

词汇 那一点是很肯定的用英语怎么说
释义 那一点是很肯定的用英语怎么说

That's for sure


一点───one o'clock


She did not fall asleep until it was one o'clock.───她一直到一点钟才睡着。

At one o'clock - 8 p. m. British Double Summer Time - he was sitting in a chair while sketches were being made of him by an architect.───1点时(英国双夏令时8点)--他坐在椅子上,一位画家在为他作画。

mr . cruncher beguiled the earlier watches of the night with solitary pipes , and did not start upon his excursion until nearly one o clock.───克朗彻先生一个人一锅一锅地抽着烟斗,打发着初入夜的几个小时,直到差不多半夜才准备出发。

More passengers, fewer seats, especially on the work of the time, there is no congestion was one o'clock gap.───乘客多,座位少,尤其是上下班的时间,拥挤得一点空隙也没有。

One o'clock came while he was still on the car practising, and he began to feel hungry.───1点钟到了,这时他还在车上练习,他开始感到饿了。

That is how he looked at one o'clock, when he walked out of the bathroom as if he had just awakened from a restorative sleep.───当一点钟,他走出浴室的时候,就是这个样子,好像刚刚睡了好觉。


It's nearly one o'clock.

The clock chimed one o'clock.

It's five minutes after one o'clock.

At one o'clock the rain had ceased.

It was past one o'clock when he came in.

That will suit me like one o'clock.

I make it about one o'clock.

I will come between twelve and one o'clock.

The ferry leaves for France at one o'clock.

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