

词汇 filter press
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filter presses───压滤机

filter papers───滤纸(尤制定量滤纸)

bitter cress───野荠菜;碎米荠

cider press───苹果榨汁器

filter beds───滤床;滤水池

filter pumps───[机]过滤泵

gutter press───n.黄色小报

winter cress───山芥

flatbed press───平台印刷机


Then deliver the sludge to filter press with pumps in order to separate moisture in sludge in the form of liquid.───然后用泵将污泥输送到压滤机,使污泥中的水分以液态的形式分离。

The reasonableness in using inclined board settling basin together with belt type filter press is analyzed.───结合唐钢实际,分析和描述了系统采用斜板沉淀池和带式压滤机的合理性。

Filter press help paper making to increase the productivity, reduce energy consumption, reduce pollution.───造纸行业使用的隔膜压滤机,提高了生产率,降低能耗,减少污染。

Filter press for converting treatment waste into sludge cakes.───将滤出的废物制成泥饼的压滤机.

This paper inducted the application of DYQ 1000 - X Belt Filter Press to dewatering leather process sludge.───本文主要介绍了DYQ1000-X带式压榨过滤机,在制革污泥脱水中的应用.

The company is specialized in producing FHXB series rubber plates, reinforced polypropylene plates minivan, frame - filter press.───本公司专业生产FHXB系列复合橡胶板 、 增强聚丙烯板厢式 、 板框 式 压滤机.

The designment and magnification of rotary filter - press was offered.───本文为旋转压滤机的放大与设计提供了设计方法和依据.

The working conditions of filter press used in PTA production refining unit were introduced.───介绍在PTA生产中精制单元采用压滤机的工作情况.

The application of box - filter - press in gold dressing - works and its advantage are introduced.───介绍了厢 式 压滤机在黄金选矿厂中的应用情况,分析了使用厢 式 压滤机的优越性.


According to the failures of van-type filter press, stress analysis is presented for main components such as filter plate by finite element theory.

We want to buy Waste Water Treatment, Water Purification, Dewatering, Bar Screen, Rotary Drum Screen, Jet Diffuser, Pump, Water Filter, Belt Filter Press, Powder Dissolver Pumps and Pumping Equipment.

By employing the membrane filter press, both hardness of the palm stearin and yield of palm olein were enhanced, and higher fractionation efficiency was got.

The company is specialized in producing FHXB series rubber plates, reinforced polypropylene plates minivan, frame - filter press.

Involution dehydration, cutting dehydration. instead of the Filter Press and centrifuge inspissation machines, That is the ideal equipment of pulp washing and dirty mud dewatering.

Based on the characteristics of mud and combined with the performances of various kinds of mud dehydrator in our nation, the performance and work principle of belt type filter press are reviewed.

We are the first enterprise that develop and produce plastic plate in China, was main drafter of filter press industry standard.

You find an awful lot of things talking to Fred who works the filter press, y'know.

A membrane filter press was used for solid-liquid separation in a process to fractionate palm oil. After the filtration, press cake was pressed and squeezed to drive out water and air.

  • filter c n
  • filter element
  • filter out
  • filter funnel
  • filter press
  • filter by
  • filter cover
  • filter filtro




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