

词汇 family men
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family man───有家室的人;忠于家庭的人

family pet───家庭宠物

family names───姓氏

family times───家庭时间

family feud───世仇

family name───姓氏

family plan───家庭计划

family time───家庭时间

family tree───家谱;系统;家系图;系谱图


Here, they're not so much family men who happen to work as truck drivers; they're truck drivers who happen to have a family.───在这里,他们不是家人,只是碰巧一起工作,比如都是卡车司机;一个以卡车司机为主的大家庭。

Last Friday these family men left for the Naches River.───上星期五,这几个居家男人一起去了纳切斯河。

They are decent men, family men.───他们是体面的男人,有家室的男人。

Elders also have to have wives, be family men, and all this sort of thing.───长老也要有妻子,有家庭,等等。

Many studies have found that Generation X family men help around the house a good deal more than their forefathers.───许多研究发现,“X一代”的男性家庭成员承担的家务比他们的先辈多得多。

All the governors-general have been family men, and few have had broken marriages.───所有的省长干事已家族男人,而很少有破碎的婚姻。

Their goal: not to settle down as family men but rather to exert what is perhaps the most intimate, and lasting, form of control.───他们的目的并非为了完婚成家,而是想要通过最亲密、最持久的方式来支配他们的伴侣。

During that time, his wife Lee relies entirely on the meagre salary to live, even when played a "family men and women. "───那段时间,李安完全靠妻子微薄的薪水度日,甚至当起了“家庭妇男”。

  • family times
  • family ties
  • family harmony
  • family s
  • family card
  • family dog
  • family words
  • family out
  • family relationships
  • family trip
  • family mobile
  • family menbers
  • family nice
  • family court
  • family club
  • family issue
  • family dress
  • family hotel
  • family place
  • family history
  • family farmers




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