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词汇 band
释义 bandUK:*/ˈbænd/US:/bænd/ ,(band)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 band n (musical group)乐队There will be three bands playing at the concert.音乐会上将有三支乐队演奏。 band n (strip or strap)带;箍He tied a band of cotton around his arm to stop the bleeding.他把棉带缠在手臂上止血。usage: ‘band’A band is a narrow strip of material such as cloth or metal which is joined at the ends so that it can be fitted tightly round something....a panama hat with a red band.A man with a black band around his arm stood alone.Her hair was in a pony tail secured with a rubber band. band n (stripe)条纹;镶边Do you see the bands that he painted around his car?你看到他在车身上涂的那些条纹了吗? band n usually pejorative (group or gang)(一)群(人);(一)帮(人)The band of kids must have gone into the movie theatre.这群孩子肯定是跑到电影院去了。 其他翻译 band n (ring)箍;环;戒指They exchanged wedding bands during the ceremony.婚礼上,他们交换了结婚戒指。 band n (land)(一)条(土地);带状物There is a thin band of land between the two rivers.两条河流间有一条狭长的土地。 band n (group of animals)(一)群(动物)A band of sheep grazed in the meadow.一群绵羊在草地上吃草。 band n (belt)皮带;传动带The leather band turned the flywheel.传动带带动飞轮运转。 band n (rubber band)橡皮筋;松紧带He put a rubber band around the papers.他用一根橡皮筋捆住了文件。 band n (radio frequency) (无线电频率)波段,频带What band is that station on?那个电台在哪个频带? band n (ribbon)(一)条、根(丝带);带状物She tied a band of ribbon around the post to help people find the party.她在杆子上系了一根丝带,好帮助人们找到派对地点。 band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr (tie)捆扎;绑,系He banded the package with a thick string. band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr (mark with a band)给...系上标记Band the stalks of the flowers you want to buy. 复合形式: band leader n (music: conductor)乐队指挥 band practice n (music group's rehearsal)乐队排练,练团I have band practice after school from 4pm to 6pm. band saw n (woodworking machine)带锯A band saw allows you to cut free form shapes, which may not be possible with regular saws. bandsaw [sth] vtr (cut with band saw)锯 band together vi + adv (join forces)联合起来The inhabitants banded together to fight the insect invaders. Band-Aid, band-aid n ® (sticking plaster) (商标)邦迪牌创可贴;创可贴备注: As a registered trademark, "Band-Aid" should be capitalized, but it is often not capitalized in either informal communication or when the term is used figuratively. band-aid n figurative (superficial solution)权宜之计This solution is just a band-aid; it will do nothing to solve the real problem. big band n (style of music: large dance band)大型乐队Big band leaders like Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, and Tommy Dorsey transformed jazz music into swing. brake band (brake strap)制动带;刹带 brass band n (band playing brass instruments)铜管乐队A brass band will lead the funeral procession down Bourbon Street.铜管乐队将带领葬礼队伍沿着Boubon街行进。 concert band n (brass band, wind instrument group)管乐队Concert bands have brass, woodwind and percussion, but no stringed instruments. elastic band n (rubber band)橡筋带;松紧带Robert used an elastic band to hold all his pens and pencils together. hairband, hair band n (elastic band for hair)发带Her long tresses were held back by a simple black hairband. hairband, hair band n (rigid band going over the hair)发箍, 发卡The little girls all wore colorful hairbands to keep their hair out of their faces. jazz band n (musical group who play jazz)爵士乐队 jug band n (music group playing improvised instruments)即兴坛罐乐队The first jug band was formed in Louisville, KY in the 1920s. leader, band leader n US (music: conductor) (乐团)指挥The leader of the band told them when to start and stop playing. marching band n (musical group that parades)游行乐队;步操乐队I used to play clarinet in a marching band.我曾在一个游行乐队里演奏单簧管。 military band n (instrumental group that plays on military occasions)军乐队The military band was called to play at the governor's funeral, since he was an ex-Marine. one-man band n (street musician: many instruments)独奏乐队;单人乐队 one-man band n figurative (person: does many tasks)一人团队;同时做多项任务的人 one-man band n figurative (person: runs a business alone)个体户;个体经营 rock band n (heavy pop music group)摇滚乐队Geoff plays drums in a rock band. rubber band n (elastic band)橡皮筋The postman uses rubber bands to bundle together letters for the same address.邮差会用橡皮筋将送往同一个地址的信件捆在一起。 steel band (music)铜鼓乐队 to beat the band expr US, informal, figurative (to a high degree)令人惊叹;了不起 upper band n (highest level or range)上频带;上频范围 watch band n (strap of a wristwatch)手表带I replaced my old watch band with a genuine leather one. watchband, watch band, watch strap n (strap of a wristwatch)(手)表带The watchband is available in several different colours. waveband, wave band n (radio: frequency range)(无线电)波段;频带 wedding band n (ring given on marriage)结婚戒指 wind band n (musical group of wind instruments)管乐队 wristband, watchband, watch band n (strap of a wristwatch)手表带I need to replace the wristband on my watch because it is broken.




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