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figures of speech───修辞格;修辞手法;形象化比喻

figure of speeches───修辞;比喻说法

liberty of speech───言论自由

figure of eight───n.(打结,溜冰,舞步等的)8字形;8字形物体(或动作)

figure of merit───品质因数;灵敏值

part of speech───词性,词类

freedom of speech───言论自由

pattern of speech───言语模式

liberty of speeches───言论自由


As a means of figure of speech, it is widely used in real communication.───作为一种修辞手段, 在语言交际中被广泛运用.

Irony is an often used figure of speech.───摘要反语是一种常用的修辞格.

Levi was a working chemist, but the title is a metaphor and even this figure of speech is sometimes a little strained to comply with the book's scheme.───的本职是一名化学家,但是这个书名用的是暗喻手法。 有的时候,这种修辞格与这本书的表达意图有些牵强附会。

I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech.───我不是说她真在外层空间 -- 这只是打个比方.

other words you come to understand what language is I figured it out but of course in rhetorical theory figure is precisely a figure of speech.───句话说,你开始明白了语言的本质,我想通了,但当然,在修辞学理论中,描绘,恰恰指一种比喻。

Of course I'm not. It was just a figure of speech.───我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。

What's the figure of speech of the sentence?───这句话用了什么修辞格?

A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared.───一种修辞手法,把两种基本不相像的东西进行比较.

Bourgeois Socialism attains adequate expression , when , and only when, it becomes a mere figure of speech.───资产阶级的社会主义只有在它变成纯粹的演说辞令的时候, 才获得自己的适当的表现.

A figure of speech a part is used for the whole.───一种以局部代表整体的修辞方法.

I just said that it was like tank, a figure of speech.───听着,我说笑死了只是一种夸张的说法.

It was just a figure of speech!───这只是一种比喻说法!

I't really mean my partner is a snake's just a figure of speech.───我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,不过是打个比方.

The fable is figure of speech, including noumenon and implication. Zhuangzi's fables are no ( exception ).───从修辞学的角度看,寓言乃是比喻, 有其本体和喻体, 《 庄子 》寓言自不能外.

The most important function figure of speech is expression.───修辞格最重要的功能是表达功能.

The passage employs a figure of speech called parallelism.───这句话运用了对仗的修辞方法.

Of course this is just a figure of speech.───当然,这不过是一种形象化的说法.

Transferred epithet or hypallage is a common figure of speech in both English and Chinese languages.───移就或修饰语移置是英语和汉语中一种常见的修辞格.

His disciples said, " Now are plainly, and not in any figure of speech. "───他的门徒便说: " 看,现在你明明地讲论, 不用什么比喻了.

This figure of speech is plain and pungent.───这篇文章清晰而中肯.

Today, High Mountain and Running Water a figure of speech about the bosom friends.───今天, 人们用“高山流水”来比喻知心朋友.

Transferred epithet is a very figure of speech of great importance in language use.───摘要移就是语言使用中一个重要的修辞格.

Quantitative hyperbole is common figure of speech in both Chinese and English.───数量夸张是汉语和英语所共有的修辞格.

Since then this figure of speech has become quite vigorous on both sides of the Atlantic.───从这以后,这个比喻用法在大西洋两岸盛行起来.

The leopard cannot change his spots" is just a figure of speech.───豹子改变不了身上的斑点”是个比喻,指江山易改本性难移。


Of course I'm not. It was just a figure of speech.

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