n.本国语( first language的名词复数 )
first language───第一语言;母语
formal languages───形式语言;正规语言
target languages───目的语;目标语言;译入语
mixed languages───混合语言
sign languages───手语;符号语言
world languages───世界语,世界通用语言
minority languages───少数民族语言;少数人的语言;小语种
ancient languages───古代语言
W: First, the languages on the label should be in both English and French.───W:首先,标签上的语言必须是英语和法语。
The filters are actually open source program code written in LISP, one of the first programming languages ever created.───过滤器实际上是使用LISP编写的一种开源程序代码,LISP是最先创建的编程语言之一。
First of all, languages as well as nice editors are much easier to build.───首先是更加容易建立语言以及一个好的编辑器。
Smalltalk was one of the first languages built around the concept of objects.───Smalltalk是围绕对象概念构建的第一批语言之一。
PHP was one of the first languages dedicated to the web and one of the easiest to learn.───PHP是专用于网站开发的第一语言和最容易学习的语言。
Precisely because people are learning English as a second language, they are not actually giving up their first languages.───正是因为人们把英语作为第二语言来学习,所以他们并未完全放弃自己的母语。
The first languages in Taiwan were the Formosan languages.───台湾最早的语言是台湾南岛语言。
- first aid
- first school education
- first people
- firste changebank
- first last
- first years
- first rate
- first swag
- first stage
- first rate staffing
- first aid beauty
- firstly secondly lastly
- firstly synonym
- first song
- first light
- first of all
- first cost product
- first class movers
- first you
- first served
- first live