

词汇 frontal lobes
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frontal lobe───大脑额叶

frontal bones───[解剖]额骨

frontal bone───[解剖]额骨

frontal cyclones───锋面气旋

frontal lobotomies───额叶切断术;额叶白质切断术

frontal cortex───额皮质

parietal lobes───[解剖]顶叶;顶骨叶

front lines───前线;第一线;锋面线

frontal area───正面;锋面;最大截面;[昆]额区


The achievements of our frontal lobes are undermined by the backwardness of our adrenal glands.───我们的落后的肾上腺将我们大脑额叶所取得的成就大打折扣.

In particular, they're not fully myelinated in their frontal lobes.───特别是他们额叶的髓鞘并未完全发育。

Recall that frontal lobes are involved in things like restraint and willpower.───记得额叶与约束力和意志力有关吧。

Fig . 4 . Normal cranial ultrasound through the frontal lobes term infant.───图4正常婴儿的经额叶冠状切面.

A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri.───额叶冠状面显示累及下方脑回的广泛挫伤.


Or is he up in his frontal lobes, which he uses for speculating and worrying and planning?

And for a long time, we thought that both frontal lobes had to be damaged before any symptoms occurred.

The frontal lobes are the last places where myelination occurs. These regions are responsible for higher-level reasoning, planning and judgment—skills that only come with experience.

The neurologists talk about an accountant with a large tumor involving the base of his frontal lobes.

Even in his haste he noted subtle distinctions of taste between cerebellum and cortex, between frontal lobes and limbic system.

That seems to activate the cerebral cortex in the parietal lobes more than in the frontal lobes.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Glucose metabolism of bilateral frontal lobes, bilateral caudate nuclei, bilateral cingulate gyri and bilateral cerebella.

A coronal section through the frontal lobes reveals extensive contusions involving the inferior gyri.

In the other effective operation, some white matter at the base of the frontal lobes is destroyed instead.

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