intentions came into focus.come into focus v expr figurative (become central topic)成为关注焦点;聚焦come into force, come into effect v expr (become applicable, active)开始生效The new law does not come into force until February of next year.come into play vi (become involved)开始起作用Tiredness comes into play near the end of a race.come into possession of [sth] v expr (find, obtain)拥有;占有;获得When I received my inheritance, I came into possession of several rare coins.我在遗产中收到了几枚稀有的硬币。come into the world v expr (person: be born)出生;出世He came into the world kicking and screaming just like the rest of us.come into your own v expr (become confident and mature)充分发挥自我;展示自我才能come last vi + adv (lose a race, be the slowest) (赛跑)最后一名I came last in the race.come last vi + adv (be last in sequence)最后一个In the English alphabet, Z comes last.come last vi + adv figurative (be lowest in priority) (重要性)放在最后一位,放在末位Too many people allow their physical fitness to come last in their list of priorities.come loose vi + adj (become unfastened)变松;散开You better tighten that tire, it's starting to come loose.那个轮子有点松了,你得拧紧点。come naturally v expr (be done easily without training)不用学就会做某事;不必训练就会做某事come naturally to [sb] v expr (be easy for [sb] to do)对...来说很简单;对...很轻松come near, come close vi + adv (approach)接近, 靠近She warned him not to come near, as she was still contagious.come near [sth/sb], come near to [sth/sb], come close v expr (get closer)走近,接近,靠近Don't come near me or I'll shoot!come near to [sth], come close to [sth] v expr figurative (nearly experience [sth]) (比喻)差一点就, 几乎就要Lauren came close to death after contracting measles.感染天花后,劳伦差点去世。come near to doing [sth], come close to doing [sth] v expr figurative (nearly do [sth])差一点就...After I lost my job and my son died, I came near to having a breakdown.come next v expr (follow, be next in sequence)下一个是After the letter S, T comes next in the English alphabet.come of age v expr (reach adulthood)满法定年龄;成年Many cultures have a ritual to celebrate when a youth comes of age.在许多文化中都会举行仪式,庆祝少年成年。come of age v expr figurative (be fully developed)变成熟;发展充分Has blogging finally come of age as a way to make money?博客是否终于成为了成熟的赚钱途径?come off vi + adv (detach itself)下来Once they are firmly stuck on, the labels won't come off.一旦牢牢地粘住,标签就掉不下来。come off it! interj slang (skeptical)别吹牛了Come off it! Do you honestly expect me to run a marathon?Come on! interj informal (prompt)快点!Come on, hurry up! We're going to be late!快点,快点!我们要迟到了!Come on! interj informal (encouragement) (非正式用语,表示鼓励或者怂恿)来吧,快点Oh, come on! It'll be fun.哎呀,来吧!你会很开心的。Come on! interj slang (disbelief) (非正式用语,表示不相信或者不同意)算了吧,行了Come on! You must be joking!行了!你一定是在开玩笑!come-on n slang (flirtation)调情备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounLarry interpreted Maria's wink as a come-on.拉里将玛丽亚的眨眼理解为调情。come-on n slang (enticement to buy) (俚语,用于招揽顾客)快来买!买吧买吧What a come-on! Your payments are low enough for the first year, but then they triple after that.come on the heels of [sth] v expr informal, figurative (follow directly)跟随;紧跟Come one, come all interj (exhorting all to attend)来吧,大家一起来The loudspeakers shouted out "Come one, come all, to see the circus."come out of the closet v expr figurative, dated (announce that you are gay) (承认是同性恋)出柜He only came out of the closet when he was 34.come out of the woodwork, crawl out of the woodwork v expr figurative, disapproving (appear suddenly)突然冒出come out on top v expr figurative, informal (succeed) (历经困难后)取得胜利,取得成功I think he's smart enough to overcome his disability and come out on top.come out on top v expr figurative, informal (win)技高一筹;赢过对手We've got some talented footballers in our team; I'm confident we'll come out on top.come rain or shine adv (whatever the weather)风雨无阻,不论晴雨,不管打雷下雨Come rain or shine, we are going to the beach tomorrow!无论明天刮风下雨,我们都要去海滩!come rain or shine adv (whatever happens)不论如何,不论什么情况Come rain or shine, I will never abandon you.come running v expr informal (hurry, rush)跑过来,跑来The children came running as soon as they smelled the cookies their mother was baking.come running v expr informal, figurative (be eager)急切come [sb]'s way n (happen in [sb]'s life)经历;阅历That is the worst thing that ever came my way.I have a feeling that some good luck will come your way soon.那是我所经历的最糟糕的事情。// 我预感你很快就要走运了。come thick and fast v expr (be profuse and rapid)接踵而至;纷至沓来come to [sb] vi + prep (reach)到达;来到I lost contact with my brother years ago, and the news of his death came to me in a letter from his solicitor.几年前,我和我哥哥失去了联系,他的律师写信告知我他去世的消息。come to [sth] vi + prep figurative (deteriorate) (某种程度,某种地步)糟到Has our relationship really come to this: shouting at one another in the street?我们的关系真的到了这种地步:在街上互相叫嚷?come to [sth] vi + prep (be about, relate to)说到;提到When it comes to the work of Charles Dickens, she is one of the world's leading experts.提到查尔斯·狄更斯的作品,她是世界上这方面一流的专家之一。come to a bitter end v expr (end unpleasantly)落得一个痛苦结局;以不幸告终Their marriage came to a bitter end after he had a series of affairs.come to a conclusion v expr (person: deduce)得出结论The police came to the conclusion that at least three men were involved in the robbery.come to a conclusion v expr (end)结束The story comes to a conclusion when the hero rescues the children.come to a decision v expr (decide)(经过深思熟虑后)做出决定After months of thinking, I've come to a decision on which college to attend.come to a halt v expr (stop suddenly)停止;停下来It's time that this frivolous nonsense comes to a halt.come to a head v expr (become a crisis)到紧急关头come to a point where v expr informal (reach a situation) (非正式用语)到了…的时候I have come to a point in my life where I do not like to party every night.come to a standstill v expr (vehicle, process: stop)停住;停顿;停滞不前We made an emergency landing, and as soon as the aircraft came to a standstill we evacuated through the emergency doors.come to a stop v expr (halt)停住Please wait for the bus to come to a stop before you get off.come to an agreement v expr (decide mutually) (计划等)达成协议,达成一致The two men came to an agreement over the price of the secondhand car.come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (resolve a dispute)与…达成协议It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other.;come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (agree to terms)与…达成一致I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the weekends.come to an arrangement v expr (compromise, agree on [sth])谈妥;达成共识come to an end v expr (conclude)结束;终止;完结All good things must come to an end.come to an end v expr (be resolved)解决;完结With some therapy your internal conflict could finally come to an end.come to be v expr (come into existence)成为;产生come to be v expr (arise, happen)产生,出现;发生How did it come to be that British and American English spell 'colour' differently?come to blows v expr (fight)打起来;互殴Before the evening was over her fiancé and her ex-lover had come to blows.come to fruition v expr (be attained, succeed)取得成果I'm afraid our plans will never come to fruition.come to grief v expr (end in misfortune)遭受劫难;倒霉come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (understand)了解;明白;懂得One must read a work of philosophy several times in order to come to grips with it.come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (master)掌握;学会When I had finally come to grips with algebra, I began to learn calculus.come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (deal with, accept)处理;应付;接受It was difficult to come to grips with my parents' tragic deaths.come to grips with [sb] v expr dated (be in close combat with)与...搏斗;与...打斗come to know [sb/sth] v expr (grow familiar)逐渐明白;开始清楚You're not the woman I've come to know. You've changed.come to life v expr figurative (liven up) (比喻)变得活跃,开始有生气It's surprising how much I come to life after a short nap.come to life v expr figurative (art, theatre: be convincing) (比喻,艺术、戏剧等)栩栩如生,按现实刻画His stories seem to come to life as he tells them with such passion.come to light v expr figurative (be revealed)显露;显现Every day more information about the scandal comes to light.come to mind v expr (be recalled)想起;想到;记起He tried to solve the problem by brainstorming, jotting down the first thing that came to mind.come to naught (US), come to nought (UK) v expr (fail, have no effect)落空;化为泡影come to nothing v expr (plan, idea: fail) (计划等)没有实现,毫无结果He felt that all his efforts had come to nothing.come to pass v expr literary (happen, occur)发生;出现come to [sb]'s assistance v expr (offer to help)向…提供帮助;帮…的忙She was quick to come to my assistance when I needed some help.come to terms v expr (reach agreement)达成协议;达成妥协The lawyers should negotiate with each other until they come to terms on the matter.律师们应该不断与彼此协商,直到他们就该问题达成协议。come to terms with [sth] v expr figurative (accept)接受…It took Rich years to come to terms with the death of his father.come to that expr UK, informal (in fact, what is more)如果事实是那样的话;不致如此come to the aid of [sb] v expr (offer to help)向…提供帮助;帮…的忙The paramedics will come to the aid of anyone who is injured. The Red Cross came to the aid of thousands of injured and homeless after the earthquake.紧急医护人员会来抢救任何受伤的人。地震之后,有成千上万的伤者和无家可归者获得了红十字会的帮助。come to [sb]'s aid v expr (offer to help)帮助..., 援助...come to the attention of [sb], come to [sb]'s attention v expr (be noticed)引起...的关注;吸引...的注意It has come to the attention of management that many employees are using the computers to play games.come to the defense of [sb/sth] (US), come to the defence of [sb/sth] (UK) v expr (defend, support)保护;保卫come to [sb]'s/[sth]'s defense (US), come to [sb]'s/[sth]'s defence (UK) v expr (defend, support)保护..., 捍卫...come to the floor v expr mainly US (be debated in legislative chamber)送立法机构商议;在立法机构商讨come to the fore v expr figurative (become prominent) (比喻)显现出来;体现出来;水落石出As they argued, their real differences came to the fore.一番争论过后,他们之间的差异显现了出来。come to the fore v expr figurative (take action) (比喻)挺身而出In times of danger, leaders must come to the fore to deal with the crisis.come to the front v expr figurative (become prominent)出人头地,崭露头角come to the front v expr (move forward)到前面来,向前来Please let women and children come to the front of the line. Just click on a tab to make another window come to the front.请让妇女和儿童到前面来。只需点击一个标签,另一个窗口就会置顶显示。come to the rescue v expr (offer help in an emergency)援救;营救The police will come to the rescue after a crime.come together vi + adj (unite, join forces)团结一致;聚集,集合We must come together if we want to win the battle.如果想要赢得战斗的胜利,我们就必须团结一致。come together vi + adv (arrive at same time)一起来;一同到,一起到Since they ride the same bus, they always come together.因为乘同一辆公车,所以他们总是一起到。come true v expr (become reality, happen for real)成真;实现;变成现实When she was young she believed that all her dreams would someday come true.usage: ‘come true’If a dream, wish, or prediction comes true, it actually happens.Remember that some dreams come true.The worst of the predictions might come true.Be carefulDon't say that something ‘becomes true’.come under [sth] v expr (be categorized, grouped within)归入;分类到; (某一种类)属于This report comes under the heading of "Finance", so it can be filed in that folder.这份报告标题属于“金融”,所以该放到那个文件夹里。come under v expr (be exposed to, suffer)遭到;遭受The squadron came under attack.The policy came under intense scrutiny.come under fire for [sth] v expr figurative (be criticized harshly)因为...而成为万夫所指;因为...而受抨击come undone vi + adj (become unfastened)松开,散开When I looked down, I saw that my shoe laces had come undone.come undone vi + adj figurative (lose all control)失去控制,全面失控If you don't take some time off work to relax you're going to come undone.come unstuck vi + adj (become detached)未粘住,脱开The tiles may come unstuck if you use that low-quality adhesive to fasten them.come unstuck vi + adj figurative (fail, go wrong) (比喻)失败,弄糟,弄砸The peace process seems to have come unstuck.come up for air v expr (rise to water's surface)浮上水面吸口气He had to come up for air after being underwater for two minutes.come up for air v expr figurative (take a break)休息片刻We worked straight through for 24 hours without even a break to come up for air.come up trumps v expr UK, informal (succeed, do well)做得很好come what may adv (whatever happens)不论发生什么事情I'll remain happy come what may.come with [sb] vi + prep (accompany)跟(某人)在一起I'm leaving now. Are you going to come with me or not?我要走了,你要跟我一起吗?come with [sth] vi + prep informal (entail, necessitate) (非正式用语)必然引起;达成Success comes with hard work.勤奋努力才能成功。come with [sth] vi + prep informal (be accompanied by) (非正式用语)与…一起;配有,与…搭配Does the hamburger come with fries?这种汉堡配有薯条吗?come within an ace of [sth] v expr informal (almost do [sth])差一点就;几乎就come within an inch of doing [sth], be within an inch of doing [sth] v expr figurative (almost do)差一点就去做某事;几乎要去做某事come-hither adj dated (enticing, especially sexually) (尤指性)诱惑人的,吸引人的dream come true n figurative (desire becomes reality)梦想成真Getting promoted was a dream come true for her.easy come, easy go expr informal (relaxed attitude) (指态度)云淡风轻;淡定Henry never gets stressed about life; it's easy come, easy go with him.easy come, easy go expr informal ([sth] is gained and lost quickly)来得快;去得快;得来容易;失去也容易First come, first served expr (Being prompt pays rewards)先到先得The buffet is first come, first served, so you had better get there early if you want something good.for a long time to come adv (way into the future)长期,在将来的很长一段时间内Oil spills affect the environment both immediately and for a long time to come.for years to come adv (for a long time into the future)未来几年;今后几年Large balance of payments deficits are expected for years to come.get to the point, come to the point v expr informal (speak directly)谈到正题;说到要害It took Natalie a long time to get to the point.hard to come by adj (rare, difficult to find)稀有的,难找到的,难得到的First editions of the book are hard to come come expr informal (why is it that) (非正式用语)怎么会How come you aren't at work?你怎么会没上班?How come? interj informal (Why?)为什么?You guys split up? How come?kingdom come n now rare (Biblical: afterlife)来世;天国; (比喻)西天The bomb blast blew all of those inside the building to kingdom come.炸弹将大楼中所有的人都送上了西天。till kingdom come, 'til kingdom come, until kingdom come adv figurative (forever, eternity)永远Give her a ring to see if she's on her way, otherwise we could be here till kingdom come adj (in the future)即将到来的We have no idea what is to come in the next few years.我们对接下来的几年里有什么即将到来全然不知。come top of the class v expr (achieve higher grades than classmates)取得一流成绩;排名前列world to come n (future)未来世界




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